Ambush Attempt On Alex Jones At Bilderberg Backfires

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Tucker Carlson’s Daily Caller tries to embarrass Alex Jones, but only embarrass themselves

Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, June 1, 2012

A ridiculous ambush attempt on Alex Jones by reporters working for Tucker Carlson’s Daily Caller at the site of the Bilderberg protest spectacularly backfired as the crowd and the Daily Caller’s own readers lambasted the website’s attempt to characterize the Bilderberg Group as insignificant.

While recording his live radio show, Jones was accosted by Daily Caller reporter Jamie Weinstein, who tried to insinuate that Jones had traveled over a thousand miles with his crew at great expense, with streaming and equipment costs running into the tens of thousands, to try and make money out of “stirring up people’s emotions”.

Asked how much money he had made, Jones adeptly responded, “Well not as much as the bomb makers and globalists in here, the trillions they’ve stolen in taxpayer money.”

Weinstein then began to imply that the Bilderberg Group had no power because Americans were still allowed to exercise their First Amendment rights and protest against it, before being drowned out by the crowd.

Weinstein’s attempt to confront Jones not only ended up looking like a pathetic failure on camera, the Daily Caller’s own readers responded to the clip by savaging Weinstein.

“I just left this site, i thought DC was different,” wrote one.

“You have failed miserably and that’s why the void you left is being filled with people of ethical quality who want the truth such as Alex Jones,” wrote another.

“Sad reporting from the daily caller. Your no different than the mainstream media to me now.” added another.

“I didn’t see him dancing around questions (the suggestion seems to mean he has something to hide) I saw a douche bag reporter trying to make Alex Jones look dumb with his manipulative questions. Be a real journalist and ask real questions. Only a fool calls someone else a fool without looking into the merits of what they are saying,” responded another.

“J-School drop out, Jamie Weinstein, encounters independent journalism for the first time and doesn’t understand it; so he acts like his usual obnoxious self instead,” added another respondent.

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In fact the vast majority of respondents on the Daily Caller website savage Weinstein for his “awful” journalism and praise Jones for his work.

Presumably, even though Daily Caller founder Tucker Carlson lives in Washington DC, he didn’t have the balls to get in Jones’ face personally and left the job to a couple of his ill-informed minions.

Carlson likes to attack Jones as a “parasite” and hurl vulgar insults in the direction of the radio host, but always from a safe distance of at least 1500 miles.

Carlson has proven himself to be astronomically ignorant of who actually attends Bilderberg meetings. A You Tube clip from 2008 shows the former CNN host blathering on about Bilderberg being comprised of “retired State Department officials,” while dismissing its influence.

One look at the attendee list for this year’s conference paints a very different picture. Heads of the World Bank, Royal Dutch Shell, Google, Microsoft, the NSA, the Washington Post, HSBC, Deutsche Bank, Barclays, Airbus, BP, the White House’s National Security Advisor, Governors, and Senators are all at Bilderberg.

Hardly a bunch of “retired State Department officials,” as Carlson ludicrously claims.

Meanwhile, over on the phony establishment left, MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell betrayed a similar combination of supreme sneering arrogance and basic stupidity when he told Luke Rudkowski he was “too lazy” to research Bilderberg and that it didn’t represent a collection of the most influential people on the planet simply because he had never heard of it.

With media talking heads like Carlson and O’Donnell, is it any wonder that the mainstream is losing all credibility while the alternative press is surging in popularity?


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.

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28 Responses to “Ambush Attempt On Alex Jones At Bilderberg Backfires”

  1. Tucker, Patel and Cheney. Not surprised, since Sierra Lamar was renditioned to provide a new heart for Dick Cheney. It’s natural then for DC to attempt to run interference in this particular Bilderberg meeting, because Chantilly Marriott IS in fact the location of the sacrifice of young women and children in one of the most horrific and macabre enterprises in the world! DC= Atramental Lodge 23 asset.


  3. I love when Alex stirs up people’s emotions, it’s what they need ! ha ha ha ha ha ha !!!!

  4. Like the Lame stream media doesnt stir up emotions by fostering BS: using race and gender and celebrity drivel and useeless gossip!!!

    Tucker Carlson’s Daily Caller that was an _ Epic_ FAIL
    Why not try to get in to talk to the Bilderbergs yourself MR Big Media Lackey See how far
    you get…
    Any other left right counterfiet protests would be fostered and reported sympathetically

    Here The Daily Call Girls Presstitutes are just PATHETIC.

  5. glad to see “Daily Caller” losing some ears after cutting off their own noses.
    the more wake up, the better the position. GO PITBULL GO!!
    (yeah you Alex!)

    no insult intended, pitties are GREAT PUPS, loyal, athletic, good natured too..
    potential liability if not socialized with other dogs of course,
    and BAD NEWS if raised wrong by punks who would fight em for $$$.

    hey Alex, play Ministry’s “lies lies lies” through your bullhorn..

    these bilderberg SOB’s are also many who were being investigated for treasonous economic sabotage and fraud by the SEC they destroyed in WTC-7, pentagon acct dept etc.

  6. Jesus, that friggin idiot tried to make Alex look bad by trying to corner him, but wasn’t given the time of day, so he stands there trying to recover his ego by yelling questions that just dissipated in thin air.
    Alex is the gentleman, more so that I would have been, when confronted by ass holes like that !!

  7. Just glad Alex isn’t pushing Beyond Tangy Tangerine every half-hour… Now that would have really sidetracked the Daily Caller, “Alex what about the…” “BEYOND TANGY TANGERINE!!!!” No Alex I was asking about the “BEYOND TANGY TANGERINE!!!”

    my2cents Reply:
    June 1st, 2012 at 5:51 am

    The Alex Pack 2.0 coming soon. The pack will contain a tin foil hat, bullhorn, as well as a drone with complete directions on how to shoot it down.

  8. Great effort by the PP team yesterday. Proper reporting and totally engaging. This is the future of media and PP is at the cutting edge. Keep up the good work.

  9. Same as it ever was bitches… TIT FOR TAT! And nothing gets done…


    LAP IT UP!!!

    Dandroid Reply:
    June 1st, 2012 at 5:36 am

    Yum Yum i will have more gruel

    We got the
    BBC in UK RTE -in Ireland
    pack of corporate whore scum ulcerous vermin

    Should all be Bulldozed down and covered in alevel layer of asphalt

  11. AJ should just put his fist through that guys face and do the world a favour.

  12. Jamie WeinSTEIN huh, that sounds like a Jewish Zionist name.

    Larry SilverSTEIN – 9/11 Twin Towers Building 7, also purchased SEARS Tower from MetLife

    Henry GoldSTEIN – Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
    Scott GoldSTEIN – Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
    Robert GoldSTEIN – Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

    Ira GoldSTEIN – Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
    Faith GoldSTEIN – Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia

    Morris GoldSTEIN – Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco

    Wendy GoldSTEIN – Federal Reserve Bank of New York
    Jay BernSTEIN – Federal Reserve Bank of New York
    Ira BernSTEIN – Pension Services New York
    Peter BernSTEIN – research staff member at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York

    Marcia L. GoldSTEIN – chairs the Bankruptcy Executive Committee
    ———————– co-chair of the Business Finance Restructuring
    co-head of the Business Finance and Restructuring Department of Weil, Gotshal Manges LLP (which is the largest bankruptcy and reorganization practice in the country)

    Lawrence GoldSTEIN – has briefed the Chairman of the Federal Reserve

    Jeffrey GoldSTEIN – former adviser to Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner on domestic finance

    Jared BernSTEIN – Vice President Joe Biden’s(self-proclaimed Zionist) Chief economist from 2009 to 2011 (www.)

    Okay something just does NOT smell right with al this.. :/

    captain obvious Reply:
    June 1st, 2012 at 8:24 am

    lotta friggin nazis posing as jews fer damn sure.

  13. It is easy to get caught in a frame up question. Alex needs to be more carefull to the people that approach him.That dude reminded me of that other mainstream media chill in 2008 laughing at Ron Paul asking him Are you electable sir ??????

    that guy asks AJ why do the bilderbergs if so powerfull let the people protest??? Hey they have no choice. if they try anything too exessive the game is over for them. IT is just a question of time before the criminals and there servant chills are arrested for attempting to destroy the constitution.
    Right now too many zombies serving this system?

    Vic Reply:
    June 1st, 2012 at 5:45 am

    But as hundreds of thousands join the liberty movement, the NWO will swallow tightly there saliva for they know at any time now things will end with there evil empire.

    Just a question of time and courage by the many.

  14. Tucker Carlson has always conjurs in my mind the image of a depression era snake-oil salesman.
    Get in their faces! they lie all day long ! If they dont appear defensive ,if they don’t become evasive, if they dont recoil like the snakes they are ready to strike you down! you didnt ask the right question ! wtg

  15. Quick thinking on your feet Alex!

    ‘…Jones adeptly responded, “Well not as much as the bomb makers and globalists in here, the trillions they’ve stolen in taxpayer money.”’

    Now that is the real truth. Their goal is theft, destruction, and lies. They plan the mayhem so they can sell bombs and make money. Meanwhile our people are dying out there!!!!!
    Bilderberg is a criminal organization.

  16. The dogcops could’ve easily gunned down AJ in the parking lot, when they blocked him in with their squad cars, but for some
    unexplained reason, they couldn’t do it, and they would have
    gotten away with it too.
    He was polite ( diplomatic ) enough to walk to the next public
    parking lot available, all alone with his skype, and like a cornered american, called the dogcops a bunch of wimps … good for him .

    I wonder what the PP ( con ) trolls have to say about that.

  17. It doesn’t surprise me that Lawrence O’Donnell dismisses the questions about the secret societies and he does have a point about Bohemian Grove as being a bunch of naked men who are odd..but what is really happening here an overt attempt to treat the threat of the power hungry as diminimus and that he does not concern himself with such triviality when what they have done to the planet is now obvious and visible for all to see.

  18. It seems the MSM whores are getting a little nervous.

  19. hahaha another Nwo fail 🙂

    Bilderberg are desperate they are terrified …

  20. Correction:It seems the MSM Joos are getting a little nervous
    Obvious, It’s a all Kosher clut clan.
    Our man Alex—good true Amercan. What chance has he got in running as a USA politician–slim chance–Elections are rigged. I read that in secret Obama prior to the 2008 election was interviewed by heads of Bull’in’derberg,days before hearings and outcome ‘Stick with the Joos agendia and your on as Pres’A’dunce

  21. Hey alex this is my first post on your show info wars and I have been a follower of your show for quite awhile just wanted to tell ya thanks I appreciate that people like you actually are out doing something to try and change our lives. One quick thing ive been needing to get off my chest, is that I have heard rumors from people who don’t necessarily believe what you say, and also claim you are related to the Rothchild bloodline. Any comment?

  22. Have you noticed from the recent released list–no Chinks or Russians or Iranians invited. But alot of Greeks. It smells! What’s Up Doc?

  23. It`s about damn time these shithead wanna-be`s got shut down on their own sites!To all the naysayers and people who don`t think we are having an effect,just ask Fucker….OOOPS!I mean Tucker Carlson.

  24. The Journalism school was next door the the Architecture school I attended at my University. It was a widely held opinion on campus that the Journalist students were the biggest conglomeration of fuck-up on campus, second only to the brain-dead frat boys and girls and their C- grade point averages. It comes as no surprise to me that lame stream journalists wouldn’t know a real fact or story if it came up and bit them on the ass.

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