Archive for January, 2014

West Coast Sea Stars Turn To Mush…Pacific Dying

(GlobalResearch) NPR, Jan. 30, 2014 (Emphasis Added): […] Scientists first started noticing sick and dying sea stars last summer at a place called Starfish Point on Washington’s Olympic Peninsula. […] Reports have since surfaced from Alaska to as far south as San Diego, raising questions of whether this die-off is an indicator of a larger […]

School Seizes Lunch From Students And Throws Them Away

(Luke Funk) Parents at a Utah school were angry when they found out that authorities took lunch away from dozens of students and threw them away. It happened at Uintah Elementary School in Salt Lake City. On Monday, a district child nutrition manager was sent to the school to investigate a large number of students […]

Obama Arms Utah Police With Grenade Launchers, Tanks, & Riot Gear

(TellMeNow) It has also be revealed that over 2,240 pieces of military equipment have been sent to Utah since 2009. All of the heavy-duty equipment is valued at about $3 million. Utah police have already received about 1,230 rifles, four grenade launchers and 17 .45 caliber pistols. Many civil libertarians are becoming increasingly concerned about the Pentagon […]

FEMA Stockpiling Body Bags Since Katrina’s Top Secret Gun Confiscation Scheme

(TellMeNow) Right after Hurricane Katrina, FEMA swooped into the area in aid of distraught residents, and the military tagged along. What a lot of people don’t know is, that the military wasn’t just there to help those in need, but they were there to disarm Katrina sufferers. Since then, the government has been stockpiling body […]

Genetically Modified Monkeys Using Crispr Genome to Show Transhuman Genome Editing in Humans Are Feasible

(Brian Wang) China has created genetically modified monkeys using a new method of DNA engineering known as Crispr. The infant macaques show that targeted genome editing is feasible in primates—a potential boon for scientists studying complex diseases, including neurological ones, and an advance that suggests that the method could one day work in humans. The new study […]

Revolt of the Plebs Broadcast Jan 28, 2014

Keith interviews ‘Orwell’s Daughter’ Download Here THANK YOU FOR ASSISTING WITH THE COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH PRODUCING THIS PROGRAM This entry was posted on January 31, 2014, 6:06 pm and is filed under Revolt of the Plebs Broadcast Archives. You can follow any responses to this entry through RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end […]

New York State passes anti-boycott legislation

Bill proposed by Democratic state senator passes chamber, if signed into law will prohibit New York universities and colleges from paying dues to ASA and other academic organizations that boycott Israel ynet New York State Senate passed a bill on Tuesday that directly addressed the controversy surrounding the American Studies Association’s boycott of Israeli universities. […]

Ministers split on strategic plan over how to counter boycott threats

Yuval Steinitz advocates PR counteroffensive, but Avigdor Lieberman says this would play into activists’ hands. Haaretz Government ministries are sharply divided on how to handle the increasing threat of international boycotts and sanctions against Israel over the West Bank occupation and settlements. The Strategic and Intelligence Affairs Ministry, headed by Yuval Steinitz, advocates a public […]

US intel fears attack on American soil, while Syria spirals out of control

continue reading This entry was posted on January 31, 2014, 6:06 pm and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed. Source Article from

Russian senators condemn Ukrainian protests, warn of dire consequences

continue reading This entry was posted on January 31, 2014, 6:06 pm and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed. Source Article from

Scientists find new way to grow stem cells without embryos

Girl in America Banned From Selling Cupcakes

Australia threatens to deport Anti-Social illegal immigrants

Kerry’s Ukrainian Opposition meeting ‘circus’: Russia

Great Barrier Reef to get backyard mud dump after coal port expansion

Edmonton Police are Above Traffic Laws, and Intimidate Motorists

Cole Kruper shared this post via’s submit page. He originally published the post at EDMONTON, AB –The Police are supposed to make the places where they operate safer. They’re supposed to protect and serve. But, the problem is, in today’s world of out of control Police, they do just the opposite. There is no […]

The Training of America By BewareMouse

Title 18, U.S.C., Section 241 Conspiracy Against Rights This statute makes it unlawful for two or more persons to conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person of any state, territory or district in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him/her by the Constitution or the laws of […]

Technology’s Gift to Activism

Theresa Richard shared this post via’s submit page for the Bitcoin-Fueled Content Contest. My parents raised me to respect authority and hammered that point home when it came to dealing with my elders, my teachers, my coaches and most importantly law enforcement. My father was an MP while he served in the Army in Ethiopia. […]

Why Are Cops Picking on The Weak?

Cole Kruper shared this article, which he originally published at, via’s submit page. Stories of Police picking on the weak seem to be quite common in today’s modern world of protecting and serving the shit out of you. Just this week on NewsinGeneral, I’ve posted two articles that deal with Police beating elderly men, […]

CopBlock Radio Show – Episode 41

This episode of the CopBlock Radio Show is sponsored by Suns of Liberty Mint.  Check them out for the most dividable silver out there at awesome prices.  Follow their Facebook for weekly contests and win yourself some. If you’d like to sponsor the show or advertise please head over to FPRN Radio and they can hook you up. Eric […]

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