Anders Behring Breivik planned to ‘decapitate’ former prime minister of Norway

“It was meant to be used as a very powerful psychological weapon,”
he said.

Earlier in the day, the court heard how Breivik had originally planned for a
three-pronged bomb attack in Oslo that would have targeted the government
district, the Labor Party’s office and a third target, possibly the royal

“There would be three car bombs, followed by a firearm-based action,”
he said.

“I settled on the palace in a setting where the royal family wouldn’t be
hurt,” he said. “Most nationalists and cultural conservatives are
supporters of the monarchy, including myself.”

Breivik considered hijacking a petrol tanker and detonating it with high
explosives to create a “poor man’s atom bomb” with an explosive
force of 0.1 or 0.2 megatons, he said.

The target of this weapon would have been the annual Labour Day parade or an
annual conference of Norwegian journalists, which would have caused the
deaths of “several thousand people”. Breivik described this
gathering as a parade of Communists and said that “only 10 per cent”
of the casualties would have been “innocent.”

Another plan he came up with was to dress as a Fed Ex delivery man and carry a
bomb into the office of the Aftonposten newspaper.

But Breivik had to scale down his plan when it turned out to be “more
difficult than expected” to make a bomb.

“When I reached a situation where it was impossible to make more than one
bomb, it resulted in a strategy of one bomb and one shooting-based action,”
he said.

The court heard how Breivik had expected to be confronted by armed police when
he left Oslo for Utoya island. He killed 69 people there, armed with a
handgun and a rifle – both named after Norse gods.

“I estimated the chances of survival as less than 5 percent,” he

Breivik, who styles himself as a modern-day crusader, has confessed to the
attacks but rejects criminal guilt, saying he was acting to protect Norway
and Europe by targeting left-wing political forces he claims have betrayed
the country by opening it up to immigration.

The key issue of the trial is to establish whether he is criminally insane One
court-appointed team of psychiatrists concluded he was psychotic, while a
second team found him to be of sound mind.

On Wednesday he said he should either be executed or acquitted, calling the
prospect of a prison sentence “pathetic”.

He entered the Oslo district court without the clenched-fist salute he had
used in previous hearings.

In his testimony, Breivik said he played the computer game “Modern Warfare”
for 16 months starting in January 2010, primarily to get a feel for how to
use rifle sights. Breivik said he decided already in 2006 to carry out what
he expected to be a “suicide” operation. First he took a “sabbatical
year” fully devoted to play another computer game, “World of
Warcraft,” for 16 hours a day.

Breivik said that cutting off social contact for a full year helped him
prepare for the attacks, but the game-playing was “pure entertainment.
It doesn’t have anything to do with July 22.”

Breivik has insisted he is a commander in a resistance movement but has
acknowledged some of his claims were an exaggeration. He spent much of
Wednesday defending the claim that it existed at all.

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