‘A Christmas Story’ On Broadway: Musical Looking For Its Ralphie As It Heads To Great White Way

NEW YORK — Producers are looking for actors, singers and dancers who stand no more than 4-foot-11 to fill the shoes of Ralphie and his friends as they prepare a musical version of the classic film “A Christmas Story” for Broadway.

Performances begin Nov. 6 in New York with an opening night set for Nov. 19. The musical spent much of last year on a national tour.

The show has more than a dozen catchy songs written by Benj Pasek and composer Justin Paul, with titles including “Red Ryder Carbine Action BB Gun” and “A Major Award.”

Both the 1983 film and musical are based the story of 9-year-old Ralphie Parker’s desperate attempt to land an air rifle as a Christmas gift, despite warnings that he’ll shoot his eye out.


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