Archive for March, 2013

‘Threat Level Red’ Declared? Preparedness Pro – Air Force Reserve Base in Portland on Stand-by

Here we go. Empty threats and fears. Korea can fire—maybe—but it certainly won’t be nuclear and there will be no global war. The Galactics will not permit it. The American cabal wants to PROVOKE an attack from ANYONE, if not Iran, then Korea. Whatever… Poof just told us that there’s a whole lot of posturing […]

His Poofness for March 31st: Now the Phoenix Rises

Greetings and Salutations So, I see some of you had your heads blown about some mis/dis…put out by a couple of the talking heads, one is certain to be a talking head for the Cheney group. Therefore, we’re still looking for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. I bet when he passes and get’s his […]

UFOs Over Vancouver, BC Canada March 29th

Wow, those babies are fast. The close-ups are pretty good. Source Article from

Stratospheric aerosols and their impact on Sahelian rainfall

A new study by Jim Haywood and colleagues strongly suggests that sporadic volcanic eruptions in the northern hemisphere also strongly influence the sea surface temperature gradient and cause Sahelian drought. The Met Office Earth System coupled ocean-atmosphere model (HadGEM2-ES) has been used to simulate two instances of these eruptions – Katmai in 1912 and […]

YouTube announces shutdown in April Fool’s prank

“It’s finally time to pick the winner,” YouTube representatives announced in a 3:32 minute video posted on its homepage. The message was simple: the world’s most popular video-sharing website would close at the end of the day to review all the video submissions it has received over the years, and would announce the best […]

Swiss dam fault kills thousands of trout

The incident occurred Saturday at the Punt da Gall dam in the Graubuenden region in eastern Switzerland, ATS quoted the power firm Engadiner Kraftwerk and the Swiss National Park as saying. Earlier Saturday, park rangers raised the alarm after noticing that the water level in the River Spoel had dropped dramatically. As a […]

Tech firms bumping up perks to recruit, retain

More than ever before, Silicon Valley firms want their workers at work. Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer has gone so far as to ban working from home, and many more offer prodigious incentives for coming in to the office, such as free meals, massages and gyms. This spring, as the tech industry is soaring […]

National Zoo’s giant panda Mei Xiang is artificially inseminated

But it didn’t do the trick. So on Saturday, the Smithsonian’s National Zoo performed an artificial insemination on giant panda Mei Xiang. There is only a short window of opportunity for a giant panda to breed, so scientists at the National Zoo have been trying to make the most of it. When putting Mei […]

Pocket Filmmaker: be a pocket news cameraman

Welcome back to CNET Australia‘s guide to pocket film-making. The Pocket Filmmaker, Jason van Genderen, will be showing you how to turn the smartphone in your pocket into a camera capable of shooting video projects that are worthy of sharing with family and friends, online and even with the judges of some of Australia’s […]

Jesus Christ Fought the Hypocrisy of The Jew

THE POOR AND humble people thronged in from all over the countryside, anxious to catch a glimpse of the Galilean called Yeshua. As the boisterous crowd pushed forward, they sometimes stumbled over one another — everyone excitedly hoped they might get close enough to witness another miracle, or just hear the man speak His ringing words […]

Former supercomputer king Roadrunner to shut down today

Roadrunner supercomputer at Los Alamos National Laboratory. (Credit: Los Alamos National Laboratory) Four years ago, Roadrunner was the world’s fastest supercomputer. But it has lost a step on today’s speed leaders and will be shut down today in preparation for dismantling. Created in 2008 to monitor the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile, the IBM supercomputer was […]

Google declares end of YouTube in April Fool’s prank

Is the world’s biggest video site about to go offline for a decade? (Credit: Screenshot by Eric Mack/CNET) The best April Fool’s pranks are absurd but also have a kernel of believability at their core just big enough to reel people in. While the notion that YouTube has been a 8-year-long contest and Google is […]


 Britain’s biggest animal welfare charity is one of the country’s most complained about charities, figures from charities regulator suggest. Source Article from

Hypocritical cries of “anti-Semitism”

Every now and again, when the going gets tough for Israel and growing numbers of people throughout the world begin to see it for what it is – an illegitimate, criminal entity built on the land and bones of the Palestinian people – an Israel flag waver emerges from the Zionist sewer, […]

Now it’s Peter-Andrew:Nolan© the comic character!

Loopy Pete has long been a joke, but some enterprising soul has decided to make him an online comic character … we predict a flurry of Lawful Demands for truckloads of Troy Ounces of gold for breaching The Loopster’s copyright of ANYTHING to do with him. Anyway, we thought it was piss funny – Loopy’s […]

Abbott to reveal workplace policy within weeks

Updated April 01, 2013 07:31:16 Photo: Mr Abbott says voters will be able to see the Coalition’s full policy on workplace relations soon. (AAP: Alan Porritt, file image) Federal Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has promised to release the Coalition’s workplace relations policy within weeks. Mr Abbott has previously said the Coalition will focus on fixing […]

‘Critical information missing’ from LNG approvals

Updated April 01, 2013 07:26:43 Photo: A representation of the $18 billion Santos project. (Santos) The environmental assessment process for two of Australia’s biggest coal seam gas projects was a “farce”, a former Queensland bureaucrat has claimed. Senior environmental specialist Simone Marsh was part of the Queensland Government team that approved Santos’s $18 billion and […]

Mandela spends another day in hospital

Updated: 05:33, Monday April 1, 2013 Nelson Mandela is spending a fourth day in hospital with pneumonia. The frail 94-year-old, one of the towering figures of modern history, was admitted late on Wednesday for his third hospitalisation in four months. Doctors drained a build-up of fluid, known as a pleural effusion […]

Crean would fight super shift – report

Updated: 07:06, Monday April 1, 2013 Simon Crean has reportedly pledged to oppose any move by the federal government to tax earnings on superannuation accounts. The Australian reports the Labor backbencher has called on his government to explicitly rule out changes that would retrospectively tax earnings generated by super accounts. Mr […]

G.I. Joe storms US Box Office

Bruce Willis stars in the 3D-enhanced G.I. Joe: Retaliation. Source: AP AFTER a nine-month delay, “G.I. Joe: Retaliation” deployed to the top spot at the US box office. The action film starring Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Bruce Willis and Channing Tatum marched into the No. 1 position at the weekend box office, earning $41.2 million […]

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