Order Out of Chaos Magic: The Dark Roots of the Alt Right

Recently I ended up on a crazy dot connecting mission, thanks to information presented to me by Hugh Wyatt Mann. Some interesting information is starting to come together after releasing my video on the Alt Right and Eurasiansim, which discusses how the New Right and the Trad Workers Party youth division, called The Traditionalist Youth Network, use the “chaos symbol”.

Notice how Matt also uses sigils in his “Jesus Loves You” sign.  Sigil magic is a major component of chaos magic. The chaos magicians believe that creating sigils with a certain intent will magically bring about said intention.

A close associate of The Trad Workers Party, and the alt right in general, is known anti-White psychopath, Alexander Dugin. Dugin also totes the “chaos symbol”.

Dugin has some other interesting associations, in particular with Richard Spencer of Alt Right fame, as well as other major players.

Here we find out more about Dugin’s connections to Chaos Magic:

The misanthropic ideas of British occultist and satanist Aleister Crowley (d. 1947) do however inform both the Duginist world view and its contemporary praxis. Indeed it is within the worldview of Chaos magic specifically (which is a spawn of Crowley’s Thelemic philosophy) where much of the paradoxes and seeming contradictions of the Duginist weltanschauung – and especially in its Fourth Positionist catchall of ‘beyond right or left’ – must be sought, since this is (whether explicitly articulated or not) the actual animating locus of the Duginist far-right praxis, beginning with its choice of symbology, i.e. his Eurasian flag of eight white or yellow thunderbolts (or arrows) shaped in a radial pattern and set behind a black background. This symbol by itself is alternatively referred to in Chaos magic as the ‘wheel of chaos’, ‘the symbol of chaos’, ‘arms of chaos’, ‘the arrows of chaos’, ‘the chaos star’, ‘the chaos cross’, ‘the chaosphere’ or ‘the symbol of eight’. Somewhat reminiscent of the Thule Society and then Hitler’s own appropriation of the swastika from the writings of Theosophical Society founder H.P. Blavatsky (d. 1891), Dugin derives his design from the popularizations of it made by western Chaos magicians during the 1970s-1980s who themselves appropriated it from the work of British science fiction and fantasy novelist Michael Moorcock. (Source)

For anyone not aware, Dugin was the founder of the National Bolshevik Party, which should be sending some red flags for you all.


In the 22 countries where Dugin’s International Eurasian Youth Movement have a presence, including the US, UK, Serbia and Turkey, there are fascist paramilitary defense leagues working in tandem with them. (Remind anyone of Operation Gladio?

Dugin’s movement is closely tied tot he European and American “New Right”, which also chose the chaos symbol to represent their movement. Cohen-cidence? I think not.


Many on the New Right (and Alt Right) scene not only go along with Dugin’s vision of the future, but also embrace some dark magic. For example, Grinder Greggie, one of The New Right’s favorite faggots, also has a high regard for Crowley, the known homosexual and alleged child and animal rapist.


Apparently buttsex and orgies with animals is an important contribution to “The New Right”. He also mentions the philosophy of Thelema, which was Crowley’s religion. Interestingly, Augustus Sol Invictus (White advocate, lawyer, and Red Ice guest) is a Thelemite. There was a major uproar from the public regarding his goat sacrificing ritual.


The religion of Thelema is based on a philosophical law of the same name, adopted as a central tenet by some religious organizations. The law of Thelema is

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will.

Crowley and Thelema have been a huge inspiration for many people in the so-called “counter-culture”, spawning many different “magical” movements. One of these offshoots was founded by a group of Chaos magicians.

The Church of the SubGenius is a parody religion that satirizes better known belief systems. It teaches a complex philosophy that focuses on J. R. “Bob” Dobbs, purportedly a salesman from the 1950s, who is revered as a prophet by the Church. SubGenius leaders have developed detailed narratives about Dobbs and his relationship to various gods and conspiracies. Their central deity, Jehovah 1, is accompanied by other gods drawn from ancient mythology and popular fiction. SubGenius literature describes a grand conspiracy that seeks to brainwash the world and oppress Dobbs’ followers. In its narratives, the Church presents a blend of cultural references in an elaborate remix of the sources. (Source)

Here is a creepy TV commercial for the church:

Did you notice how they refer to people not in the church as “normals”? Interesting how the AltRight uses the term “normies” to refer to those not initiated into their Cult of Kek, with Pepe as its prophet. Also, did you notice how they are wearing “Nazi” looking arm bands and they raise their right hands in a “Sieg Heil” fashion?

The Church of the SubGenius’ literature incorporates many aspects of conspiracy theories, teaching that there is a grand conspiracy at the root of all lesser ones. It records that there are many UFOs, most of which are used by the conspiracy leaders to monitor humans, although a few contain extraterrestrials. In the Church’s view, this conspiracy uses a facade of empowering messages but manipulates people so that they become indoctrinated into its service. (Source)

The group holds that the quality of “Slack” is of utmost importance, but it is never clearly defined.

SubGenius members believe that those in the service of “the conspiracy” seek to bar them from “Slack”,[21] a quality promoted by the Church. Its teachings center on “Slack”[4] (always capitalized),[17] which is never concisely defined, except in the claim that Dobbs embodies the quality.[1][23] Church members seek to acquire “Slack” and believe that it will allow them the free, comfortable life (without hard work or responsibility) which they claim as an entitlement.[11][24] Sex and the avoidance of work are taught as two key ways to gain “Slack”.[17] Davidoff believes that “Slack” is “the ability to effortlessly achieve your goals”.[21] Cusack states that the Church’s description of “Slack” as ineffable recalls the way that Tao is described,[8] and Kirby casts “Slack” as a “unique magical system”.[25] TheSlackware Linux distribution is so named after the tenet of Slack. (Source)

Slack magic has been discussed and seemingly endorsed by conspiracy veteran Freeman Fly and his ex-girlfriend Jamie Hanshaw, who is now with Jay Dyer.

This video from the church explains what “slack” is and why it’s important.

In the comments section of this video we find this peculiar comment.


Their God “Bob Dobbs” also uses the famous “okay” hand gesture, used prominently by Trump and his sycophants.


The “OK” hand sign is really just a code for sodomy, and it often seems to be boy rape in particular.

In some Mediterranean countries such as Turkey, Tunisia, and Greece, in the Middle East, as well as in Brazil and parts of Germany, and several South American countries, it may be interpreted as a vulgar expression: either an insult (you are an asshole), the slang for anus itself, or an offensive reference to homosexuality. (Source)

The gesture It is also known as the fraternal sign of the “Gabbai’.


The Alt Right members who were banned from Twitter have led an exodus over to Gab.ai. Gab.ai uses the green frog, which we see all over the AltRight in the form of Pepe The Frog.

And lookie here! It’s our favorite jews and philo-semites!

We see many of the Trumpians throwing up this hand sign naively, not knowing what it really means. I’m sure these figures below know exactly what it means.<

Back to Bob. When I first saw the picture of “Bob Dobbs” it looked eerily familiar. I remembered that several of the trolls dedicated to harassing me and other Renegades on twitter, were using Bob Dobbs as their avatars. Here is one of those accounts, interacting with someone else.


And here is his profile page.

I guess when you worship slack that means doing lines of blow and having sex all day?

Here are a few more Twitter profiles that are inspired by Bob.

Robert Anton Wilson also joined the Church of the SubGenius, who referred to him as Pope Bob. Wilson was the brains behind “Operation Mind Fuck”. The goal of this operation was to:

Attribute all national calamities, assassinations or conspiracies to the other member-groups.

Although not necessarily related, this reminds me of how Hillary has claimed everything against her and her husband is a result of a vast right-wing conspiracy, and has called out the Alt Right and Pepe as being involved most recently. There are other interesting instances of this type of behavior, such as every time their is hoax shooting, we see Sam Hyde being put forth as the suspect.


Robert Anton Wilson also helped popularize the Discordian movement with his Illuminatus Trilogy.

There are a number of similarities between the Church of the SubGenius and Discordianism. Eris, the goddess of chaos who is worshiped by adherents of the latter, is believed by members of the Church of the SubGenius to be the wife of Jehovah 1 and an ally to humans. Like Discordianism, the Church of the SubGenius rejects absolute truth and embraces contradictions and paradoxes. Religious scholar David Chidester of the University of Cape Town views the Church as a “Discordian offshoot”, and Kirby sees them as “a child of the Discordians”. (Source)

The Discordians planted stories about the secret society in various leftist, libertarian, and hippie publications, introducing the Illuminati to the counterculture. “We accused everybody of being in the Illuminati,” Wilson recalled. “Nixon, Johnson, William Buckley, Jr., ourselves, Martian invaders, all the conspiracy buffs, everybody.” (Source)

This reminds me how the alt right will accuse anyone who points out their controlled opposition movement as a “leftist shill” or “libtard”.

Robert Anton Wilson’s work also inspired the notorious Illuminati card game. There is a lot in the deck that is relevant to us, but five cards in particular caught my attention in regards to this topic. The first one is entitled “Dobbstown”, which seems to be a reference to Jonestown, but is obviously also referencing the Subgenius God, Bob Dobbs.


This was the highest quality photo I could find. I am interested to know what it says in the text.

Here we see Bob Dobbs’ face on a comet.


We also see a “Principia Discordia” card.


Are those supposed to be Obama and Hillary? We also see a drawing of a pentagon. Or is it “The Pentagon” building in DC that is known for its affinity for child rape videos?

This next card has a man with a question mark on his shirt, which reminds me of the Anonymous logo with the question mark replacing the head. It also has raining frogs, and what appears to be a black version of pedo bear/ spurdo sparde,


The next card is quite interesting as well.

"The idols are both frightening and silly, and no one knows why the Masters keep them around..."

The idols are both frightening and silly, and no one knows why the Masters keep them around…”

Pepe? Kek? Could these cards, and the reaction to the “New World Order”, have been part of an artificially manufactured kind of “magic trick” played upon us by Chaos magicians? Is “meme magic” simply “chaos magic” repackaged? Pep represents Kek, an ancient Egyptian frog-headed god of primordial chaos, and is now a symbol of White nationalists, whether we like it or not. Pepe the frog is a meme that has been used by millions of people in a plethora of ways. These people have no idea what else this meme could be used for and probably don’t care anyway. There is even “Esoteric Kekism”, which appears to be another type of “parody religion”, such as The Church Of The Subgenius and Discordianism. Many of those on the Alt Right believe that through the power of “chaos magic” or “meme magic” that even the worship of fictional deities can have real world consequences.

Pepe originates from Matt Furie’s comic series Boy’s Club. Ha! Now Furie is teaming up with the (((ADL))) to take back his cartoon from evil racists. The Times of Israel states:

Matt Furie will create a series of positive Pepe internet memes that the ADL will promote through its social media channels with the hashtag #SavePepe, the organization announced in a news release Friday.

Matt Furie and his soulless eyes.

It appears that the rise of this Pepe meme may not be organic. This frog meme has been seeded into the minds of many, who once again proudly carry the banner of their enemies, as stated to happen in Protocol 1 of The Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion.

…brought to our ranks, thanks to our blind agents, whole legions who bore our banners with enthusiasm.

When the dots are connected, showing Crowley’s dark magic is at work within the controlled opposition Alt Right, its starts to paint a very revealing picture of manufactured mindfuckery.


Source Article from http://www.renegadetribune.com/order-chaos-magic-dark-roots-alt-right/

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