The Racial Realism of John Wayne

It was not too long ago that the men presented to us as heroes were not afraid to speak their mind and tell it as they see it. One good example of this is John Wayne, who has come under intense scrutiny in today’s world of “social justice” for comments made during a 1971 interview with Playboy. In 2016 California even rejected “John Wayne Day” due to John’s unabashed racial realism. More scrutiny of the man came when John’s daughter said her father would have endorsed Donald Trump.

Much of what John Wayne says in Playboy is just common sense thinking without a PC filter, and the bleeding heart bitches of today never actually attempt to refute any of his statements, but just point to them and yell “BIGOT” at a dead man. Let’s review some good quotes that were excerpted from the full interview by the anti-Whites at Fusion.

We can’t all of a sudden get down on our knees and turn everything over to the leadership of the blacks.”

Well, that’s what we have seen done with the recent administration in the US, though we know Obama and the blacktivist brigade are only front-men for the jewish cabal.

I believe in white supremacy, until the blacks are educated to a point of responsibility.”

I actually think John was a little too optimistic about the ability of the White man to properly educate a race of people with an average IQ that is a few standard deviations below our own. It should be noted that I do not think John was referring to “supremacy” in the same way that the anti-White idiots of today do; he likely did not mean ruling over them with an iron fist or a whip hand, but just thought we should not cede control of our systems to uneducated blacks. We see what happened to Detroit. That being said, if blacks were not being “empowered” by the jewish power structure and coddled by Cultural Marxists, they could definitely have more functional family units and communities, and see a greater deal of success and sophistication.

The academic community has developed certain tests that determine whether the blacks are sufficiently equipped scholastically. But some blacks have tried to force the issue and enter college when they haven’t passed the tests and don’t have the requisite background.”

Today blacks and mestizos are actually getting extra bonus points added to their SAT scores to help them “compete” in a world where Whites naturally excel. In addition to this, there is affirmative action, diversity quotas, and all sorts of other programs that discriminate against White people based solely on the color of our skin. We are being punished and penalized for black underachievement.

I’ve directed two pictures and I gave the blacks their proper position. I had a black slave in The Alamo, and I had a correct number of blacks in The Green Berets. If it’s supposed to be a black character, naturally I use a black actor. But I don’t go so far as hunting for positions for them. I think the Hollywood studios are carrying their tokenism a little too far. There’s no doubt that 10 percent of the population is black, or colored, or whatever they want to call themselves; they certainly aren’t Caucasian. Anyway, I suppose there should be the same percentage of the colored race in films as in society. But it can’t always be that way. There isn’t necessarily going to be 10 percent of the grips or sound men who are black, because more than likely, 10 percent haven’t trained themselves for that type of work. […]

It’s just as hard for a white man to get a card in the Hollywood craft unions.

In today’s world it is “racist” to even have a work force that has the same proportion of White people as the national census figures (inaccurate as they are). “Diversity” means less White people. We see the insanity creeping in everywhere, with black lifeguards being hired even though they cannot pass the regular swim test. Diversity actually risks lives, as the bar is lowered to allow incompetent blacks into positions where lives are on the line: bus drivers, policemen, firemen, air traffic controllers, military, etc. We are willing to do all this because of the feelings of guilt that have been brow-beaten into us because of our supposed legacy of slavery in America.

I don’t feel guilty about the fact that five or 10 generations ago these people were slaves. Now, I’m not condoning slavery. It’s just a fact of life, like the kid who gets infantile paralysis and has to wear braces so he can’t play football with the rest of us.

I don’t feel guilty either, John. And if you were alive today, you would probably know that the whole story about slavery force-fed to us in textbooks, novels, and movies is a load of horse manure. We should not expect that jewish Hollywood would tell us how the Trans-Atlantic slave trade was primarily run by jews, that many of the massive plantations were owned by jewish families like the Monsantos, that there is an extensive history of White slavery in America and around the world, or how at the height of slavery, only around 1.4% of White Americans owned slaves.

I think any black who can compete with a white today can get a better break than a white man. I wish they’d tell me where in the world they have it better than right here in America.

It’s amazing how White people are painted as the most evil oppressors, yet dark hordes from around the world are clambering to come live next to us and “share in” (aka parasite off of) our wealth. They complain when we move away from them, leaving them in ghettos of their own creation, and then whine even more about “gentrification” when we start to bring some civilization back into their dark world.

When so-called refugees, economic migrants, and illegal invaders flood into our lands and take what we have built as their own, it is all about love, diversity, and tolerance. However, when White people move around the world and build civilization from nothing, then it is the greatest crime in human history. One of the big guilt trips laid on American White people, besides the issue of black slavery, is that of the conquest of land from the American Indians, which John also discussed in the interview.

I don’t feel we did wrong in taking this great country away from them, if that’s what you’re asking. Our so-called stealing of this country from them was just a matter of survival. There were great numbers of people who needed new land, and the Indians were selfishly trying to keep it for themselves. […]

Look, I’m sure there have been inequalities. If those inequalities are presently affecting any of the Indians now alive, they have a right to a court hearing. But what happened 100 years ago in our country can’t be blamed on us today.

Blaming White Americans today, and even going so far as demanding reparations (and taking them) for alleged injustices of the past, is generational collective punishment, and in case you are unaware, collective punishment is a war crime under the Geneva Convention.

Consider also how the mainstream media and the highest levels of the justice department will make excuses for non-White criminals and justify their violence, blaming it often on White racism and economic hardship. A black man is not even held accountable for his actions today, and we definitely do not hold the whole black community responsible for the rampant violence coming from blacks, but White people are expected to pay for the supposed crimes of their ancestors in perpetuity. Wow!

Non-Whites are literally able to get away with murder in our lands while White people are dragged through ringer for even accidentally offending a “person of color” due to a “micro-aggression”.

I’ve always followed my father’s advice: He told me, first, to always keep my word and, second, to never insult anybody unintentionally. If I insult you, you can be goddamn sure I intend to.

I had never been a big fan of John Wayne and the Americana he represents, but seeing some of these quotes presented by “triggered” anti-Whites has provided me with a new respect for him.

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