All Christians are Cucks # 6

I intended to go through various Christian sites and social media pages in order to collect for you a massive amount of their lunatic statements, phrases and beliefs – but, I will be very honest here – I saved some, but I just couldn’t finish the job. I had to think about my own health and seeing all the idiocy made me worried about my anger, blood pressure and various other things. Then I thought I’d do an article on “Chrestus”, but I see that Charles already covered that subject on his Truth Hertz radio show – Jesus the Jewish Terrorist and his fellow Jews destroying Civilization wherever they go to.

And it sure as hell is true isn’t it? Wherever we find the presence of Jews and the Bible in its various forms – Civilizations disappear. They are gone with the wind – something that lasted for thousands of years manages to get destroyed within 1 generation – why? Well, Jews brainwashed the entire Nation and lowered its stage of intelligence, wisdom, consciousness, tribal union. It just has to break down. Everything has to die at that point. It’s like taking out a plant, cutting off its roots and re-planting it. The plant is going to die, period.

Instead of learning from this pattern of dying Civilizations, we still let the Jews remain among us. We allow their Book of Death Magic to be placed within our Societies : in Masonic Lodges, in Churches, in Justice Departments, in Hotels, hell you can read them now on your phone, tablet, laptop – it is everywhere. And not only is it everywhere in that one particular form – but we find its ideology and narrative within political movements such as Social Democracy, Bolshevism and Communism; we find it in the New Age movement, we find it in various other so-called Secret Societies. It has truly infected this planet beyond belief.

Hence why it is so important to neutralize the entire Jewish conquest of taking over the World from its very source : their Bible and their very Existence.

Alas, how does one help wake up a 2000 year old brainwashing? Well, one must be persistent and ignore the hardship that is involved in succeeding in it – if I were to look at this difficult task and wonder what exactly it would take me to achieve victory against this Jewish poison, I’d probably never even begin doing it. I’d find myself demoralized from not only the advantage of Time they have, but also of the generations of people that have been self-indoctrinating their own children with this infection. When that happens, when the lemmings poison themselves, then the Jews have won over their minds. When the resistance to degeneracy fails, when the comprehension of right and wrong, of logic, is entirely dismissed.

For example take a look at this image here, where it suggests to Christians not to look into any type or form of astrology or astronomy. It must be the work of the Devil! This is, by the way, a commandment to Jews – to make sure that no one on this planet actually looks into the Stars and Constellations. Those are sinners who have to be killed. Meanwhile, the Vatican Church got a large telescope called “Lucifer” and is actually having annual conferences on astrobiology – you can read more about it here. Surely it is just a happy misunderstanding, perhaps even a cohen-cidence.

Then I stumbled upon this image, where we see Jesus the Jew hugging someone and some cute words from Genesis. This right here shows you the intelligence of the average Christian – they quote a verse from Genesis which has nothing whatsoever to do with Jesus and relate it to him anyways. And we wonder why they don’t understand anything – it would seem that most Christians still do not know how to read. This entire passage in the Bible is Yahweh talking to Abraham about how he’s gonna make him rule the fucking planet basically – but, rest assured – the Christians seem to know better.

Context seems to be a very difficult scientific term for Christians.

Just as in this image right here, I mean come on – it is from Deuteronomy – the place where all Jewish laws are basically given, where Jews have genocided several people and Nations in a row, killed all their women, children, men and even the livestock. God had “given them those people unto them”, he “delivered them to the Jews” – and of course, within Deuteronomy – it is said that whenever Jews are to own a particular land that the People, their Culture, their Gods, should all be destroyed and killed. I wonder why that very same thing has happened and is still happening to all White Nations where we find Jews?

Or, look at this one, which is from Psalms – and, if you remember – Psalms are the Scriptures in which it is said that they will destroy all Nations surrounding them. All Nations. So, here we have a spin on that mission by telling us that they will “sing their song” in all the Nations. Boy, that must be a particularly sick tune of Death, right? We have said already  that “vibrations” are capable of changing the entire infrastructure of the Mind – therefore – having the Jews sing among us is lethal and dangerous : their singing is primarily expressed nowadays through the Media – ain’t that a charming sound? Notice also – the Psalms are the most beloved part of the Bible to Masons – should tell you something.

This one is also particularly headache inducing, as nobody ever really explained to these Christian imbeciles what their sin was in the first place. They made it up. Imagine that state of mind! Someone convincing you to feel guilty for something that you have not done at all. Sounds like the Black Slave Trade which the Jews did. Sounds like the Holocaust which never happened. You see, Jews tend to repeat this guilt pattern throughout history. You can change the Christian “Sin” with any other Jewish version of “Sin” – it never changes. You must start looking for these Jewish patterns and nothing else.

Once you identify the behavior of the Virus (the Jews), you will be able to recognize it everywhere. And that should guide you through their bullshit. Always.

To those of us who still have working Aryan brains, their patterns are becoming ever more self-evident. For example, in Deuteronomy 7:6 we can read : For you are a people holy to the Lord your God. The Lord your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession. So, we have a group of people walking among us who believe to be better than we are, yet at the same time are telling the rest of the Goyim that we are all equal. Of course, from the Jewish perspective, we are all equal : we are all the same Cattle and Animal to them. All these Liberal, Modern bullshit ideologies are viewpoints on life from the Jewish perspective.

This equality and diversity thing eventually accomplishes another commandment from the Jewish Bible which we find a few verses later, in Deuteronomy 7:16 : You must destroy all the peoples the Lord your God gives over to you. Do not look on them with pity and do not serve their gods, for that will be a snare to you. Never does it enter the Mind of the average Christian that Jews have destroyed  their entire culture and are planning to literally genocide their people. It never enters their Mind that the Jewish Semitic War God Yahweh might have “given over to the Jews” the European people.

But, just a moment ago we had seen that Christians use Deuteronomy as some kind of Jesus reference, which just goes to show us once more that they really, I mean really, do not know how to read or have a functioning brain anymore. The Christian baptism where they water down the Jew into them is really a ritual of drowning – they finally breathe again when we get them out of that indoctrination. Up until that point, they will always be stuck at certain elements in life : the Jew will eventually whisper into their ear. There is another thing that the modern average Christian does not comprehend :

Their main commandment is to love everyone else, no matter what they do to them. Love your Enemy, love someone who murdered your child. And here comes the part which Christians ignore – if they do not Love their Enemy, even if they are “Christian Nationalists” who hate Jews – they cannot go to Heaven. Resist no Evil, my Christian Slave.

For a man to be intelligent and smart, he has to read a lot and research a lot. To become useful, he has to learn many skills and become reliable. To be wise he has to ask many questions, think a lot, have many discussions – with himself and others. To be materially safe, he has to secure his future. To be Spiritually developed, he has to work on his Soul and Spirit as well.

Sounds perfectly logical, doesn’t it? You would never ever say that any of these statements are wrong or ridiculous. But, then comes Christianity, the Bible, the Jewish God, the Jews themselves. You have to blindly believe instead of developing your Spirituality. You must not be wise because God chose the fools to destroy the wise.

You must not have an inheritance or material security, you should really sell it all. Do not worry about the past or the future, cut off all your roots and forget having any vision. You must not trust or believe in your own self – only in God and his Will. You should still continue to labor though, but share with everyone else – even those who do not work – because you are all One in Jesus the Jew anyways.

Within a few sentences we killed everything what began as a wise and sound intro.


Isn’t it lovely therefore how every type of pride is regarded as normal, except for White Pride? You can be, hell it is promoted, proud to be Black, Asian, Mexican, Jewish – but if there is even one White person standing up for his own people, for his own Self, and saying that he is proud of all the accomplishments his people have done : then you are immediately called a Racist, a Nazi, a Heretic so to speak.

There is a certain positive outlook on trying not to be proud – do not be proud to the point where you will never ever try to become better. Pride is a killer of excellence and that is the only “hidden” message of the ancients. Be proud, yes, but do not allow it to kill your creativity. One might even say here that you have to learn how and when to be proud. You must earn what you have inherited, you must use your talent to make something even better with it. But, do not get consumed with Pride in it because then you will stop developing it.

But, it is very hypocritical to claim that any kind of Pride is the root of Evil – especially since Christians are ever so proud in their Jew the Jesus – oh, he was so wonderful! He was so beautiful he looked like a European! Boy, would I love there to exist a true image of Jesus the Jew, and wouldn’t it be extraordinary to find out that he was the ugliest son of a bitch Jew to ever live on this planet? Anyways, we shall go now into more such Christian quotes, especially early Christian fathers – after all – this entire fiasco began with them; surely they know what they were doing and we should be able to go back to the beginning of the Jewish poison and find… wisdom in it.


Deus Vult, you say? Yes, indeed. You may not even hurt your enemy or pay him back the same thing he did to you. Someone killed your Wife? Well, that’s it then – it happened. Move on, you cannot hurt your enemy. After all, you gotta Resist Evil and Love your Enemy. You should be willing to be slaughtered like the good sheep that you are – do not defend yourself, for that might hurt someone. It is more lawful to be slain, my Christian brothers. Who then defended Europe against Islamic conquest? Certainly not Christians – Europeans and Pagans in their Soul did. Christians cannot defend, they must not defend themselves – so, even if there were some Christians who rallied against invading forces : they are all in Hell now.

Your Nation has a flag? Well, that flag is doing competition for Jesus and that is obviously a no-no. You cannot have any other symbol to die for, except Jesus – he is, after all – your only friend who is supposed to give you commandments. You must not take orders from anyone else, no leader, no hierarchy exists, except Jesus. He tells us more about it in John 15 : I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. So, if you do not follow him : die.

My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command. Die again. But, this time willingly as a good friend who does what he commands from ye. How lovely, it melts away cheese. Abandon your Nations, your People, take Jesus as your Lord and Savior and die for him because he is now your best friend forever! At least this early Christian father said one thing we can agree upon : you have to be “converted” to become a Christian – no one is born as such an abomination. Convert also means to change someone’s direction – what path have you been walking upon, o Christian idiots?


One can already see people defending themselves against invading forces while various Christians are telling the defenders to stop shooting arrows and allow those armies to march into their territory – surely God has sent those murderers as a “test” for the Christians! They must convert them or die trying! And if they succeed, they shall all be one in Christ Jesus and can then inter-marry and race-mix themselves out of existence.

I really cannot possibly understand how all ancient Empires and Civilizations collapsed with the Bible entering their territory! I mean, so much Deus Vulting was going on – the Christians weren’t resisting any kind of aggression. It surely must have been a cohen-cidence that Islam appeared after Europe had been Christianized for so long by idiots such as these early Church fathers. On one side you have people who must not defend themselves, on the other one you have people who must kill everyone. Why, I just can’t see the Jews behind this, can you?

You know this reminds me of another thing – Jews still to this day have a ritual in which they sacrifice a Chicken which then cleanses them of all their Sins. There is a Chicken in the New testament which does the exact same thing : Jesus. Do you think the Jews love the Chicken before they smack it around their head and finally kill it? They retold their own ritual in a different way my friends. Anyways, let us continue :


These are the modern liberal White women – they get raped and feel sorry for the invading immigrant who raped them. They allow a Negro immigrant into their house because he is a “refugee”, who then kills their daughter, and they don’t even get mad at him. If you wonder therefore why our Society is so fucked up, it is because it is Christian – it has a Christian mentality. No matter what horrible shit is done to our people, people as retarded as this bitch right here, she sees no evil in them. She surrendered herself to the will of the Jewish God who has White Genocide written all over his face. It’s like having a loaded gun and not shooting your executioner. Impressive.


I love how all of them are Saints – why they are so intelligent and wise – I almost feel like kneeling before them. This might be something a modern day Christian might say as well : God is testing us with the immigration! It would seem that God is just a constant fucking pain in the ass – there is never any peace around that lunatic. He is never satisfied even after having killed his own supposed son to clean all sins – the Christian still believes – that more sins have to be cleansed and tested. Read these two female quotes very carefully and understand that these are your middle age liberal idiots who you hate nowadays in the 21st century.

I shall add here another important point : The term Racist had to be invented by the Jews in order to kill Europeans, but still keep Christians in check. What they should call every European is actually a Heretic – for we obviously deny the idea that we are all one in Christ – we still see the differences and know that we are unique. By claiming to be European, you hold to a pre-Christian idea, people, Volk and Race. With the coming of Christianity, Europe ceased to exist.

Therefore, people like us will be labelled Racist, not Heretics. It divides us from Christians and doesn’t seemingly affect them directly. Some Christians still feel nowadays like Europeans, therefore calling them heretics might cause too much trouble. The Jew also knows that he will far easier brainwash the Christian back to pure Semitism after all of the Europeans with a Voice are gone and dead. Because, as you read this article you will realize one thing – the early and true Christians were anti-Nationalists. Besides, if no one has noticed so far – Jews lead both Christianity and Judaism – they control both “oppositions”.


If you don’t feel like puking after reading this guy, then it is pretty much over for you. You are done, dead, gone, a waste of oxygen. There is no way to help you anymore, you are beyond stupid and at that point only you can help yourself if you have the mental capacity to inquire into something deep enough. Here we have this guy telling us that Christians abandoned their states and renounced all the things the world offers – something that is indeed being promoted by their religion as well. How can a Christian be a Nationalist? You want to preserve your people? What, are you connected to “earthly things”? Well, then you can’t get into heaven. Even worse – you are a devil worshiper – for Nations have their own Gods and protectors, even Demons! But, Yahweh, the tribal God of Israel – he is cool.

Because of Christianity they live with other races and pray for their enemies. If you do not live as Christ has told you : then you are not a real Christian. You got to not resist Evil, you got to sell all you have, leave no inheritance behind to your Child, you may only call the Jewish God your Father. You taught your baby how to say “daddy”? Well, your baby is going to hell now – I know it sucks – but you either live according to the rules of the Jew on a stick or you don’t. There is no in between.

And a little bit of Communism and Social welfare never hurt anyone, now did it? What, you mean to say that non-White immigration and all the benefits given to those people are ruining White Nations? Who are you, the anti-Christ? You must share with every primitive tribe and Race out there – god created you all equally remember? Nothing you own is yours, not even your Child – it is just a random human that God allowed to spawn – it happened because he willed it. You are going to hell as a Christian if you think otherwise.


Ironically, no one tried to stop the death of Jesus in the story – but, now that he is dead – Christians just cannot see other people get killed even if they are justly being put to death. What, you say this guy here went on a killing spree and said he wanted to kill exclusively White people? Why, we must forgive him. Let the spirit of Jesus touch his soul – forget about his victims – we must save those who are alive!

After all, Jesus said : Let the dead bury their dead: but go thou and preach the kingdom of God. At this point one must wonder why so many cemeteries exist – it would seem that many Christians are not really good disciples of Jesus, for they would not have the time to bury the dead otherwise. They should be preaching the kingdom of God with millions of corpses lying around in houses, the streets, hospitals and so on. The smell would be heavenly.

But, Jesus said one more cute thing right after that : And another also said, Lord, I will follow thee; but let me first go bid them farewell, which are at home at my house. And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God. You cannot look back to your roots and your family – are you a serious Christian or not? How will you enter the Communist Kingdom of the Jews if you still have a family?


There is so much Deus Vulting going on that I am almost ready to pick up a sword and join the Christian army! Here we see that even Roman Centurions became morons after getting Christianized. Picture that – a Roman Centurion – a man of high honor, courage, discipline and love for Rome and his people – abandons all of it because he heard of Jesus the Jew. It would seem that the only “real Christians” are the 21st century White Nationalist Christians – all the other ones are crazy.

Well, surely those who were doing inquisitions and killing Europeans were crazy. Those who were torturing our people, ripping off women’s breasts, killing people for owning cats, those must have been lunatics! The Church commanded them – well, then the Church must have been mad as well! Only the 21st century Christians who haven’t even read the Bible are the real ones. They have felt the special touch of Jesus the Jewish White Nationalist who told them to close the borders.

Ah, but all those Christians who were converting and killing other Europeans – those were the good guys. After all, they spread the poison and did a good job by doing so. Where would we be today, if not for Christianity! Why, we would still be nourishing Slavic, Celtic, Germanic, Gaelic, Roman, Druidic, etc., culture. What a horrible thing that would be. A nightmare.


Imagine that, we just reminded ourselves of all the torture, burning and killing the Christians did – hell, the death of Hypatia being one of the most disturbing ones – but, here we have a Church father telling us not to use any violence. Ah, but it isn’t violence – they were delivering her soul and body from the Devil – they killed her to the bones and then burned those to ashes as well. They really cleansed her.

After all, she should be ashamed for having been born as a woman at all. They should walk around like Muslims do in order to not spread the devil around them by their mere presence. And you wonder why your cute Church isn’t stopping Muslim immigration to Europe – they can’t wait to turn you into a fully Semitic society – because, at this point in time – Europe has not yet learned how to be Semitic. We still are European, whether you understand this or not. Besides, heaven is your only country : you have no Nation anymore.

And there is also no male nor female. You are all transgenders. Something which Jesus himself said as well : When you make the two into one, and when you make the inner as the outer, and the upper as the lower, and when you make male and female into a single one, so that the male shall not be male, and the female shall not be female: . . . then you will enter [the kingdom]. From the sane perspective, this simply means to unite both aspects of the body, but leave it to Christians and Jews to tell us we should be transgender and the following : it simply means that a Christian brother should not think of a sister-Christian as female, nor the sister think of him as a male.


It would seem that God is trying to make all White European Nations saints. They sure are suffering right now under heavy invasion of biological weapons of mass destruction. But, here you have a simple choice : you either follow the early Christian fathers and become a passive faggot who doesn’t defend himself or his people – or – you become a Jesuit and Church follower who does whatever the Church says even if it is wrong. It is a cohen-cidence that Jews control both the Church and the Jesuits, of course, and besides – you are all One in Christ anyways – these Jews converted to Jesus, so they are better than your average European Pagan.


See, Europe is not European. In fact, something labelled Europe does not exist – we are having illusions, my friends. Could it be true, the Jew science, which tells us that everything is an illusion, nothing exists at all, we are just random vibrations – this reality is a dream – but Jews are God’s chosen people and must create Greater Israel. Everything else of course is an Illusion.

So, here you have an early important Christian telling you that there are no borders, no nations, nothing that you actually possess – it is all common good – delivered of course by God. Communism? Never heard of it. Such fantastic and honorable White Christian Nationalists – why – many of them should be our Idols. One cannot go wrong by following their Wisdom. Why, it even says so in the Bible : click.

The problem is that Europeans were like this to each other always – especially the Nordic ones – we shared with each other, helped each other, we weren’t as materialistically mad as Semites were – but, Jews used that Nature of ours and turned it into weapon against us. Our good Nature is killing us because we have been duped into believing that an African Somalian is our Equal with whom we should share everything in common – even our daughters.


Hey, this one sounds like Justin Trudeau : if you kill your enemies they win. Again, Christian mentality is destroying all European Nations. It has simply re-labelled itself and hidden in different forms throughout the ages. And fuck me do they keep on hating women – they are a necessary evil, he says! I wonder how the ancient philosophies and literature managed to vanish – could it have something to do with Christians destroying it all? Wouldn’t that be using force? Wouldn’t that be “killing culture”? Ah, but of course – those are earthly things – and Christians do not give a fuck about those.

We are to be like the bees he describes – to slave labor for others – indeed we are doing this today. We are working our assess off to pay for all the free shit non-Whites and the Jews get. Christians should actually feel blessed and beloved by Yahweh – they should be getting orgasms all day long for being such happy little bees who work for their Jewish Queen.

Finally, his last comment is crucial – isn’t it? The Christian belongs to nothing else but Jerusalem – you have no other family, no other nation, no other profession – you are a believer whose place is in Jerusalem. You are a Semite who loves Jews and Yahweh, who can’t wait for Jesus to return and to establish a Communistic Kingdom on Earth ruled by the Jews. I don’t know actually who I hate more – the modern day Christians or the old ones – they sure are making it a though decision.


The Christian mentality, right here man. This guy is the embodiment of masochism – and, as we have seen so far – all Christians are basically ethno-masochists, a term quite popular in the Movement against White genocide. Well, Ignatius must have been a good friend of Jesus, just like these guys here – who probably all willingly killed themselves for Jesus after the performance :

Imagine a society run just and only by these people. Hey, but nothing is so good as having Jesus as your friend. After all, his relationships are really strong : Do you think that I have come to bring peace to the earth? No, I tell you, but division. From now on, five in one household will be divided, three against two and two against three. They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother. Nothing like social democracy entering a Nation and turning the entire People against each other.


These Christian guys sure hated their own Mothers. It must have been lovely to hear those charming words every now and then. From ancient European Spirituality where the Mother was sacred and revered as the source of a People – to Christianity where she is the root of all Evil. Well, it would seem that in Semitism, the Woman is the root of Evil – but, notice – the Woman is also the source of Life. Therefore, to Semitic values Life itself is Evil – perhaps they feel like that because they had no “choice in it”. The idea of falling in Love must be a pain in the ass for Jews then as well.


The world is to be destroyed on account of its wickedness and, of course, the only way to save it from wickedness is to become Christian. Or Muslim, from the Islamic perception. Or you have to be born a Jew. Or, are we to believe that it simply must happen – no matter what we do? And each generation of Christians believed that the end of the world was just around the corner. It always fascinated me that the coming of Christ is actually fear inducing because it’ll announce the Apocalypse as well : sometimes you wonder whether they love the guy or fear the guy. And if they fear him, why the hell would they want him to come back? Nevertheless, good thing that Oliver Cromwell let the Jews into Britain because he believed that Jesus would then return faster – Britain has been so blessed ever since that day – children should be playing with little Cromwell dolls that come with a special “day of the rope set” where you can hang the bastard.

Again – no Deus Vult Army according to this Church Father. Just like in our modern times, we are all supposed not to have any weapons, not to defend ourselves, become all One. Why do you think the Jews are disarming us? Do you want to be Christian or not? Well then, disarm yourselves – there are no Enemies for you – and even if there are some who might be hostile to you, who want to kill, rape and murder you : you must love them and pray for them. You must willingly die at their hands so that the love of Jesus may touch them afterwards. Let the dead bury the dead. The guy also mentions reincarnation, a subject which we slightly touched upon in the Freemason Useful Idiots article. But, wait a minute, the average Christian might be confused now : I thought I’ll be in heaven forever, he might say! It sure is a random cocktail inside your mind right now, isn’t it?

Finally, he ends with the good and evil thing – free will with choice – ain’t that a nice Kabbalah touch? Why, this guy might have been the first Crowley in recorded history – and here I thought that the idea of getting the knowledge of good and evil was a Sin – but, Christians hardly ever experience this “freedom” as they have become the ultimate Jewish slave following exactly what the Jews have written down for them. This is, mind you, the beginning of the Jewish choice system written down in the words of an early Christian right here – everything that was European is to be regarded demonic and evil – everything that came from the Jews is good. Meanwhile, Israel, Yahweh and their own shit is – yet again – wonderful and excellent.


So, what really changed over the years? Not much. Christianity began as a hippy movement which managed to destroy all Civilizations surrounding the Jews. It then disarmed and destroyed all European people – as Europe lost its strength to resist Evil – Jews introduced Islam and used their Arab brothers to try and conquer us. As that failed, they changed tactics. They began using us to spread this hippy movement message around the world – carrying Jews alongside – allowing them to gain influence in every single place of the Earth. Once they established their control all over the world, it was time to immigrate non-White people into our lands – no matter what the cost was. It was also time to make the Bible publicly available, because remember, up to the late 1800’s in the Vatican and the 1600’s in other areas, it was forbidden to own a Bible – people had no fucking idea what it was saying. Well, as the message got out, the more liberal did Europe become through its various Christian movements and Secret Societies.

Since pure force was not able to destroy Europe, Christianity, in one of its forms – should do it. After all, it worked in South Africa and is working in all White Nations so far. But, there is still hope and that is mostly because Europeans really are not Christians – it is actually a good thing that they never read the Bible and are now able to analyze it, see what its true message is and see its pattern grow around them. Jews do not hate Christianity, they hate Europeans. I’ve said it many times before : they made the poison and won’t drink it of course. Since they know it is poison, they can openly claim they hate it. Besides, if they were to follow Christ, they would have to lose their Jewish identity – at least according to the version Paul sold to non-Jews. It is actually absolutely irrelevant what the Jews think about it – what matters is what it has done to us and what it is still doing to us.

You really have to stop caring for Jews and their opinions – look at them as wastes of oxygen, as a biological cellular failure, as a genetic disorder, as a Virus and Parasite – so everything that comes from them, everything they say, every opinion they have is useless, dangerous, irrelevant, disgusting, evil. Not giving them a voice, letting them drown in their own Semitic filth is the worst thing that can happen to them. I have a feeling that installing permanent mirrors onto their backs and positioning them in such a way that they have to look at their own ugly faces 24 hours a day would be a fitting torture for them – at least for a little while. As for Christians, always remember the following statement from the New Testament – in these words is everything anti-European; it is against our knowledge, our wisdom, our beauty, the beauty of the Aryan woman must not  be preserved by these Words, everything has to become filth in the Christian and Jewish Jew World Order :


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4 Responses to “All Christians are Cucks # 6”

  1. TheTruth says:

    How to recognize the khazarian jews by their physical features?They are from the white race,the tribe of the khazars (turks).
    Almost all of them have attached ear lobs.Just look at Justin Trudeau,now see Bill Clinton`s ears,Hillary Clinton`s ears-attached ear lobs,ears like those of the “elphs”.
    Now see the presidents of the USA,see the politicians of EU countries,see the actors in Hollywood,professors,scientists,TV news crews.See the russian politicians-they are from the same tribe!
    The head of the NATO-Rasmussen and the new one!
    The jew Sarkozy in France!
    Attached earlobs,sometimes protruding ears with normal big forehead,but a lot of times with enormously tall forehead.Some of them have lower lip much bigger than the upper lip (the upper lip is almost non-existent).
    Yes,the jews have big noses,but not always.
    The biggest give away are the attached earlobs with the bigger-than-normal foreheads,the males tend to bald and have widow peak.
    When you see all the world politicians amongst the white race,all the “actors”,”doctors”,MEDIA (they love the media,because they can lie to us all and make easy money from it) you will suddenly realize-“fuck,they are a lot more than i thought!!!”
    I absolutely adore what you just wrote about the fake religions and the jewish role in them.
    The names-the fake jews need to hide their origins and they just adore all names that are “artisan” like Smith and others type or mean nothing like “Black”,”Green”,then comes the “man” and “stein” ending families.The ashkenazi jews tend to use a lot more family names ending with “man”-Grossman,Pakman and so on,also the ending of “son” WHEN they are more “Scandinavian” white ones.
    One of the biggest hints to recogize the jewish families are the double letters in the names-both first and last names.When you have double letters in names like ToDD or NeckermaNN and others take a look of the guy behind such names.
    The jews are not a religion-they are a tribe!
    A lot of blacks in USA are half black-more like browns!Take a look at almost all of these half blacks and you will see that a lot of them are with jewish blood.
    The jewish tribe is not so blood pure as they want us to think.
    Then look at the porn stars and you will see a lot of jewish there.
    The huge part of them are jewish.
    Then see the khazarian David Duke who tried to speak that “the khazars origin of the jews is a myth” in Stormfront and else.As a jew he don`t want the gentiles to know the truth and of course is spreading lies.
    The Russia is totally owned by the khazarian jews!Brother Nathaniel Kapner-fuck him.There is jewish in Russia-Satanovsky…they just love names with cities or countries in the family names…not a simple name,always name that don`t point origin.
    And something for a last meal-the nuclear weapons are a hoax!Jewish hoax to justify in front of the world WHY the jewish led USSR(now Russia) and jewish led USA don`t attack each other,but make wars all around the world!!!They justify their actions with each other-this is the NEW WORLD ORDER!CHINA is the BIG BROTHER for all the asian asiatic type of people-the INDIANS are just animals and together with the niggers and the arabs are just used like weapons against the white race!
    Why do the turks fake jews want to annihilate the white race-because we are the smartest people and they can`t manipulate and control genetically smart people-all others are an easy prey!
    Look at all the guys in Ukraine-TURCHINov (the turk),TiMOSHEnko (jewish attached ear lobs),the boxers Klitchko (jewish) and so on!
    The jews are a lot more than the white race think!

  2. TheTruth says:

    The new religion (to incite fear and fear means control of the mind and therefore the body) the new scientific religion by the jews around the world after the World War 2 is called the “Nuclear weapons”!
    The radiation exists and can poison someone,BUT the A bomb is a hoax!
    Why do the jews need to have an A bomb HOAX?!?Because when the science and technology developed more than 100 years ago the people around the world have started to question the existence of God and the jews needed to incite fear in the minds of the people around the world with the help of the science!Fake science of course!So they bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki with firebombs and started to make fake propaganda for A bombs-the new apocalyptic weapon that can destroy the planet EARTH-just like the invisible and fake GOD before that!
    USSR “created” the A bomb just a little later and they keep going together!
    What is the second reason for the creation of the FAKE A BOMB?To justify why the USA and USSR(now Russia) won`t make a war with each other,but with anyone else!They pretend to be enemies,but work together to fool the people and make them take a side-be with USA or with Russia!
    Just read the book “1984” by George Orwell-“Big Brother”-THIS BOOK IS A PROPHECY THAT IS HAPPENING IN FRONT OF OUR EYES!
    Brittain just got out of the EU-it will get in the Oceania!Oceania is the two Americas-north and south,Australia,NZ,Great Britain and South Africa.
    Putin talks about “Eurasian union”-Eurasia-all of the Europe and the former countries of the USSR around Russia!
    The third union is EastAsia-China is the leader there.
    They don`t make wars against each other-they won`t make a war,because someone in the military will want to use an A bomb and will find out-I CAN`T USE A BOMB BECAUSE THEY DON`T EXIST!
    It`s just like the hoax with the STEALTH jets-in the bombing of Serbia in 1999 the serbian military put down a couple of “stealth” invisible jets!
    With the war in Yemen against Saudi Arabia the Yemenis have bombed a couple of times SA military bases with ground to ground rockets and have succeeded to destroy their targets!Saudi Arabia has missile defenses and american “advisors” in their territory but haven`t succeeded to defend against ballistic missiles attack?!?
    They don`t have defense in any military base or the missile defense is not working (against old rockets maybe)?
    Yemen is one of the poorest countries and SA is one of the richest and Yemen still totally owns the Saudis!
    So the “advanced technology” don`t work or is not real at all!
    Google “nuclear weapons are a hoax”,check Rerevisionist,check the swedish engineer Anders Bjorkman in heiwaco.tripod .com

    The jewish globalists need to keep the lie of the fake A bomb REAL so the constantly have made movies with huge explosions,photos and later CGI scenes in movies to make us believe,we don`t have to hesitate that it`s real!Exactly because it`s not real!
    That`s why the globalists needed to isolate whole areas around Chernobyl-some of the people didn`t move out and stayed and they live close to Chernobyl and haven`t died!
    They needed a second big hoax-FUKUSHIMA!Why in Japan-to renew the fear and make an association with the Hiroshima and Nagasaki fake a bombs!
    Why do you think Putin is so worried from NATO close to Russia if Russia has A bombs and can defend itself for real against the whole world if it has to?!?
    It`s a theater to incite fear-Putin and Russia plays the good guy and “christian” to win “the hearts and minds” of the Europeans which are owned by the USA jews with NATO and EU!The idea is that the “scared americans” will pull out from Europe with the help from the “good russians” and the europeans will want themselves to make the new globalist Eurasian Union!
    Putin is with the jews and a jew himself- a million or more of the white russians emigrate each ear out of Russia because of the misery there.Putin has not spoken a single word against the jewish lobby in front of the cameras-to prove that he is against them atleast on words!
    Is Bashar Assad against the jews?Not a single word from him also against the jews!The whole Syria war is a theater for the masses-justification for the massive influx of non whites in Europe!

  3. TheTruth says:

    The jewish Kay Burley on the JEWISH SKY NEWS(blue,but a little asiatic eyes and ATTACHED EARLOBS interrupts another woman on Rebel TV Karren which speaks against the illegal emigration.
    Check the Kay Burley photos on google and see for your own eyes what appearance she has.
    When you see all the photos of ” ” “journalists”,”politicians,”stars”,”singers”,”doctors” you will see how huge part they have the same physical features!
    They all are anti white race,they pretend to be religious-to equalize any race with the help of the Christianity or Islam.
    They keep speaking against the Islam and “You see,the problem with the emigrants is their religion and their culture,the misbehave”
    They NEVER speak that the problem with the “emigrants” is because of their origin-i.e they are animals!
    Check the video and spread the word to every one you know and please don`t use the social media or youtube to spread these facts.
    Do it on personal level,secretly and do it to everyone you trust.
    Do it as i do it to stop their JEWISH NEW WORLD ORDER because they use the non whites to kill us all!
    They hurry because they know that we know them,some of us recognize them and we (the gentiles) use the Internet to bypass their jewish mass media.Don`t believe that “some of the jews are good if they are christians or they (pretend) to be against Israel.They are not 🙂
    Check all the globalists-check the “half turk” (jewish) Boris Johnson with the ugly face and attached earlobs,David Cameron and the others in UK.Check the presidents,even JFK-attached earlobs anyone of them.
    Spread the word to everyone you trust as fast as possible,the truth and knowledge are our best weapons against the jewish khazarian new world order.

  4. TheTruth says:

    Check this site for crypto jews like Alex Jones (attached earlobs and fat lower lip/almost no upper) who make disinfo (It`s “The Zionists” who make the new world order,not the jews as a whole disinfo)
    Henry Makow-a jew,who pretend to excuse the jews as a whole in wrongdoing,pretending to be Christian and prove to the goyim that IT DOESN`T MATTER IF YOU ARE JEW OR BLACK,WHEN YOU ARE CHRISTIAN YOU SUDDENLY BECOME “CHRISTIAN BROTHERS” AND “GOOD FELLA”-It`s not like you can pretend to believe in anything to fool anyone,isn`t it?
    George Noorey-check this guy!
    There are a lot other shills and disinfo agents,check this site:

    The jews still love the christianity,but they prefer the Islam because it promotes violence and because the brainwash is a way stronger with the ISLAM!
    You have seen the same influence with the yoga and indian culture/religions-the influenced tend to accept the Indian/Paki people.You have seen the same thing with the Buddhism/martial arts culture-the influenced people tend to accept the chinese/japanese people more friendly.
    So beware of all NON-WHITE religions and cultures amongst the white nations and white race-they all promote interracial mixture and a lot of the famous people that promote this are jews themselves.
    Another reason the jews love the Islam is the circumcision that the Muslim practice-they can always pretend to be Muslim if they are found to be circumcised by the others.Their power is mainly in their crypto-jewishness.
    They keep mumbling about anti-semitism to hide that they are not “semitic” themselves,the huge part of them are khazarians from Eastern Europe-turks.
    Check out “The young Turks”…
    I don`t want to believe what i just wrote you,check it for yourselves.
    When you see the cryptojews and start to recognize them you will try to notice the patterns of their disinformation for yourselves.

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