Alex Jones: ‘Global bureuacracy attacks American workers’

Russia Today
Friday, September 2, 2011

Last week Federal agents raided two Gibson guitar factories in Tennessee because materials that were used by the guitar maker were allegedly breaking international laws. The law that Gibson allegedly broke was that they used wood that wasn’t finished by workers in India, and the process was being completed in plant in Tennessee, therefore making it illegal. Alex Jones, radio host of the Alex Jones Show, tells us if Federal agents raids are on the rise.

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8 Responses to “Alex Jones: ‘Global bureuacracy attacks American workers’”

  1. This woman CANNOT be that f’ing stupid! She acts as if these things (lemonade stands being shut down, raw food producers being S.W.A.T. teamed, etc.) are occurring in isolation, that there’s no underlying tyranny at work here and Alex continues along as if she’s just stupid. Well, I don’t buy it. She’s using psy-ops to convince the brain-dead viewers among us to see these as isolate incidents rather than as a concerted effort to destroy us. Alex, you need to stop enabling her! Call her on it!

  2. Seems like a “HATE CRIME” carried out by the US government.

  3. wood working is my profession and hobby… does this mean when i am done with a project or restoration job i need to ship my piece to india so i can get a half ass finishing job? maybe ill be next to be raided so if you all see me on the news you know why.

  4. this is just more WARFARE against the American people by DC.

    • And with no end in sight!

      The number of made up stories in the news since the 2008 elections has reached epic proportions.

      Didn’t anyone find it a bit odd that Obama didn’t release his birth certificate for years and when he finally did we caught Osama 3 days later shifting everyone’s attention away from the issue? A few days later message boards at sites such as Yahoo got shut down for over a week.

      The media is so heavily controlled since the OBL story for a reason.

      This is the real story that the media is not and cannot report on. Here’s what Osama, Obama, Biden, Bin Laden, the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorists, and Sarah Palin had to do with the last election and the military’s overthrow of our government. Search PalinsDirtyLittleSecret.blogspot

  5. I wonder if they buy the wood blanks finished one side or two. Even if they bought a finished size, they would still need to tapper and round the edges of the fret board. Then they need to cut fret slots. You might call this refinishing, things that need to be done even if the wood was smooth of both sides (finished) and the blank was cut to a nominal guitar size. If I good to a lumber yard and ask for wood finished both sides, there is no confusion. Yet, they regulators would like to stretch these definitions beyond legal scope into some sort on manufactures product completion. It’s a game of semantics beyond what is generally accepted in the industry. It works fine for a hard wood floor that is two dimensional — all needed is trimming. But a fret board need refinishing and shaping, these don’t make the wood was unfinished if that is how they were send.

    It all boils down to one thing : A criminal government. Who are more concerned about their globalist cronies than skilled jobs for Americans. I suspect someone wants to make “copies” of the Gibson and want Gibson out of the way. A crooked government makes for a cut-throat business environment, where competitors are running to regulators to thwart the competition in the nanny state.

    Banks are also used in similar back stabbing some times — to pull the loans on competition and drive them out of business. It looks like the new globalist mentality will include more back stabbing for predators to take advantage of. After your government ass-rapes you for taxes, then it will stab you in the back — that’s America, new home for psychopaths and predators. It sounds so military.

  6. What a way to justify ones existence. We are so fukt.

    • We are uberfukt!

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