Woman arrested over Axl Rose jewels theft

French police on Wednesday arrested a woman in connection with the theft of gold necklaces and diamonds worth around $200,000 (160,000 euros) from Guns N’ Roses frontman Axl Rose at a concert in Paris.

Police sources said the woman, a young model, was placed under formal arrest after she returned the items to a police station in central Paris.

She said she had attended a private concert with around 100 people after a public performance by the group at Bercy stadium and was not sure how she had come to leave with the jewellery, the sources said.

Police sources earlier said officers were called in to calm the situation late Tuesday after the 50-year-old singer became enraged over the theft.

Rose is the only remaining member of the original line-up of the rock band that was formed in Los Angeles in 1985 and whose best known songs include “November Rain”, “Patience”, and “Sweet Child o’ Mine”.

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