Alexander Cockburn Dead: Radical Journalist Dies At 71 After Fight With Cancer

Alexander Cockburn, a prominent radical columnist and journalist, has died at 71 after a lengthy battle with cancer.

Cockburn’s death was announced by his friend and journalism partner Jeffrey St. Clair on Counterpunch, the website they ran together.

Cockburn was born in Ireland, the son of novelist and journalist Claud Cockburn and the brother of Andrew and Patrick Cockburn, both of whom also became journalists. He moved to the United States in the 1970s and remained there for the rest of his life.

Cockburn was a well-known writer for decades. He first became famous as a pioneering media critic, writing a column on the press for the Village Voice for ten years. (Media writer Jack Shafer long cited him as an inspiration.) He then became a columnist for The Nation, where he wrote for nearly 30 years. His columns were also syndicated by Creators’ Syndicate.

He founded Counterpunch, which became a clearinghouse for his writing and for other leftist journalism, in 1996.

Cockburn became well known, and controversial, for his strong criticisms of American foreign and domestic policy; his skepticism about global warming; his opposition to the policies of Israel; and for his bitter falling out with his former friend, the late Christopher Hitchens.

Katrina vanden Heuvel, editor of The Nation, tweeted about his death on Saturday morning:

Katrina vandenHeuvel

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