Afghans ready for French withdrawal

The recent statement by the Afghan Defense Ministry follows remarks by French president-elect Francois Hollande, voicing his support for the withdrawal of French troops by the end of 2012, AFP reported.

“…Afghanistan is well prepared to take over all security responsibilities in 2013,” the Monday statement said.

The move would result in a pull-out of French troops two years earlier than the NATO withdrawal deadline.

Hollande is expected to meet with fellow leaders from the Western military alliance, NATO, at a summit in Chicago later this month.

At least 83 French soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan since October 2001, when the US-led invasion of the country took place, according to official figures released by the website

As part of the US-led NATO coalition in Afghanistan, France has around 3,400 troops mainly stationed in the provinces of Kabul and Kapisa

Violence has also spread from Afghanistan’s volatile south and east to relatively peaceful areas over the course of the past year, despite the presence of some 130,000 foreign troops in the country.


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