Android App Video Review: Songify

If there was one word I could use to describe the Songify app, it would be “delightful.” This ridiculous little app from Smule has been enjoyed by millions of iOS users for quite a while. Finally, Android users get to share in the delight of turning their pointless ramblings into auto-tuned masterpieces. The app is having some stability issues on various devices, but it is just so much darn fun to use, no matter how quickly the novelty wears off for you personally.

All you have to do to become an amateur singer is tap the big record button, read your shopping list out loud, and then hit the button again. Now, your shopping list will be “songified” with the help of speech recognition software and auto-tune. I mean, this isn’t Katy Perry level auto-tune, but it’s enough to be tons of fun. You can re-songify any recording using a huge variety of pre-set songs, although you’ll only have access to four at first. The rest must be purchased using special tokens. You can either purchase these tokens in-app or make use of various paid and free promotions to get them. I feel like they should give you more variety to start with, and personally don’t think it’s worth spending a lot of money for this stuff, but that’s just me.

Of course, a big part of the app is sharing your new pieces of “art” with the world. You can share directly to your Facebook, Twitter, email, and other networks, or you can just upload a song anonymously to the online section of Songify called “Winning!” where people can like and share other songs. The app freezes on me a lot when I try to discard old songs and record new ones, but it wasn’t too bad. Songfiy is completely free and makes use of some obtrusive ads, but I guarantee you that you’ll have some fun with it. Whether you get bored of it in twenty minutes or twenty hours is another matter entirely.

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