Video: Man Refuses To Comply With Internal Checkpoints

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Score one for the Fourth Amendment

Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Using the excuse of attempting to apprehend illegal immigrants, Border Patrol agents have set up a network of unconstitutional checkpoints inside the United States. In this video clip, informed citizen Steven Anderson provides a sterling example of how to stand up for your rights and prove that such checkpoints are unenforceable because they violate the 4th amendment.

Traveling through California, Anderson encountered numerous internal checkpoints. When Border Patrol agents attempted to detain him for questioning, Anderson refused, citing his right as an American citizen to “go free on my way.”

The reaction of the officers who blithely expect Anderson to immediately comply with their request for him to to pull over and endure further harassment is stunned silence.

The full exchange, courtesy of SHTF Plan, went as follows.

Anderson: Is this Nazi Germany now, that I have to show my papers?

Officer: It’s a simple yes or no. I need an answer or we can detain you until we figure out whether you’re a U.S. citizen.

Anderson: Well, you know what’s more simple is the fact that my freedom is a little more important than you seem to think. Setting up checkpoints where people have to prove that they’re a citizen is not something that America is supposed to be about. So, I’m not sure if you understand that.

Supervisor enters scene: Grunt

Anderson: Grunt

Supervisor: Just pull up over there (points to line of detained cars)

Anderson: No, thank you… I want to go free on my way. Here I am just going about my own business and I don’t need to stop at a checkpoint to prove who I am because this is America. Correct me if I’m wrong – did I stumble into Mexico or is this still the United States?

Supervisor: This is the United States.

Anderson: Therefore, I should have the freedom to travel unmolested, because I’m in America here.


Supervisor: Ok, go ahead and go.

If more people follow Anderson’s example by simply standing up for their rights and refusing to obey unconstitutional demands, freedom can still be salvaged in America.

Make no mistake, on another occasion the Border Patrol agents may have been more aggressive and even attempted to arrest Anderson, but every individual battle in the wider war to restore liberty is worth taking such risks.

This incident represents just one example of a growing trend of informed citizens refusing to comply with the police state that is dependent on their consent to function. Last week we reported on another example of Americans standing up to unconstitutional police behavior when a family refused to allow cops to perform a warrantless search of their garage sale.

Watch a previous clip in which Alex Jones encountered a similar internal checkpoint during which Border Patrol agents demanded to search his vehicle without a warrant.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.

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63 Responses to “Video: Man Refuses To Comply With Internal Checkpoints”

  1. “Your papers are not in order old man”

    Huggles Reply:
    July 12th, 2012 at 12:34 pm

    LOL!!! The US is beginning to look like an Israeli checkpoint in Palestine. In a few years you are going to have to get out of you cars at checkpoint and show your papers on foot have lined up for several hours.

  2. does this look like the border to you?
    shouldnt you be wearing a swastika armband?

    I’m not gonna have sympathy for em when..

    Jamie Reply:
    July 12th, 2012 at 5:24 am

    Nope. No sympathy. They chose sides a long time ago and sold out.

    rootboy Reply:
    July 12th, 2012 at 7:20 am

    Agreed Jamie, these grunts chose a career path and, unfortunately for them, are on the front line when the resistance boils over. Most are cheap, loyal, and willingly expendable. Notice they all look the same – chubby ,short cropped/buzzed hair. They’d wish they could sport the signature mustache goatee, bear-cub look appealing to guild within the gay community, BUT that would be against regulations.

    At home, he looks like anyone else – 12 pack of Old Milwaukee after the shift, yell at the wife for opening up and cranking another credit card, catch junior in his room, rocking in his chair with a bag of corn chips. When the house is asleep, he logs into his favorite porn sites and finishes his last beer. Morning comes – his boxers and wife beater shirt gives way to the only thing he can count on in his minimal existence : The Uniform

    The wife spent to much time at Target yesterday, today’s uniform didn’t get washed – ah what the hell, the Taser didn’t get charged either, gotta meet the boys at the greasy spoon before roll call.

    So when it comes down it, boyz like this one are going to fold, not fight. It’s a “job” for them, but not something they’ll die for. And look at the guy in this video – a testament for the testicular fortitude to STAND UP, and these jobbers with stand down. You run the risk of fighting another day though – they ran his plates, got his name/ location – enough to dispatch a drone to disappear this guy…

    my2cents Reply:
    July 12th, 2012 at 9:13 am

    This Mr. Anderson is a confident man 30 something and in excellent shape. This gives him the upperhand immediatly. These cops knew right away that they were not dealing with the average Joe six-pack a night type guy. He was rewarded with respect. I’ve been monitoring my diet, and exercising daily for a year. People notice and it becomes an opening to start a dialog. My goal right now is getting in the best shape at 49 since my early 20′s. Tme to walk the talk.

    Startover Reply:
    July 12th, 2012 at 11:52 am

    The cops are right!

    And stop thinking that “Ilegals” are only found on the border
    They are all over the USA
    There’s even one in the White House!!!

    Show the cop your ID and let’m kick out the invaders
    Quit whining about it!

    my2cents Reply:
    July 12th, 2012 at 11:57 am

    Haven’t you heard they don’t send them back anymore. So waz up with that!

  3. So they are telling the border patrol to run away from people sneaking over (read in another article on infowars) but they do checkpoints..? Doesn’t make sense.

    Jamie Reply:
    July 12th, 2012 at 5:40 am

    It’s all dog training.

    Dandroid Reply:
    July 12th, 2012 at 7:34 am


    Room101 Reply:
    July 12th, 2012 at 8:39 am


  4. I don’t know how he kept his cool that cool ? With solar flares erupting, I’d a been locked up for cussing there ass out ! “Old man, sign zie paper !” “Why will you not sign zie paper ?”

    Amerika has gone off track, get it back to the Constitution and Quick !

  5. can you say rehash. come on just leave the one you had up.

  6. Unfortunately random checkpoints for DUI have already been upheld by the bought and paid for SC as constitutional, leaving the procedures to the discretion of the individual states. It doesn’t seem likely the SC will ever declare these nationality check ones illegal, especially since so many people in border states support them.

    July 12th, 2012 at 7:39 am

    @ Ho of Babylon;

    They have DUI checkpoints here in Ohio also. Never been in one, but have seen them and they even show them on the news as a good thing. just sayin……….

  7. watch?v=nkc1hOcMAi4

  8. Mr. Anderson…… Have you been sent by Morpheus? There are alot of Agent Smiths yet to resist. Thankyou.

    Tom Reply:
    July 12th, 2012 at 10:51 am

    Which side are you on, you dumb whore?

    my2cents Reply:
    July 12th, 2012 at 11:58 am

    Mot: You got it backwards.

  9. The border patrol could simplify their efforts by dropping by the Home Depot parking lots every now and then.

    modmaxinlb Reply:
    July 12th, 2012 at 6:34 am

    too funny

    American Dystopia Reply:
    July 12th, 2012 at 7:45 am

    Or they could call a roofing company to re-roof the station house, if they didn’t feel like going out that day.

    captain obvious Reply:
    July 12th, 2012 at 9:45 am

    lol got THAT right

    Dandroid Reply:
    July 12th, 2012 at 9:20 am


    Yeah sure if stopping illegals was the goal.

  10. Wow, it has started nwo, is starting everywhere in the united states, years ago prisonplanet talked about this and no one wants to listen, till it happens

  11. THe scumbag controllers are in for a huge surprize soon.

    They do not own anyone and that is where there dillusion ends.

  12. 1991 papa BUsh announced his colors and along with it the NWO

    Vic Reply:
    July 12th, 2012 at 6:27 am

    the greed of these evil people is what we are seeing right now with Nato the arab spring, lybia, syria Iran and China better prepare also.

    those waiting on god to save the day like mighty mouse better awaken for only the humans UNITED can change this and turn it around for the better of humanity.

    as long as there are bumbed down volunteers to join the military it isn’t over.

    No soldiers = no wars

  13. these people are just as bad as the dcgov on the take that cater to the NWO and work agains the american people….these people sould never lift a finger to such orders …when they do there instant traitors

  14. The thugs are so used to people complying they dont know how to handle someone standing up for their rights

  15. Waaaaay to GO! The TSA is nothing but a bunch of GRUNTS with badges who can be dealt with by simply standing up to them. The more people that do this the better it is for everyone.

    Fight Tyranny with Art. Click my link.

    July 12th, 2012 at 10:20 am

    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;SPAM ALERT;;;;;;;;;;;;;;SPAM ALERT;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;SPAM ALERT;;;;;;;;;;;

  16. I noticed that only one american actually had the balls to say no. Thousands and thousands of americans submitted to this bullshit and only one american said no. Are you sheep? absolutely

  17. I wanna meet that man. Did I stumble into mexico? Thats rich. We all need to buck the nazi system.

    Bravo sir!

  18. Is this the true meaning of “Obama care?” “No child left behind?” No stone left unturned?? The Patriot Act?

    They started with the airports and many people said they would drive instead to avoid harassment. Plan 2, roads, rail shipping?

    Yes the airports since 911 when concrete people turned into dust. I am amazed the way Obama continues to follow up on G.W.Bush’s control of the nation. The way the education has been implemented to brainwash kids in 1st year primary school to adulthood is incredible. I worry now that soon the internet will become censored and sites like this one will be taken down. It’s always good to know what the real agenda is keep a skeptical eye on the media.

    I hope that what is happening in America stays in America and does not go viral and infect the whole planet. If it does happen, then the name of this site, “Prison Planet”, will really live up to it’s name, until it’s death..

  19. Total indoctrination.
    IF we want to stop illegal aliens from flooding the country, we need to uphold the 14th Amendment.
    That means no automatic birthright citizenship is conveyed just because they happen to pop out on US soil.
    Once that message is conveyed, they will stop coming.

  20. Bravo for this man to stand up to the American Nero-Nazis. Unfortunately there are only a minute fraction of Americans who are willing to stand up to and confront the checkpoint Nazis,,,for every one person who refuses to show their papers, there are 10,000 who simply will sheepishly comply out of blind obedience or fear. Things will get much worse before sheeple see what they have accepted, but then it will be to late.

  21. What never siezes to amaze me is that they can still find enough people to carry out these unlawful, unconstituional acts, who fulfill their orders without the least respect for their fellow countrymen.
    Like the TSA, they need to recruit the dregs of society because any decent human being doesn’t want to know. Most of them can’t read and write. It’s getting to the point like in the movie Ideocracy. All you really need is a piece of paper with some fictitious government department name on it with the words “This man is a special agent and free to go” in large letters” which you need to read to them of course, and they’d probably believe it and let you go.

  22. Love the lead photo in the rotator of Zippy-the-Pinhead.

  23. Vanhelsing stole a daughter last night to love and gently drag his lips across every inch of her silky smooth body.. Vanhelsing is a sucker for lovely breasts…..

    VanHelsing Reply:
    July 12th, 2012 at 7:42 am

    He’s a lover baby….

  24. Can you imagine if the driver would have claimed to be a ” sovereign citizen “. That reaction would have been priceless .

    run from the cure Reply:
    July 12th, 2012 at 8:05 am

    ‘Anderson: Therefore, I should have the freedom to travel unmolested, because I’m in America here.’

    He was traveling, not driving (driving is like going to point a to b for profit (commerce))
    Mankind has the right to free unimpeded travel.

    A PERSON (mrmrs etc) does not have any human rights as its a legal fiction, your PERSONlegal fiction is what all those acts and statutes apply to, not you yourself, flesh and blood.
    I keep bashing alex jones when i post this type of message, with good reason. he muddies everything.

    Steve Reply:
    July 12th, 2012 at 12:20 pm

    I agree.
    Alex does not discuss the structure of the commercial system.
    He mostly discusses how the government and bureaucrats make the commercial system worse than it was.
    For example he will talk about how we did not pay property taxes 60 years ago.
    But he does not talk about how our property taxes are an ad valorem tax and what that is.

    Or for another example he does not discuss how to purchase a car and get the superior title called the Manufactures Certificate Origin.
    So you could travel with out all the commercial red tape like a commercial license plate, commercial vehicle inspections and commercial registration of the State owned car you use that you think you completely own.
    Or how traveling to grandma’s house is not the same as driving and you don’t need a drivers license or commercial insurance.
    Or how all the citations and fines issued to people just traveling are commercial fines and how to avoid them.
    Or how all insurance is limited liability vs strict liability.
    Or how all insurance only exists in Admiralty Law Jurisdiction never in Common law jurisdiction.
    Or how all these public/commercial contracts you sign put you in Admiralty Law jurisdiction.
    Or how the Birth Certificate is a commercial contract.
    Or how the marriage licenses are commercial contracts.
    So people get the impression that their only hope is to vote in some new bureaucrat who is as ignorant as the one before.

    We can read all the government documents we want about how we are going to get screwed but we already can see how the system dominates our lives.

    It’s knowledge of how we enter this commercial system thru the public contracts we sign that people need to be made aware of.

    People need to hear about how to contract privately and stay free of this commercial system.

    These would be some good informative topics to talk about.
    And it’s fun to learn about this stuff.
    But watching videos of people getting ruffed up by police and fined and pushed around by bureaucrats all the time gets old and is frustrating and scares people and leaves them with a sense of hopelessness.

    But it’s his program and it’s his call.

  25. Excellent post! Thanks.

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