10 Standout TV Moments From Comic-Con

Comic-Con 2012 in San Diego offered TV fans a potpourri of extended preview trailers and big announcements from show producers, writers and actors. The 4-day convention attracted 125,000 attendees, who got the scoop on the latest news about comics, films and television shows.

Here are 10 highlights that have us looking forward to turning on the small screen this summer and next fall:


Spoiler alert: The following clip contains a spoiler for viewers who haven’t watched season 6′s final episode.

Showtime unleashed the first two minutes of Dexter‘s season 7. The clip for the serial-killer drama shows Debra Morgan catching Dexter Morgan standing beside a corpse with a knife in its chest. Dexter proceeds to describe what’s going on, but then his sister Debra attempts to call the Miami police station for backup.

A shocked Dexter appears to stop her. The preview ends there. Season 7 premieres Sept. 30. at t 9 p.m. ET.

Showtime and Ecko|Code also unveiled Dexter The Game 2, an open-world game set in Miami, for Android, iOS and PC. The game (see clip below) is a sequel to 2010′s Dexter The Game and hits the market in fall. Actor Michael C. Hall provides the narration.

True Blood

HBO teased the remainder of season 5 with a trailer hinting at plot lines that may change Bon Temps forever.

“I hate this goddamn town,” Sheriff Andy Bellefleur angrily says in the clip, which ends on a steamy note.

True Blood actors on the Comic-Con panel bid adieu to the show’s creator Alan Ball, giving him a standing ovation for his five seasons as executive producer. Co-executive producer Mark Hudis will replace Ball.

SEE ALSO: ‘True Blood’ Premiere Breaks Social Media Records [STATS]

Ball says fans can anticipate three new romances to blossom this season.

Game of Thrones

HBO revealed a slew of new characters for season 3 of fantasy series Game of Thrones, including Olenna Tyrell a.k.a. “The Queen of Thorns,” who will be played by 73-year-old Diana Rigg.

In all, the trailer (above) introduces 10 new characters. Four others also will join the cast. Another trailer (below) recaps season 2.

SEE ALSO: ‘Game of Thrones’ Premiere Crashes GetGlue, Gets 60,000 Comments

“I think it’s going to be as intriguing and spectacular, sexy and violent as it has been up till now,” says Clive Russell, who will play Brynden “The Blackfish” Tully.”

Season 3 will premiere in May 2013.

The Walking Dead

“Weapons, food, medicine … this prison is ours.” The Walking Dead‘s lead character Rick Grimes says in the zombie-filled, 4-minute trailer for season 3.

After escaping a zombie attack on their farm, the survivors seek sanctuary in the prison because of those potential amenities. However, they must fend off any remaining zombie occupants and even other humans who want to take the prison away from them.

SEE ALSO: ‘The Walking Dead’ Creator Designs Zombie-Proof Car

The AMC trailer teases more of the sword-wielding Michonne and introduces “The Governor,” a new villain who is the leader of a small community of survivors.

Teen Wolf

MTV’s cast of Teen Wolf lead its panel with fake news: “Unfortunately, we did not get picked up for a third season … ”

Of course, that was a joke. The supernatural series has been picked up for another season with 24 episodes, instead of 12.

Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad season 5 premiered online Sunday amid AMC’s ongoing feud with Dish Network over programming fees. The episode is available on AMCTV.com

At Comic Con, the show’s leading duo of Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul wore yellow hazmat suits during their panel and then AMC premiered season 5. AMC also rolled out the season 5 trailer (above).

Dr. Who

Dr. Who writer Steven Moffat spilled details about plot lines to two new episodes on BBC: the western-themed A Town Called Mercy and the dinosaur-filled Dinosaurs on a Spaceship. Dr. Who returns in the fall.


Detective comedy-drama Psych will feature a two-hour musical episode during season 7.

Fans also will get their hands on a Psych book — Psych’s Guide to Crime Fighting for the Totally Unqualified — in February 2013.


While season 4 of Community hasn’t been taped, the NBC show’s new producers entertained the Comic-Con crowd with outtakes from season 3 (above) and a best-of video (below).

Co-showrunners David Guarascio and Moses Port revealed that viewers will meet Jeff’s dad, see inside Pierce Hawthorne’s mansion and see the cast visit Inspector Spacetime convention, The Los Angeles Times reports.


Not everything at Comic-Con was about looking ahead. Several panels — such as ones for Lost, The Simpsons, Power Rangers and Buffy the Vampire Slayer — focused on nostalgia.

Space western Firefly celebrated its 10th anniversary reunion at Comic-Con but didn’t announce anything.

Watch these two clips to see the cast share lots of laughs and memories.

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