Why Americans Hate The Economy

Why Americans Hate The Economy
By Brother Nathanael Kapner
Feburary 21 2024

“Our economy is robust and growing!” says Biden to factory workers in Maine last week.

“Added jobs and increased factories will continue in my administration for another presidential term,” the LIAR IN CHIEF declared.

The Jewish-run media gobbled it up while Americans watching this drivel at home get sick.

TV types like Andrea Mitchell, Jacob Tapperman, and Ben Shapiro throw the economy low on the list and instead tout a high priority fit between Jewish Israel and Jewish-run Ukraine.

But Americans today are no longer suckers for punishment.

The economy is what they care about.

Not Ben Shapiro’s obsession for that “only ally” using our money for genocide in the burning hot sand.

It burns the American man just to make a supermarket stand.

Eggs bought in 2020 for $1.50 a dozen are now $3.50 and rising.

Ground beef in 2020 was $4.50 per lb, is now at $6.50 and rising.

Graduates just out of college have to drive for “UBER” and can’t afford a down-payment for even a 2 bedroom home to begin to start a family,

But a bare mortgage itself scares them away which enslaves a man today from signature-to-the-grave.

Did your boss just gave you a .23 cent raise?

David Solomon got you beat.

Goldman Sachs gave him a $3.5 MILLION dollar raise, topping off at $33 million a year, plus perks, benees, stock options with Larry Fink, and Cayman Island time shares.

The economy and Inflation is OUR problem.

Not Ukraine, not climate change, not weapons to Israel to help Jews commit genocide.

These “high-priority” concerns gives David Solomon & Tribe the franchise to keep their legalized counterfeiting scam going.

Printing money out of thin air, my friends, for Ben Shapiro’s obsession is KILLING our economy.

But Ron Paul’s son, Rand, wants to put Fauci in jail?

He ain’t going.

If we can’t talk “out-loud” about our “real” problems then how are we going to solve our “real” problems.

I’ve got a real studio coming—The Brother Nathanael Show—that will name the problems, the perpetrators, and solutions that will address the problems.

Internet culture will be changed forever.

Email me at bronathanael (at) (yahoo) dot com and I’ll tell you how we change the world.

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