Adjusting Your Attitude About Chronic Pain May Help You Sleep

FRIDAY, April 27 (HealthDay News) — People with chronic pain who
learn to think less about their pain may be able to sleep better,
according to a new study.

They may also reduce their pain on a daily basis.

The study included 214 people with chronic jaw and face pain, often
considered to be stress related. The patients were white females, whose
average age was 34.

The patients filled out questionnaires about sleep quality, depression,
their pain levels and emotional responses, including whether they think
about their pain often or exaggerate it.

The researchers said that such negative thinking was directly linked to
both poor sleep and worse pain.

“We have found that people who ruminate about their pain and have more
negative thoughts about their pain don’t sleep as well, and the result is
they feel more pain,” study leader Luis Buenaver, an assistant professor
of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the Johns Hopkins University
School of Medicine in Baltimore, said in a university news release.

“If cognitive behavioral therapy can help people change the way they
think about their pain, they might end that vicious cycle and feel better
without sleeping pills or pain medicine,” he added.

The study appeared online Thursday in the journal Pain.

The findings also may apply to people with other stress-related
ailments such as fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, neck and back
pain, and some headaches.

“It may sound simple, but you can change the way you feel by changing
the way you think,” Buenaver said.

More information

The American Academy of Family Physicians has more about chronic pain.

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