1000 pack Murray meeting in SA

More than 1000 people have packed a public meeting in the South Australian Riverland over the future management of the Murray-Darling Basin.

Murray-Darling Basin Authority chairman Craig Knowles and federal Water Minister Tony Burke were key speakers while independent South Australian Senator Nick Xenophon and Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young were among those to gather in Renmark on Friday.

Local state Liberal MP Tim Whetstone said the message from Riverland irrigators and community leaders was clear.

“The people have well and truly spoken, talking about the crisis of confidence created by the basin plan, reminding Tony Burke and Craig Knowles that we are the ones who grow the food they eat, and expressing concern that our voices need to be heard in this debate,” he said.

“The authority and the federal government must identify and address the water waste that occurs in the basin, and ensure this water is returned to the environment, before imposing diversion limits on South Australians.

“They need to recognise that South Australia sets the benchmark for efficiency and responsible water use in the basin, and take no more water from irrigators and regional communities in this state.”

South Australian Premier Jay Weatherill did not attend the meeting but has maintained his view that 4000 gigalitres need to be returned to the river as environmental flows to ensure its long-term health.

Senator Hanson-Young said the Riverland community had spoken with a united voice, telling both Mr Knowles and Minister Burke that the current basin plan did not deliver what South Australia needed.

“South Australians will suffer most under the inadequate draft plan and yet our state has historically led the charge when it comes to achieving water reform,” she said.

“Today the diverse Riverland community called for the authority to come up with a new draft plan that recognises, rather than penalises, South Australia’s past water savings and our state’s desperate need for water security and guaranteed medium-high river flows.”

Senator Hanson-Young said if the plan returned just 2750gl to the river, that would not be enough to keep the Murray mouth open or prevent the Coorong from dying.

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