Amy Winehouse’s Family to Mark One Year Anniversary of Death in Jewish Tradition

Amy Winehouse. Photo: wiki commons.

In an interview with Hello! Magazine in the UK, Amy Winehouse’s mother reveals that she still wakes up in tears, almost one year after the passing of her daughter, and that to mark the one year anniversary of Winehouse’s death, her family will memorialize her in the Jewish tradition of prayer and the lighting of a yorsite candle.

“There’s a huge hole in my life – I used to speak to Amy every day. Sometimes I wake up sobbing,” Janis Winehouse told the magazine.

Amy Winehouse passed away on July 23, 2011, from alcohol poisoning.

Janis Winehouse also told Hello! that she wears Amy’s star of David necklace that the singer wore as a child.

“She nibbled on it all the time, so it’s got lots of marks on it.”

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