Agenda 21′s Globalist Death Plan for Humanity

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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Lord Monckton talks to Aaron Dykes about the ultimate endgame of the control freak agenda

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5 Responses to “Agenda 21′s Globalist Death Plan for Humanity”

  1. Death algebra directive:

    Reduce population in the most environmentally friendly manner possible given the wealth of variables.

    In descending efficiency:

    Disrupt conception is more cost effective than…
    Aborting early ” ”
    Aborting late ” ”
    Infanticide ” ”
    Kevorkian’s techniques are still more efficient than waiting to die once productivity ends.

    Abortion is easy to sell as packaged with mindchain: “sexual liberation”

    Moving up the life cycle will require a further degradation of social functioning before arrival.

    To the degree that the manufacturing cost of drones is less than the carbon output of one eater and loss due to shootings, etc, Terminator is a cost-effective scenario.

    Productive output of an individual may produce an expected timescale of economic output and thus a tailored “die time”

    Integration of renewed tribal affiliation with relevant “enemy projections” will use the engine of disenfranchisement to create a more efficient death grinder(get the people to kill each other).

    IE, “Conservatives want to hang gays and minorities so you need to kill them to survive, liberals!”
    “Liberals want to take all you own away, so you need to kill them to survive, conservatives!”
    (projections are of course tailored based on psychological metrics mined from available datastreams)

  2. Managing drone and worker bee death to get to their Georgia Guidestone goal is top priority for them, because they must love their god with all their heart, soul and strength. Their god is the god of the Culture Of Death who says DO NOT be fruitful and multiply.

    Your “freedom” will be managed by the Death Managers (Bilderbergers) who come to steal, kill, and destroy YOU.

  3. The video has been removed by the user.

  4. Where’d the video go? Says it’s been removed by user 🙁

  5. Here’s a link that works:

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