Wooly Weirdness: Mother knits life-size onesie of her own sons (PHOTOS)

At first glance, her creation seems like a giant stuffed doll, but it’s actually an elaborate onesie worn by her youngest son.

“The knitted son has characteristics of both my sons,” professional craftmaker Marieke Voorslujis explained on her Facebook page. “The other one had just grown so much during the process that the smaller one was only able to wear it when it was finished.”

“I am a professional knitter and together with my colleague Barbara, we knit weird things for our brand Club Geluk.  To set the bar a little higher regarding my knitting skills, I thought of knitting my son,” Voorslujis said.

She said reactions have ranged from “creepy” to “beautiful” and thinks it would have therapeutic value for parents who have “too much love for their children and need to cuddle”.

The bodysuit consists of a knitted head with cap, hands with fingernails, black skinny jeans, sneakers, and even a iPod.

Voorslujis says the “obstinate” punk slogan on the onesie’s sweater was inspired by the work of guerrilla street artist Banksy.

Voorslujis has knitted other bizarre items such as hams, televisions, oysters, plants, and sunglasses.

The Amsterdam native, who insists she’s not a smother mother, has also created a popular calendar of men in knitted underwear.

Source Article from https://www.rt.com/news/329090-mother-knits-wool-son/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=RSS

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