Greetings and Salutations
So, I see some of you had your heads blown about some mis/dis…put out by a couple of the talking heads, one is certain to be a talking head for the Cheney group. Therefore, we’re still looking for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. I bet when he passes and get’s his karmic payment for deeds done, he’ll be arguing for his rights to tell those lies. What happened to ‘debt doesn’t matter?’ Common sense says it matters to they you owe. Mr. Wanta has backup to getting that 27T spread out. The other signatory is setting on ice right now, ready to initiate the Reagan/Mitterrand protocols. Because they’ve tried to kill the man on a few occasions, he thought it best to remain where he is until the all clear is sounded. As the phoenix rises, the eggs will start cracking open and you’ll notice, the world will notice…one thing that will be noticed is folks exchanging their dinars and dongs. RVs Have to happen, new banking system based on precious metals, the RVs happen accordingly.
Something this huge can’t be laid on the head of the president or a prime minister. All have signed off as the docs have been presented. They all need the money…duh! Old banking is over, the robber barons of banking are looking at their Waterloo. Go with the flow or be jobless and black balled from ever being in banking again. BTW, the one person not screaming about anything out here is Lee Wanta, think the man knows something? If you can, catch ‘wanta be free’, published interviews with him. Butts are puckering in Wisconsin.
This is the end of the long march to true freedom and every fate ego will be dumping crap on the net so you lose your mind or confuse you. I’m really Not the roses and feel good messenger I have been portrayed, I have [known] the truth for years now, I was put in this position because ‘my hand was too heavy’ as I was told, liars and thieves are simply that and I’m not in the game of redemption. Take that up with your maker. I’m about removal and freedom, real freedom not that ‘patriotic’ garbage. The meaningless prattle coming out of DC. Everybody gets their own vine and fig tree, remember, unless the dragons, etc. did what they did with the less than nice guys. You’d have got your money and the bad guys would have just stolen it back. Some things you have to use explosives on! Nothing like somebody in a $5000 suit sitting in prison, eating gov cheese and drinking powdered milk. That’s justice. How’s that working out for ya fellas?
Consultations until the door bell rings.
Have fun. Be a baby phoenix and rise, baby, rise.
Love and Kisses,
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