December 21, 2012… Who Determined the Mayan Calendar Would End On That Date?


Where did the “Long Count” End Date really come from?… Who would deny that there is a LOT of conflicting and confusing
information regarding the end of the Mayan Calendar? Complex,
complicated and convoluted is the only way to describe the overwhelming
number of narratives surrounding the date…
December 21, 2012.

How do we decide which of these different stories is close to the
real narrative as predicted by many of the world’s scriptures, sacred
calendars and ancient prophesies?

There is only one context in which to properly evaluate the Mayan
Calendar Long Count and its many weighty implications and far-reaching
ramifications for humankind. And that is the macrocosmic context.

In order to properly understand the macrocosmic context, there must
be some acknowledgement about the relationship between different schools
of cosmology, ancient calendars and spiritual traditions.

The following
set of equations illustrates the true relationship between some of the
major pieces of the End-Time puzzle.

  • End of the Mayan Calendar =

  • Closing of the Iron Age =

  • Twilight of the Kali Yuga =

  • Grand Finale of the Book of Revelation =

  • Appearance of the Blue Star Kachina =

  • Omega Point =

  • Ending of the
    Current World Order  

The Sun Ushers In A New Era With Current Solar Maximum

As with the closing of every era there comes the opening of a new epoch. “When one door closes another door opens.”
is as relevant to the transitioning of the various ages as it is to job

And so, here we are standing at the threshold of a cosmic
convergence which will usher the human race into a new age of heightened
Self consciousness and expanded collective awareness.

Of course, the language surrounding this New Age is also indicative
of the many religious prophecies, cultural traditions and societal
expectations which converge at some point in the not to distant future.
These memes have been planted into human consciousness over the course
of millennia, and have served to set up the fast approaching moment
known variously as:

  • – The Golden Age

  • – Satya Yuga

  • – Age of Aquarius

  • – The New Age

  • – New Millennium

  • – A New Heaven and New Earth

  • – “The lion shall lie down with the lamb”

  • – Ascension

  • – The Return of the Gods

  • – Reunion of the Condor and the Eagle

  • – 5th Density Earth

  • – The Rapture

From this New Age lexicon we can plainly see that there is
common ground among many different cultural traditions around the globe.
Therefore, we know that we are at a HUGE turning point.

Now we look to
locate that cosmic juncture as best we can by tracing back through time
to the germination of the time-seeds which produced the many ancient

And, by viewing the future through a newly-fashioned
telescope of higher consciousness — one that can only be created by the
fusion of a refined intellect and enlightened intuition of a new
heart-centered race of humanity.

Let’s first look at the true evolution (devolution is a more apt
description) of the ages as they unfold over the course of the present
60,000+ year cycle. Each of the four yugas, starting with the Satya Yuga
(aka The Golden Age), descends into the following yuga by way of a
progressive densification of matter and thought.

By way of illustration,
see how life in our post-modern age has become completely out of touch
with reality. The proliferation of the megalopolis and the automobile,
smartphones and skyscrapers stand as testimony to a civilization totally
out of control.

Compared to previous times, we see a society of excessive
over-consumption in every direction. Just as cancer[1] has become a
global epidemic, overpopulation has given rise to too many people
reproducing and consuming everything in sight.

All of the consequent
social ills, economic problems and political paralysis reflect the
inability to apply simple common sense. When things become this dense,
it’s as though the faculty of reason has fled humankind altogether. It
is also the clearest evidence we can point to that we are deep in the
twilight of the Kali Yuga.

So obvious is this established fact that many often like to prophesy a
Golden Age about to emerge. Except there is a HUGE difference between
the transition from the Kali Kuga to the Satya Yuga, and the transtion
phases between all of the other ages.

Isn’t this obvious? How can the
current world order miraculously morph into a Golden Age given the
extraordinarily dark, dense and degenerate twilight period of the Kali

Yes, it’s easy to understand the flow from the Bronze Age to the Iron
Age, and from the Silver to the Bronze. We see through the annals of
history that these were relatively seamless and natural transitions,
although not without their own type of apocalyptic and earth-shattering

Witness the war on the battlefield of Kurukshetra in the
MAHABHARATA as a prime example of what occurred during the last turning
of the eras at the end of the Bronze Age.

Likewise, World War I and II are perfect analogues during the present
and ongoing transition from the present Age of Iron to the next Golden

Who would question that these were truly apocalyptic wars with
worldwide impact quite similar in their pervasive destruction and
catalyzing effects to those which ended the last epoch?

The entire
civilization has since taken numerous twists and turns, and experienced
many fits and starts as it tries to figure out where it wants its future
to lie.

HUGE Changes Coming To Planet Earth

Toward that end intellectual society has produced many a prophet …
and profound thinker, especially from that unruly, amorphous and
independent crowd of beatniks who flowered during the emergence of the Beat Generation.

They were then followed by the hippies of the Baby Boomer
generation who were just as iconoclastic and countercultural in their
own way.

Born in 1946, Terence McKenna was born on the very threshold
separating these two demographic groups that would forever change the
way we look at the world.

Which brings us to the central question of this essay: “Who First Said The Mayan Calendar Ends On December 21, 2012?”

The Answer: No one did. Certainly the Mayans didn’t. Nor did the Aztecs, the Hopi nor the Navaho.

Yes, lots of people said it or wrote it after they heard it somewhere
else. In fact, all of the modern day 2012 prophets picked up the theory
in this fashion. None of them produced the date as a result of a
concrete analysis of any kind. So, who really started this cyber chain

Many 2012 prophets have emerged over the past forty years but only
one has been given credit for actually pinpointing the day of December
21, 2012.

Throughout the process of identifying “the end of time”,
Terence McKenna was not able to make a direct linkage with the Mayan
Calendar because there were no authoritative accounts pointing to a
terminus in 2012.

Because there was no such date identified at the time
of his analysis, making a direct correlation of his Time Wave Theory to 12/21/12 was not possible … unless it was given to him by someone?

“… originally McKenna had chosen the end of the calendar
by looking for a very novel event in recent history, and using this as
the beginning of his final 67.29 year cycle.

The event he chose was the
atomic bombing of Hiroshima, which gave an end-date in mid-November of
2012, but when he discovered the proximity of this date to the end of
the current 13-baktun cycle of the Maya calendar, he adjusted the end
date to match!”[2]

More significantly, the way in which McKenna actually did arrive at
this date can be further appreciated by the following video. An
objective and detached viewer must come to the conclusion that McKenna
threw a stake in the ground based on much circumstantial evidence, an
alien contact, various drug induced states, and some VERY imaginative

So untenable is his theory for marking the calendar on
December 21st of this year, that one can only wonder if there were
forces at work teasing out this ‘forgone conclusion’. After all, who
could deny that there is some very serious numerology surrounding
12/21/12. Not too unlike 9/11/01.

Terence McKenna – December 21st, 2012 – Timewave Zero

Some very significant background toward the construction of Terence
McKenna’s Timewave Theory shows up in the following quote from a recent
article entitled “Timewave Zero: Did Terence Mckenna *really* believe in
all that 2012 prophecy stuff?” by Mark Frauenfelder.

*”What interests Horgan the most pertains to McKenna’s
so-called Timewave Zero theory of history, which holds that something
“novel” and mind-bending would happen on December 21, 2012.

This notion
was “revealed” to him by an “alien intelligence” during a psychedelic
experiment conducted by McKenna and his younger brother Dennis, in the
Amazon jungle in 1971 (Dennis McKenna, today a respected
ethnopharmacologist, was the “channel” through which this entity
supposedly spoke, has apparently never been much of a believer in his
brother’s apocalyptic theories).”

What follows is another short reference to Terence McKenna’s Time
Wave theory. From this we can again see the extremely subjective and
arbitrary way in which he was able to synthesize his theories.

“There is another odd pointer to the 2012 date, American
psychedelic shaman Terrance McKenna’s Time Wave theory. In that theory,
the year 2012 is called “Time Wave Zero.”

McKenna took the I Ching, did
some kind of mathematical fractal operation with it, and produced a
computer program which supposedly produces a “time wave” which maps out
something called “novelty” across the scale of time, from the Big Bang
to the Eschaton, the ending of time.

And guess what? The mapping of time
mysteriously ends at 2012. The Omega point.”[3]

What are we really left with in the wake of this historical analysis?
It’s well known that Timothy Leary and Terence McKenna were the overt
godfathers of the psychedelic movement.

That this movement was overseen
and sponsored by the CIA is also a commonly held belief, and for very
good reason. Was Terence McKenna unwittingly used by his handlers within
the CIA LSD Drug-testing Program to walk down this road in the first
place? Happens all the time, doesn’t it?

A correlation of earth events with Terence McKenna’s Time Wave Zero Graph

This line of inquiry can’t help but lay bare a plot on the part of
‘someone’ to spread the rumor of the millennium. Therefore, the question
remains why would those who populate the Global Control Matrix seek to
hang their hat on a day which will come and go just like Y2K did?

Remember, whoever it is that is weaving the mosaic know as 12/21/12,
both the warp and woof, as well as the yarn itself, all spring from a
much deeper level of knowing. And it is from this divine depth of
knowledge that these more superficial layers of ‘prophecy’ spring. In
other words —

Regardless of the whiff of government conspiracies around this whole affair, it is equally clear that the Universe
has used the entire narrative known as the “End of the Mayan Calendar”
to disseminate what has become a universal meme.

Does it really make any
difference if the end of time is coming toward the end of this
December? In the grand scheme of things, all of us now know that massive
change is in the air.

The feeling that profound and fundamental
planetary transformation is on the cusp is indisputable, just as the
inner metamorphosis which so many of us have been experiencing is
equally palpable.

Therefore, this highly consequential prediction, which is often
attributed to Terence McKenna, is rightly serving its purpose.

In fact, a
great and awesome purpose which Terence McKenna, and Jose Arguelles,
and John Major Jenkins, and Carl Johan Calleman and many other 2012
prophets have all served to further in their own unique and disparate

For those who still wonder about the likelihood of awesome and
momentous happenings on Friday, December 21, 2012, please refer to the
following essay.

It clearly explains the virtual impossibility of anyone
living today knowing the end date of the Mayan Calendar Long Count.
Except, of course, those who have been gifted with such knowledge from
the Almighty.

And we know that those rare souls will only reveal such
sacred information when commanded to do so.

An Open Letter to the 2012 Prophets
2012 is NOW! But when does the Mayan Long Count Calendar really end?


What really happened here? On the strictly mundane level, December
21, 2012 was a date that was chosen by someone, somewhere, for some
specific reason. There can be no accurate attribution for this exact
date, since no one claims to have originally proposed it.

All of the 2012 Prophets who have gone public either rally
around 12/21/12, or throw their own stake in the ground as did Jose
Arguelles and Carl Calleman. None of these ‘prophets’ have the backing
or imprimatur of the Mayan Council of Elders as seen in the
aforementioned essay.

Whether December 21, 2012 is an artificial creation of the self appointed Masters of the Universe
(MOTU)* who currently control the earth realm, cannot be conclusively

In all likelihood it appears that many circumstances
converged in such a way that this particular date was thrust into the
limelight. Therefore, it really makes no difference at this point since
the same general outcome will occur regardless of the actual source and
original intention.

*Even though it appears that the self-proclaimed MOTU are self
appointed, they are not. This is quite critical to understand. In
fact, they are given their roles by a much Higher Power, by
whose very power they exist and are able to perform their roles.

like these MOTU have been empowered to fulfill a very important mission
during these End-times of 2012 and beyond.

Some have proposed that many of the New Age religions,
philosophies and special dates have been chosen the MOTU. As a way of
corralling as many as possible into false paradigms and endless circles
of time-consuming distraction. While doing so may serve their agenda,
do we now see that it also serves a much higher agenda?

When December 21, 2012 comes and goes without any major global event,
cosmic sign or omen to humankind, all of us will be all the wiser.
Having waited and contemplated, prepared and gotten scared, we have
moved ourselves to a higher level of understanding about the world we
really live in and to a more expanded state of Self awareness.

highly personal and spiritual process is usually not without some degree
of alchemical pain and suffering in the form of anxiety about the
future. So, many of us have the meme of 12/21/12 to thank for some of
our most significant and transformative breakthroughs.

In the end, it is all good.

“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”

We also know that the Highest Power is notorious for “writing straight with crooked lines”. Which is precisely why “Everything happens for the best!

Cosmic Convergence Research Group
Submitted: July 2, 2012

Author’s Note:
The Cosmic Convergence Research Group has the greatest respect
for the Terence McKenna. His was one of the freest minds of the 20th
century. Only such a fertile imagination could have explored the
territories of consciousness which he was courageous enough to explore.

We strongly believe that once he pegged December 21, 2012 as the day of Time Wave Zero,
he was forever tagged with the notion whether he moved on from it or
not. Irrespective of the validity of his theory or integrity of his
process, what McKenna did do was open up the proverbial portals of
possibility within human consciousness.

He also greatly raised awareness
regarding the emerging vortex of probabilities toward which Planet
Earth has been hurtling for well over a hundred years.

The world was clearly set on a trajectory since the onset of the
Industrial Revolution, which he and many others recognized. And that
trajectory was taking the world to a place of unprecedented and awesome

This type of transformation never occurs in a day, or a
month, or a year. It takes place over spans of time which are always
necessary for true and lasting change to occur.

Terence McKenna has done the world community a great service by
focusing our attention on things which urgently require our direct
involvement; first within ourselves and then in the outside world if we
are to live and function as an integral, wholesome, and civilized

Mayan Crop Circle


June 30, 2012 – CosmicConvergence


End Notes:
[1] “A longtime sufferer of migraines, in mid-1999 McKenna returned to
his home on the big island of Hawaii after a long lecturing tour. He
began to suffer from increasingly painful headaches. This culminated in
three brain seizures in one night, which he claimed were the most
powerful psychedelic experiences he had ever known. Upon his emergency
trip to the hospital on Oahu, Terence was diagnosed with glioblastoma
multiforme, a highly aggressive form of brain cancer. For the next
several months he underwent various treatments, including experimental
gamma knife radiation treatment. According to Wired magazine, McKenna
was worried that his tumour was caused by his 35-years of smoking
cannabis; though his doctors assured him there was no causal relation.”
(Wikipedia – Terence McKenna)

[2] Terence McKenna –

[3] “Terence McKenna’s Time Wave Zero” –

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