9/11 Truth Message Gets Out as Indianapolis Towers Implode

Kurt Nimmo
August 31, 2011

An Infowars.com reader and listener to the Alex Jones Show brought his message of 9/11 truth to the airwaves in Indianapolis on Sunday.

During the planned demolition of the Keystone Towers – a building erected in 1974 that was imploded this week – the man climbed up on a stage near the site and bellowed as the towers crumbled: “9/11 is right in front of you! 9/11 was an inside job!”

The comments are clearly heard at one minute, 59 seconds into the video aired over News 8 in Indianapolis.

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108 Responses to “9/11 Truth Message Gets Out as Indianapolis Towers Implode”

  1. nice job brotha!

  2. watch this clip and wonder how they got the figures:


    the law of gravity
    then this:


  3. Shot out to the man in this video with balls. keep it up alex we love ya

  4. Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.
    Mother Teresa

  5. What is the reason for advocating the ideas of this Dr. Judy Wood when they don’t scientifically add up? Her “theories” have been debunked, if you would take the time to read. What Dr. Judy Wood puts forth is not sound, but rather goes contrary to the laws of physics. I can think of no other reasons than people being willfully ignorant, seeing what they want to see, being imaginative, or just plain lying and spreading disinformation.

    • This implosion is absolutely nothing like the WTC7 nor either tower. The 9/11 “troofer movement” is full of crap.

      You’re all liars and fools…or at the very least idiots.

      • I took the time to redgister just to say this. keep hating you disgusting little fed while the bankers destroy your future to. you might think your on the inside, you will relize how wrong you are soon enuff.

      • whatever……. set a WOODEN chair or WOODEN chest of drawers dowsed in fuel on fire and try to achieve 6.5 seconds, carry on trying until you die – or carry on deceiving yourself, or answer the truth in your heart.

        OR – set a metal filing cabinet full of wood and paper – and with a car on top of it on fire and try to achieve 6.5 seconds in one go, that would only be a metre high, not 47 floors.

      • “You’re all liars and fools…or at the very least idiots.”

        Your flawed logic might be conceived as an opportunity to call you a liar, a fool, or idiot. I’ll leave it to some one else to go ad hominem for ad hominem with the likes of you.

      • Hello mate, you want to look at flawed logic.. here are a couple things to consider:

        1) How long did it take for the larger of the 2 buildings here to collapse?

        2) How long did it take for WTC7 to collapse?

        Given that gravity is constant, which conclusions are illogical?

      • The government shill nostate says: “This implosion is absolutely nothing like the WTC7 nor either tower. The 9/11 “troofer movement” is full of crap.

        You’re all liars and fools…or at the very least idiots.”

        Nonstate, I have found an orifice on my body, where if I were to insert my head, I too could see the events of 9/11 as you do.

        When the revolution comes, you are on a long list of those who will be up against the wall. I am in a lottery for one 9mm round. Perhaps I’ll get the round with YOUR name on it. You have a nice NAZI day now, hear.

  6. Continue to educate the dumbed down masses!

  7. 911 was an inside job!
    Nuff said!

  8. maybe the smartest thing to do was to ‘pull it’ so they made that decision ‘to pull’…. and we watched the building collapse

  9. Psy-ops blah blah blah, is there anywhere online it’s not being conducted? Learn what’s really being covered up.

    This may be shocking, but here are 5 things you’re most likely wrong about.

    You never heard of Sarah Palin before she was announced as McCain’s running mate. If you believe that her name is really Sarah Palin, you’re wrong.

    Palin and McCain said they were going to reform Washington. If you think they were going to do this by getting elected, you’re wrong again.

    Obama disappeared for 2 weeks after winning the election only to reappear looking exhausted sitting next to a John McCain, with a bad poker face, for a press photo shoot. If you believe Obama has free will and the feds aren’t writing his teleprompter, you’re also wrong.

    If you believe that we caught Bin Laden immediately following the release of Obama’s birth certificate, you’re wrong again.

    If you believe that the feds haven’t recruited editors, journalists, and moderators to write the headlines and control the commenting on major news sites in an effort to suppress this information, you’re seriously wrong.

    This is the real story that the media is not and cannot report on. Learn what Osama, Obama, Biden, Bin Laden, the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorists, and Sarah Palin had to do with the last election and the military’s overthrow of our government. Search PalinsDirtyLittleSecret.blogspot

  10. Building 7 was a conventional demolition job, whereas the towers were a whole lot more than that. The towers were a combination of things … the decoy airplane strikes … some say the airliners, others say military aircraft, makes no difference, the airplanes were a decoy op. There were conventional explosions PRIOR to the airplane strikes as well, there were charges that went off between the airplane strikes and the initiation of the collapse sequences of both towers … and finally the initiation of the collapse sequences. The final blows to the towers was from something OTHER than conventional explosions. Google “toasted cars” with “9-11″ as your also ran word. Either micro nukes or some sort of energy weapon was involved.


  11. A smuggling operation humping conventional explosives and installing them would’ve been too easily exposed and would have hung out everywhere for discovery. So what went in had to be carefully muled and of fairly small size. Of course the buildings had been systematically liquidated over a decade prior, so this assumes a lot of empty space.

    In the end it served for purely symbolic value as objects on which to direct the highest token of esteem obtainable for a brutish outrage. So it had been irresistible to the mentality that so prized it for quite some time. It greases the wheels of systemic syndical coercion necessary to continue mobbing government to perform its other atrocities.

  12. I heard hannity say thank good for rendition, wiretapping, and enhanced interrogation, because without these we would never have gotten bin laden.

    I know,c off topic, but when you hear shit like that you gotta complain.

  13. I’ve created gravity, that how the world trade center collapsed. I’ll give you a clue, But first let me say one thing, I will put a video up shortly to show you how to do it and all so how i came to this unbelievable thought process and why the governments kept it to them selves and killed people, not just because of the oil owning fucking wankers, and bankers, I worked it out for myself by the way. Here is the clue: aztec candelabra. Wow, Did you Know that Aerodynamics will have to be written.

    • Hey, would you mind letting me fly? I’m sure something can be done, gravity grounds me and I would like to soar like a hawk, or like superman, or if I had a plank I would paint it silver and then fly like the silver surfer.


      • I’ve given clues over time, the ones that are smart will work it out, me i’m gambling on my life. This technology isn’t for one person it’s for everybody. I’m just the one that works things out. Anotherthing i should of said “rewritten”.

  14. Not political? Well you should be

    Everything they do, you pay for!!!! Right down to their underwear!!!!

  15. what are we back to the FEDS saying what can and cant be posted on infowars????

  16. 9/11 proved to all the tin-foil hat wearing conspiracy nut jobs that demolition companies no longer need to waste time and money with explosives, and weeks of proper planning to demolish these two buildings.  All you need to do is sprinkle some jet fuel on it, wait 1 hour, then they’ll implode perfectly straight into their own foot-print like on 9/11. Anyone who believes 9/11 is an inside job probably thinks the earth is also round, hahahahahaha, MORONS!!!!

    • Nyuck nyuck nyuck!

  17. It would actually be inaccurate to compare conventional demolition materials to the complexity involved in bringing down the Twin Towers and its elicit technology lied about even to this day in stories of bomb detectors that didn’t work. The heat plume and mushroom cloud rising stratospherically for one thing, the total mass comparison is negligible.

  18. inside job, so many smart folks even say so. I’m just a old Ironworker an put steal buildings up and work steal for 40 years. Never ever saw steal go straight down, it always falls over. The core of the two towers could stay standing even with the outside walls falling away. NY an DC WORTHLESS , the two places can’t be afforded anymore. Just like a kid who won’t grow up, you got to kick them out on the street. PEACE grow food ,stay health for the long haul.

    • You hit the nail on the head . The core of that building was so strong , there is no way fire took it down .

    • Agreed I am an Operating Engineer and nope never seen that either. You have to take the time to see the videos with Dr. Judy Woods on youtube. The Steel Beams dissolved they did not fall. they just turned to dust. It is amazing the data she shows. She is bang on.

      • But I thought all the steel was sent off to China and melted into new steel.

        It’s tough enough keeping up with the competing offerings from the church of truth,but this “no plane” wrinkle is all too much.

        • Of course it went to China….. The USA could not have the Thermite found on these steel pieces! Heaven forbid!

      • While appreciating the scientific analysis of Dr. Judy Woods, do check out the massive media complicity surrounding the event. Pay particular attention to the magicians smoke surrounding the buildings, and the amateur, blending of cgi graphics, dead giveaway. The mass media is over. Anyone employed by any of the mass media news channels during 911 are facing prison.

        Accessory to mass murder. Aiding and abetting high crimes and treason. Media employees speak now or forever hold your peace. Do you feel lucky if you are not hanged in unison sitting in chairs like cowards as your neck snaps. Perhaps you will receive 10-20 years in prison, if you are lucky. This site will blow you away!

        septemberclues dot info/wtc_collapses dot htm

  19. You know Alex you should offer people like this guy a free t-shirt of his choice. You should have a contest like we used to have in the 70′s were if you make a provocative statement using the presstatute on city state or nation TV. You win a day or morning with Alex. People would be more inclined to participate in a award or award contest. Much like the 1776 but make it for going against the establishment using their weapons like tv against them.

    People who use the media against itself successfully get a t-shirt of choice. Or hell give them an infowarrior metal on a ribbon or a flag. The person who does the best to expose the most gets to fly in and spend the day/morning with you and see the operation. People would go nuts for that.

    • Great idea. Infowar medals for people who use the media to their advantage for the cause, like this man in the video. The news reporters were stumbling all over the place after that one hahaha! Although, for him to get a medal would really put him in danger, better keep it anonymous, he’d be called a terrorist in no time.

    • That’s an excellent idea! Use their own media against them. That’s the way to go. I endorse the idea. However, T.Birk8 is right because if you don’t keep it anonymous, Alex would be labeled a terrorist. It would almost seem like the Noble Peace Prize except that the Noble Peace means shit these days especially after giving it to Odumba. We should start a new Noble Peace Prize! One that means something. Call it, the “AMERICAN PEACE PRIZE!” or “INTERNATIONAL PEACE PRIZE” I’d endorse it. It would have to be given from someone outside the country and voted by people in America or internationally. That way, the U.S. can try and block giving out the medal like China (making our government look more stupid) and the people giving the medal will have a difficult time being labeled a terrorist if it is Internationally supported by the masses and given by someone outside the country. Someone should look into it. Sponsor it and make it known.

  20. 9/11 was controlled demolition. WTC 7 was implosive style, which means that the first bombs went off from the ground up (it sank into its own footprint). WTC 1 and 2 was explosive, meaning that the explosions started at the top and worked their way down. Dr. Steven Jones took samples of the dust and found thermite (typical explosives in controlled demolition) particles in the dust. When the molten metal was uncovered and cooled, Dr. Jones found that it was also composed of thermite, with sulfer added (called thermate, which is more powerful then thermite). The rolling clouds of dust are a typical reaction once thermite (and thermate) begins to burn. I have seen it several times on Mythbusters. There are hundreds of reports from first responders, survivors, reporters, and eye-witnesses that say that explosive charges were detonating as the towers came down. Many also remember a countdown for WTC 7. As a coincidence, the Pentagon was running several drills that day, many of which involved the same buildings being attacked the same way.

    In the case of the attack on the Pentagon, there was nothing left of whatever hit the Pentagon that could identify what actually hit the building. However, several people who were inside the Pentagon, and very close to the impacted area, said that it sounded like a bomb going off, not a plane hitting the building. Also, no airplane that we know of could have penetrated the fortified structure as far in as the damage was reported, at least not at that exact angle and velocity. Then there was Rumsfeld slipping on national television and saying “missile”. Many experts believe that it was a missile due to the nature of the damage as well as the testimonies of those inside the Pentagon.

    You can believe what you wish, but from the footage I have seen, I believe that at the very least the government knew about the attacks prior to 9/11/2001 and did nothing. At the most, 9/11 was an inside job, conducted by the Federal Government in order to take away the Rights of the American people so that they can set up a Tyrannical One World Government that all of the recent Presidents have called for.

  21. Who gives a shit!!!!!!!!!! What can we do nothing!!! your alll died! because of what you have, you don’t want to lose that do you!!! You r going to lose it all when the mobile mast control your mind!!!!!!!

    • Wow, what the high holy hell is ‘mobile mast control (to? For????) Your mind!!!!!!’ mean?

      We can do what we can do, and what we don’t fear, and if nessesary we can do what we do fear as well.

      I’m not all died. I just breathed half a second ago, so I know for sure.

      • ROFLMAO!! Not all died….holy cheese whiz, I need to go out and smoke a doob in order to understand some of the stuff being posted this evening. I’m going on the supposition that, if I’m really stoned, it’ll all make sense.

  22. All the name calling on these posts seem to defeat the purpose of these forums. 9/11 was carried out by criminal elements within corporate america. Larry silverstein ADMITS he ordered the building “pulled” (demolished) and what a coincidence he took out a billion dollar insurance policy within 24 hours of the collapse. Rumsfeld ADMITS a missile, possibly a tomahawk hit the pentagon. Workers aty WTC 1 and 2 ADMIT hearing many explosions AFTER the planes had hit the building. The COUNTLESS media brainwashing videos even TIME the falling of the over 100 story buildings as 9.82 Meters/Second, The speed of gravity free fall. Rudolph Giuliani, a former US District Attorney, Lead prosecutor, Shipped the rubble and steel to CHINA within 245 hours. CLEARING THE EVIDENCE, he knows damn well about the court system and without evidence what can you prove? Their was MOLTEN IRON flowing like a foundry reported by SEVERAL WTC cleanup crews. All the people speaking out about this seem to mysteriously DIE in crashes or “accidents”. Physiscist have said molten iron and aluminum dust are in ASTRONOMICAL amounts at the scene afterwards which indicates use of Thermite as a demolition agent. The most damning of all may be the “GOVERNMENTS” official story. If a politicians lips move he is LYING, Add the mainstream media Whooores to this list of men in makeup and empty suits.

    • Fuck you jerk asshole fuck!

      Just kidding.

      • LOL…In vino, veritas. But steeeeeeeve is funny.




    listen for yourself….. change the star to a P.

    For the trolls that are saying WTC had no demolition charges going off.

    • Think link goes to a documentary called

      “The Core of Corruption.” full length on YOU TUBE

      • Excellent !!!

  24. Let us not forget that this is all a conspiracy theory, right.

  25. Plain to see Americans are poorly educated. No critical thinking skills whatsoever. Did you notice that there were no clouds of rolling dust, like there was in lower Manhattan on 9/11? Rolling clouds of dust that turned everything in the area into night, and had the strength to pick up a few firefighters and EMS people, and throw them through the air a good 30 feet.

    9/11 = Direct Energy Weapons. Not controlled demolition.

    • you obviously did not watch the whole video clip there were clouds of rolling dust!

    • The towers were much much much larger then these two buildings but they came down in six or seven seconds….. and so the rolling clouds had more force and momentum behind them in Manhatten.

  26. lol at people still in denial or just clearly stupid. Ok so because the explosions were detonated in a horizontal sequence thus causing the building pieces to fall in a horizontal sequence that means the WTC, buildings, which fell vertically all at once, couldn’t have been controlled, right, ok… idiots.

    You really think there is only one way to perform a controlled demolition?

    Maybe instead of continuing to look for an excuse to refute the truth you should look at what an actual COLLAPSE looks like. Supposedly the WTC building collapsed, but collapses DO NOT fall straight down at free fall speed. If the whole floor by floor collapse (false) theory claims were true, it would not have fallen at free fall speed.

    Wake up and grow a brain, or just stop being a coward.

    • P.s. just to be clear. THINK about it as scientifically as possible, THINK about the physics. WTC were the first EVER skyscrapers to ever supposedly collapse due to fire, buildings have been on fire for MUCH longer than WTC. And even IF the fire’s softened the steel which supposedly led to a collapse THEY WOULD NOT FALL FREE FALL, WAKE UP.

      I mean… how much more obvious is it when you look at WTC 7? Wtf has happened to Americans, have we completely been drugged into stupidity? Or is it just cowardice? Grow a brain or just man up, whatever your case is.

    • look up Barry Jennings, and cure your ignorance.
      He was actually there, unlike you people. And was one of the MANY to report explosions. (they were in video recordings anyways you twits.)
      btw, he died days before NIST released their report on WTC 7.

  27. usually people with high paying jobs, government employees, academia and the people who are supposedly “educated” claim to believe the 911 fairytale. but, regular hard working people with little bit of common sense seem to not buy the fairytale they heard in the media. who are being honest here? any politically incorrect ideas?

    • Corn Pone Opinions, that’s what Mark Twain called them in a humorous piece he wrote. “tell me where a man get his pone and i’ll tell you what his opinions are.” if a person believes their survival depends on them believing a lie, they’ll believe that lie till it kills them.

      • People who do not have the ability to debunk the facts usually just attack the people themselves in hopes of discrediting their story ….. especially when they cannot debunk their stories.

      • Exactly why the “pull it” charade persists.Well said,Randy.

  28. Not every building demolition looks exactly the same due to size, construction, and neighboring structure buffer zone differences. Not all cars look the same either but you still know what they are. So I disagree with the argument that because this demolition doesn’t look exactly like WTC 7′s then WTC 7 wasn’t demolished.

    Happy 10th Birthday to the 9/11 Lie!

    • I was within a few feet of something I was scared real scared.
      But I got away and now I am posting the information, I hope it will makes sense later.

  29. This is REAL NEWS here!

    Alex is just showing you the idiots he has brain washed into screaming that to gain him publicity.


    • Well, why sit around here amongzt uss morans?

      Why not make up your own site and create an army of Mensa followers?

      You might want to learn some english skills, though.

      “Alex is just showing you the idiots he has brain washed into screaming that to gain him publicity.”

      With a tiny bit of editing-

      “Alex is just showing you idiots he has brain washed you into screaming that phrase to gain him publicity.”

      Even that would barely pass- Jeeze.

      (normally I hate people correcting other people- but when you start with the whole idiot/ moron thing, and you can’t even form a complete a sentence, you look downright silly- scratch that- you look f*cking stupid)

      Not that commenting about a controlled demolition looking like 9-11 has anything to do with Alex Jones.

      That’ll be up to your Mensa Crew to hammer out.

    • go away hosebag.

      1st building crimping down the middle was classic form just like building 7, in miniature.
      brainwashed is pinheads like you who sucked and swallowed the “official story”.

      rumsfeld said a missile hit the pentagon, you cant prove that statement wrong can ya..
      you probably think the financial fraud investigations by the SEC in bldg 7
      were gonna send OSAMA BIN LADEN to a jail cell?

      maybe ya oughtta go back to reading “my pet goat” upside down..

    • your an A grade idiot.. why bother commenting that. Go back to playing with your lego

    • you’re the moron without your own opinion, you’re clearly repeating something you have heard, I know because I heard that about him too. The difference is I formulate my own opinions instead of emulating others.

    • hey a troll….

  30. lol

  31. Let’s see:A) no explosions heard as #7 fell.B) This clip looks nothing like #7′s fall.C) Nothing smashed into these tiny buildings,no plane,no beams.

    I guess the big story here is some nutjob screaming about 9/11 as the implosions were done.
    Any normal news outlet would point out that a person obsessed with Building 7 went briefly nuts and got himself on local TV.Here at “The Jew Did It” Headquarters a lame attempt to conflate this event with 9/11 was tried.

    Charlie Sheen is probably blurting out “Winning” right around now,too,I suppose.

    • If you actually believe no explosions were heard coming from Building Seven, you need to hop into your Wayback Machine and check some of that old 9/11 news footage and rid yourself of your ignorance.

    • ok buttinger, the BBC didnt report the building down 23 minutes before it actually was..
      the firemen on video saying boom-boom-boom-boom were just lying right?
      I’d love to see you meet them and call them liars.

      would you like to call me anti-semitic now too you fuggen race-baiter?

      • Actually,it’s you and your cult that are calling the FDNY liars,Captain Oblivious.And that’s Mr.buttinger to you,Elmer.

        Remember,the meat and potatoes of what the firemen say is contained in the oral testimonies that you nutjobs always churn out,citing the 118 men who mention explosions that day.If you had the wherewithal or the courage to read those all the way through you’d see that numerous men speak of expecting the building to fall,as it was showing a bulge and creaking at times,while burning out of control for 6 or 7 hours.That’s why the men involved in search and rescue in the immediate vicinity of the building AND local residents were PULLED back from the area.They were anticipating a collapse.There’s even footage on the net of a fireman explaining to the camera that there’s no way the building WOULDN’T collapse,considering its compromised state.

        Maybe you are being hornswoggled by Alex Jones and his cracked staff.

    • look up Barry Jennings, and cure your ignorance.
      He was actually there, unlike you.

      btw, he died days before NIST released their report on WTC 7.

      • Perhaps you should watch some of the actual footage from that day. I saw a reporter at the towers, just before the “collapse”, and as he was reporting, the camera swings up and the reporter says, “There was a second explosion now, raining debris on us, we better get out of the way!” I suppose he’s a liar huh? All first responders said that there were multiple explosions as the towers collapsed. Are you calling them liars as well? Your name speaks volumes. You’d kiss the Devil’s @$$ if you thought it would get you a promotion.

        • Stupid mobile… That reply was supposed to go to Andy Ettinger

      • So,there was an explosion at noon and the building went down at 5:20 P.M.?

        The building was already on fire after being hit by heavy debris,at that point explosions aren’t unusual.

        We need to hear more from Michael Hess on that one.




      listen for yourself….. change the star to a P.

      • This link goes to…

        You tube “The Core of Corruption.”
        You will be able to listen to the demolition charges and the end of this documentary is very very damning against Israel’s involvement to get the U.S. to launch more wars against Islam.

    • Right.. that has worked in the past..No investigation, and no mention….9/11 investigators most all had dirty hands from involvement, in Iran Contra.. Yeah, you’re,a nut job, Nice try… Your not winning anything.. Blood of American’s is on the hands of Bush, Cheney, Rumfield, Marvin Bush, and more.. History will get to the bottom and it will not be a joke..

  32. Christians are the original truthers. Even after two thousand years most refuse to face the truth and accept the undeniable evidence:

    Jesus Christ is Lord. He has purchased all humanity with His blood.


    • HURRAY!!!

    • the spirit is greater than the blood, this is the secret to Man’s impending victory over the bloody global tyranny.

      • Man with a capital “M”?

        Humanity will have no victory apart from his Maker. This is the whole point of the globalists and these end times. The whole point of this mortal flesh age. To demonstrate to man that man is nothing apart from the Creator.

        Many will refuse His love and his salvation and many others will accept Him. There is no other source of life in this age or the next. No one who has been born from above, born of woman, dies the second death until the end of the millennial rule of Christ.

        The false christ comes first to deceive as many as remain of this world. Many will respond to the truth before the true Christ who paid the price returns.

        In your patience possess ye your souls.


  33. I am nearly positive that dustification occurred with the Twin Towers.

    Building 7 on the other hand, appears to be a classic example of controlled demolition.

    Pay attention to how the Twin Towers came down from the top down, but building 7 clearly was demolished from the bottom up, as it fell into it’s own vacuum beginning with the 1st floor and then moving up. Although it is true that the penthouse drop and roof crimp were seen first, but only because the middle of the building was blown first at the ground floor, allowing the roof line to crimp and drop in the middle.

    I just can’t believe these buildings dropped without resistance, as symetrically as they did without it being a controlled demolition of one type or another. In the case of building 7, how did every 1st floor column let go at the exact same time if they were not blown out?

    I just an’t believe the government, NIST and mainstream on this one and that includes everything that’s being justified in the wake of it all. I have the biggest problem with everything that follows in the wake of 9/11 and if all of that that follows is not a total conspiracy to overthrow America, then I don’t know what is.

    • Yeah, great job… Hit the air…

  34. The balls of gold award goes to……THAT GUY!!!!!

    • More to the point,he wins the brain aflamed award.

      • and you win the dumbazz troll award.

        • Dear Captain

          Most people do not comprehend the POWER of peer pressure, the need for belongingness, fear of ridicule, etc.. They actually need a type of consensus approval to believe the things they are told to believe. Case in point, the earth was flat and it took a real long time dispite scientific evidence and “fact” for it to sink in.

          The same was true with continental drift, which the christains also opposed because it rocked the comfort boat of belief. We’ve seen these peeing contests which last for a generation or more and many actually die of old age clinging to a false belief, that they and their generation never really understood and accepted as the truth.

          andy ettinger is one of those people that will defend his belief system until the day he dies, regardless of what you show or tell him. He has a preconditioned selective brain filter that derails each and every fact, one by one, so there is NO ACCUMULATION of evidence in his mind to tip the scales of awakening.

          That and there are different types out there and there is one type that can’t hande significant changes – they simply flip out almost like Rainman, even though they are not technically retarded. Thye simply can’t learn anything new, like the metric system, about tha age of the earth and solar system, about false flags and government, they just can’t handle it.

          Unfortunately for the many that still can’t see it, they will probably never wake up unless mainstream and our top leaders tell them its’ true and that the world will be OK, as the real culprits are hauled in for interrogation and sentencing. Right now, there are still too many people that think the world and America will end if it is ever proved that 9/11 was an inside job.

          But at least you and many others get it and we will just have to keep moving forward and it will be the task of this generation, just like it was the task of a generation to prove the world is round and that the earth orbits the sun, not the other way around.

          I know how trying and frustrating this is, but like I said there really are different type of people out there and many must have consensus approval for most of what they will allow themselves to believe and not believe. Just like in many class rooms, no question is a dumb question, but many are afraid to raise their hand and ask, because for that type it is too painful psychologically to appear dumb, so they alway pick and go along with the consensus approved answer and beliefe system.

          It’s almost as difficult as trying to talk someone into going on a diet when they don’t want to because it challenges their comfort zone. With 9/11 it still takes some guts even with all the information that’s out there because people are afraid, so it’s easier to be stubborn and find support from others that feel the same way.

          And yes, they are incredibly stupid as they react like punks with punk responces because they’ve got nothing to really back up their beliefs, so they resort to all kinds of emotional gimicks, from laughter to name calling, but anything intelligent they DO NOT HAVE. I have one at work that always says, but if we reinvestigate 9/11 how would the families of victims feel and my answer is waht do feelings have to do with the facts? and they never have an answer other than another emotional question, followed by name calling, lableling and then moving onto the funny ha ha. It’s like a sedative to them and they always peel out of it that way. Or they will add some patriotic crap misled to close the door on any further disussion of the matter.

          Back when I studied psych in college among other things, hypnotism has the same exact effect, where people will make up all kinds of excuses to justify a bazzar behavior and belief under post hypnotic suggestion. Once you’ve actually seen it in action, post hypnotic suggestions that is, those that still don’t get it, that 9/11 was an inside job, act just like a post hypnotic subject and I find that really amazing. Because they have no solid anchor or bearing of thought on the issue, other than nonsensical jumbled thoughts that do not add up, they simply remain hypnotized and you can’t snap them out of it.

          When you tell them the TSA is as bad as Nazi Germany, they just laugh and forget everything that was said, or invent all kinds of nonsense excuses to justify the TSA, without realizing the TSA DOES NOT SEARCH most of the luggage. Now this does not make any sense if one is awake, but the hypnotized just can’t think it through, that something is wrong with the story they believe in.

          All’s you can do is keep trying and slowly some do snap out of the trance.

        • I should have mentioned, I wrote this long post, because there are many in denial that are under the influence of mainstream’s post hypnotic control. As they read, it makes their wheels squeek and maybe some of that noise will wake them up just a tad.

        • Hapless,feckless,clueless,the imbecilic “no planer” lurches forward,comforted by the fact that he’s a part of something different,unique,trend-breaking,innovative,special,iconoclastic.

          The fact is,a bunch of suckers’ll go with it and the waters will be muddied that much more.To me,that sounds like Cointel-pro,but what do I know,I goof on heroic saps like Luke and Alex.

          The frustrating part,Spinboy,is the cement heads like yourself that don’t know how an actual investigation works.You stick with the most discredited and absurd stuff because you’re loyal to the cult.

        • Nicely written Unspun, it deserves to be an editorial or article somewhere. I think a lot of people are already mental slaves and will believe anything an authority tells them, just like in 1984, and the school system has everything to do with this.

          Most schooling is pretty dis-jointed and much out of context with no real learning taking place. The only solidifying factor is when the teacher gives the student an A+ then everything is alright. Most of the really ‘bright’ people I know who are high achievers have faith in the system, they use the word ‘believe’ when discussing facts. They also spend much of their down time watching or reading fiction.

        • Re:andy and ‘no planer’ comment. The plane or no plane is hardly the question. We could come up with 100 facts and you would discount them all with nary a thought, which is probably how you investigate.

          Planes, aluminum popcans with fuel are not a physical threat to skyscrapers which are built to withstand a 747 hit. Jet fuel does not melt steel or titanium of which the engine is made of. No plane is not the point either way andy.

  35. Remember, remember, the 11th of September

    The global enslavement plot.

    I know of no reason why the new world order treason

    Should ever be forgot…

  36. Stevergee says:
    August 31, 2011 at 11:42 am
    Judy Wood’s anaylsis of the evidence of 911 is too close to the truth – I’ve studied the book – Where Did the Towers Go? – she has nailed it head and AJ will not touch her – with that info it would spoil all of the controlled 911 ‘truth’ tenents
    See if he ever has Jesse Ventura back on – Jesse Venture knows – he has looked at Dr. Judy Wood’s book. .. study the evidence people – it will lead you to the truth
    mikerusober says:
    August 31, 2011 at 12:10 pm
    I agree with you Stevergee but there is more to the story than what we see or hear in this forum. Alex is only one man and can’t do it all, if he supported Judy wood his radio show would be shut down just like they did to me old friend LENNY BLOOM. I remote viewed 911 in great detail back in Jan-Feb 2001…….I viewed steel turning to dust……Dr Judy Wood and her friends will win the day after this endless distraction of thermite…..its like peeling back the layers on an onion.
    /ictory is ours………Great job infowars
    fishbones says:
    August 31, 2011 at 11:30 am

    Where Did the Towers Go?
    The Evidence of Directed Free-Energy Technology on 9/11
    So, you want a new invistigation of 9/11 and accountability for the coverup of 9/11?
    Well, Today’s your lucky day !
    Many have called for “a new investigation” of 9/11, but we do not need another whitewash! A group of folks, including myself, have not only called for a new investigation of what really happened on 9/11, but have actually done something about it. In addition to a new investigation, we have called for accountability in the coverup of 9/11. Perhaps you’d like to join us.
    .drjudywood (dot) com/
    Many people around the world are now realising that the official story of 9/11 is almost completely false.
    Andrew, along with fellow 9/11 researcher Dr.Judy Wood have bought up a whole new set of questions, which can not be ignored and turns the thermite theory to dust! (Pun intended)

    In this presentation, we will look at the evidence as to why the story is false, but we will also look at how some elements of the “9/11 Truth Movement” seem to be trying to cover up a secret which has the potential to transform the future of mankind. How was the WTC really destroyed and why was Hurricane Erin closest to NYC at about 8am on 9/11? A look at the evidence tells us what happened and, to an extent, how it was done.
    .ebbwvaleinstitute (dot) org/news/fri-9th-september-2011-finding-the-truth-about-911-andrew-johnson

    • I don’t think that looked anything like WTC 7. 7 went down as a whole and there was alot more to WTC 7 than those crappy buildings. The explosions were highly visable and audible, sorry. I think something else brought 7 down.

      Dr Judy Woods work is very plausable to me. Some type of directed energy weapon. Something that may be far beyond our comprehnsion. Dustification, the steel seems to turn to dust in towers 1 2. That would account for all the papers flying around. Like if the steel file cabinets were not there anymore, they just turned to dust. Also the debris pile is too small it dosen’t make sense. The rubble pile should have been 1/8th of the original building height 12.5% but the pile was 2% of the original height. Strange Days.

      • Thats because those were set off in the basement and not at ground level like these buildings

        • William Rodriquez reported an explosion beneath his feet and he was on a ground floor.

      • Building 7 was not an normal building, it was bulit as a comand and controll building, thicker foundation walls etc.. It was built to be standing in the event a Nuclear bomb hit NY.. Not a direct hit but that building is said to have been one of the strongest in NY City… To take it down took a lot of planning..

    • I see no reason why the use of energy weapons would necessarily mean that thermite or thermate wasn’t used as well. They found widespread microscopic beads of thermite in the building dust. The few steel beam sections that remained showed distinctively angled cuts, which is what thermite does when shape charged onto them.

      It’s reasonable to believe that the perps would use as much redundancy as they could, in which case both Stephen Jones and Judy Wood would be right – thermate and energetics were used to destroy the buildings. Since significant radioactivity was found at ground zero, it could be that some form of nukes were also used.

      It’s maddening when someone completely closes their mind to the great amount of evidence compiled about 9/11. @Unspun explained some of that pretty well, I think. Fear drives certain kinds of people into denial at any cost. That seems like such a weird mental-emotional trait to those of us who must know the truth, whatever it is, but that’s how f’d up some people really are. If they only knew that almost EVERYTHING they’ve learned from childhood on up is a lie…

  37. There was a little bit of a run on one side but otherwise perfectly symmetrical on WTC7!

  38. You can see the early smaller squibs just like with the twin towers. The rapid fire explosions were also heard on 9/11. The company that cleaned up (covered up) the crime scenes at both OKC bombing and WTC is called “Controlled Demolition”……….

  39. Notice how the media whores edited the comment out for the replay. Presstitutes will always be whores to the Illuminati. May they all rot in hell.

  40. I bet mos people would still not believe it, the lie is so massive…. the world is a monster, and people won’t realize it until it’s to late.

  41. Look at how symmetrical WTC7 is compared to these.

  42. Great Job of getting the message out there!

    • Thx

  43. This is your eyes telling your brain what a planned demolition looks like.
    Tell your brain to make your eyes watch 9-11-01 reruns again.
    Any Questions?

    • This was really sloppy and low budget compared to the Bush-Securacom jobs

  44. that guy was obviously a terrorist… how dare he question 9/11 coincidences?!

    • Oh don’t worry the thought police will be on his case and he will dissapear.

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