7 out of 10 women admit to putting make-up on BEFORE going to the gym

Toni Jones

10:22 EST, 26 July 2012


11:32 EST, 26 July 2012

The gym used to be a place where we could wear fraying Lycra and a beetroot complexion without fear of looking out of place

But pictures of perfect looking Olympic athletes arriving in London this week, and the continuing celebrity trend for being snapped in full slap entering and exiting LA exercise studios have led to real women feeling the pressure.

Last week fitness fanatic Kim Kardashian was pictured heading to a Studio City gym wearing freshly applied berry coloured lipstick and pencilled in eyebrows.

Gym bunny: Kim Kardashian is work out - and photographer - ready in Los Angeles

Gym bunny: Kim Kardashian is work out – and photographer – ready in Los Angeles

And according to a new poll seven out of ten women are following Kim’s example and troweling on the cosmetics before a workout.

In order to achieve that perfect ‘gym bunny’ look mascara reigns as the
most popular workout wonder, with two out of five admitting to applying
the lash-lengthening wand before doing any form of exercise in public.

Foundation came in second, with 34
per cent of women wanting a flawless face while sweating it out,
and lip gloss made the top three with 21 per cent.


Synchronised swimmers always look polished – despite spending most of their time in chlorine. Team GB’s tips to staying glam? Chapstick under their make up to act
as a primer and gelatine in their hair to keep their buns firmly in

Possibly the most impracticable
beauty choice for gym lovers was fake tan (17 per cent), despite women
running the risk of streaky skin if a stray bead of sweat escapes their

And one in four fitness fanatics admitted to the Asda pollsters that they spend longer than 15 minutes getting ready for a gym session.

Here’s what other readers have said. Why not add your thoughts,
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Yeah I put a little bit on before the gym…. Not much just mascara and concealer…the gym is full of seriously hot men

Just another place for women to pose and dream of picking up a man or woman, with a 6 pack!

Who cares if you look a state in the gym, if you’re going hard at it you’ll end up with a better figure. A little ‘make up sacrifice’ is worth it to stay slim and toned.

@Helllllll, uk….Ummm last time I checked make-up didn’t cover body odors!

Oh my gosh I put make-up on. This is so.normal. I met my boyfriend at the gym. I’m not sure he’d have stopped to chat with me make-up-less.
Well Lauren from Doncaster, sounds like you have a real keeper there.

those type of people just go to pose…

My motto is and always has been for females at the gym: if you still look cute at the end of your work out, you’re not doing it right. I look a right mess while working out and I couldn’t care less. I am there to look good on the outside!

Oh my gosh I put make-up on. This is so.normal. I met my boyfriend at the gym. I’m not sure he’d have stopped to chat with me make-up-less.

Doesn’t surprise me really. If you feel more confident in how you look you will probably be more positive and confident at the gym.

Well I for one don’t mind makeup its waaaay better than a smelly dirty person who stinks up the place with their Body Oder Yuk! its such a put off

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