Bad News for Atzmon

In his introduction to the video of his debate with Kaplan, Gilad Atzmon says:

“I wish one day, a Zionist with a brain finds the guts to debate me, for smashing the repetitive Kaplan is no fun at all…”

Bad news for Atzmon. There are no smart zionist Jews. They never existed.

For a very long time it only seemed that the much vaunted Jewish “cognitive elite” had produced some very smart zionists able to vanquish any opponent in a debate in the first round and do it while chewing gum or davening.

That was before the zionist gig was exposed for the whole world to see as the criminal enterprise it has always been, for which all thanks go to the alternative media and what G.W. Bush calls “the internets.” Atzmon himself placed a few tesserae in the mosaic (an appropriate pun) of the true image of zionism and its underpinnings.

While the Western world’s governments were hijacked by Jewish power, not through superior intelligence but by bullying, preying upon non-Jewish capabilities of experiencing guilt and wishing to mend wrongs, and by outright bribery, blackmail, and threats, the non-Jewish citizens in the Western world were asleep, confused and systematically misled and lied to. It was easy then for the celebrated zionist intellectual elite to appear brilliant with cheap quips like “Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.”

Defending Israel and for that matter Jewish power nowadays, however, is a tall order. Any hopes entertained by Atzmon (a sincere believer in the existence of a Jewish “cognitive elite” long in breeding in the shtetls of Russia and Panonia) of encountering a truly smart zionist debater are doomed to failure. From here on it will all be a repetition of the Kaplanesque whining about “tiny Israel surrounded by 22 inimical Muslim nations.”

Bernard-Henri Lévy is the highly acclaimed Jewish (and ardent zionist) philosopher accorded great respect nowadays in the land of Diderot, Descartes, and Pascal. Need I say more?

On the bright side he can have fun.

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