1000s of Israelis protest social injustice

About 5,000 protesters gathered at central Rabin Square in Tel Aviv on Saturday evening in the largest demonstration held since last summer.

At least nine people were arrested for blocking roads in Tel Aviv.

Similar demonstrations were also held in East al-Quds (Jerusalem), Haifa, Eilat, and other major cities.

Some 1,000 protesters converged in an intersection near Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s official residence in East al-Quds, marched toward his residence and protested in front of the gate of the compound.

Some of the protesters called for the departure of the premier, accusing Netanyahu of failing to reduce the social gaps.

Last summer, a protest movement swept Israel when hundreds of thousands of people marched and set up protest camps in city centers.

Activists say that the situation has not changed as a result of last year’s rallies.

“I feel frustrated,” one of the organizers Amnon Rabinovitz said. “We asked for a lot [last summer] and these things didn’t happen.”


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