Andrew Breitbart Died of Heart Failure: Coroner

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April 22, 2012

Conservative blogger and commentator Andrew Breitbart died of heart failure stemming from coronary artery disease,  Los Angeles County coroner’s office officials said.

The 43-year-old collapsed as he was walking his dog near his Brentwood home and died on March 1.

Breitbart had a negligible amount of alcohol in his system, but no prescription or illicit drugs were found, said Craig Harvey, spokesperson for the coroner’s office.

Harvey said foul play was not suspected and the case has been closed.

A conservative blogger and journalist, Breitbart helped launch the Huffington Post and was an editor at the Drudge Report.

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12 Responses to “Andrew Breitbart Died of Heart Failure: Coroner”

  1. prove it you lying rich never drug tested bastards fuck you like we believe any thing you say

  2. and fuck you lying ass criminal terrorist spy jew bastards on my pc

    CTLovesNathanHale Reply:
    April 22nd, 2012 at 8:17 am

    peaceonearth, is that a jew in your pants, or are you just thinking about jews victimizing you?

  3. Do you REALLY believe all that government tells you?

    I don’t.

    Andrew Breitbart was MURDERED!

    jeffglobal Reply:
    April 22nd, 2012 at 6:18 am

    The rent a ME Indian national that created the fictional coroner’s reported “heart failure” with NO indications of heart failure in the body which would include edema of the extremities and lungs full of fluid (specifically excluding seeing those things). He also included heart muscle thickening and fatty deposits in the cardiac arteries, though citing no specific arteries, like LAD, etc.

    PS, the symptoms of heart failure HURT and causes some serious hysteria cause the person knows they are in trouble. The lack of oxygen to your brain gets you real pissed off real fast (first common Sx). You don’t just drop dead. CPAP works wonders.

    No one drops dead of heart failure, the ones that do die, die in ICU drowning in their own juices.

    The thick heart (ME used med. term) doesn’t kill you either, nor atherosclerosis (fatty deposits), A THROMBUS DOES.

    Where’s the thrombus? Where’s the clogged cardiac artery? Where’s the dead cardiac muscle, dead SA node or IA node or branches that where dead, that caused the heart to stop?

    That shell fish toxin that metabolizes out in minutes is not disproven by this report. Just the rent a ME’s competence is in question. Did he get flown back to India, like the CPA firms Indian auditors after they produce the audited Financial Reports to order?

    Where’s an independent coroner’s report?

    WHERE’S THE VIDEOS? WHERE’S THE VIDEOS? WHERE’S THE VIDEOS? personnel what’s up? The man with the balls was killed, you fold?

  4. they have all kinds of crap that’d cause a heart attack.
    the TRUTH is the “rumors”, not the “official story”, as usual.

    TheShadow Reply:
    April 22nd, 2012 at 7:16 am

    They have all kinds of crap, period. And all developed and paid for with tax $$$ and the govt drug racket’s revenue.

  5. Right, and I sell islands in Wyoming.

    Whatever happened the the tapes that Breitbart was supposed to release?

  6. Whether or not Breitbart was offed, one cannot miss his 80yr old looking neck… It was fat, bloated and puffy. Somewhere I saw it written after his death, he was a forty year old man in a body that looked sixty, let me add his neck looked eighty….. Still, having said what I did he still he could have been murdered…. and I TOO….. would like to hear from his colleagues… his wife….family… what “tapes” there were…and where they are NOW… Also how and why the tyranny progressed so seamlessly from the Bush to the Obamma regime….

  7. heart problems ? maybe caused by lifestyle issues , it is plausible.

    but i dont believe it for one second.

    WHERE IS THE REAL VIDEO ? in barrys closet no doubt.

  8. Heart failure from a laser weapon.

  9. Andrew Breitbart – February 1, 1969 – March 1, 2012 . The VIDEOS SHOW THE VIDEOS – I find it very strange that since the initial report on Breitbarts death and some talk about the videos coming out shortly after his death. That nothing has been reported on the promised release of these videos by Drudge. I find it even more strange that Prison Planet has been just a quiet on this topic. If Breitbart was accurate on his video announcement then the proof on those videos is the key. If you want Barrak Bin Laden impeached then I would strongly suggest to get media exposure on the location and release of those videos. AND I DONT MEAN THE COLLEGE SPEECH VIDEOS. SOMEONE OUT THERE HAS THE REAL VIDEOS OR A BACKUP COPY JUST RELEASE IT.

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