Angela Merkel to attend Germany v Greece Euro 2012 quarter final

“The last two internationals that the chancellor watched at the stadium
resulted in big wins for the German team: 3-0 on October 8 against Turkey in
Berlin and 4-0 in the World Cup quarter-final against Argentina in Cape Town,”
the DFB said.

While politicians and footballers have downplayed the crisis angle, newspapers
in both countries have stoked the enmity.

“Bring us Merkel,” read a headline in Goal News, while Germany’s
mass circulation Bild splashed: “Poor Greeks, we’ll give you your next
bankruptcy for free.”

Asked if Merkel might take advantage of the match to meet Greece’s likely next
leader Antonis Samaras, Streiter said the trip “was all about sport”
and quipped that if there were to be such a meeting, “it might be at

The announcement of Merkel’s attendance at the match in Poland came as the
British government said none of its ministers will go to England’s Euro 2012
quarter-final against Italy, which takes place in co-host Ukraine.

Anger is running high across Europe over the treatment of jailed Ukrainian
opposition leader Yulia Tymoshenko, and other governments have been putting
mounting pressure on Ukraine.

No British ministers attended England’s three group matches – against France,
Sweden and Ukraine – as they were all staged in Ukraine, though the
ambassador to Kiev did go.

Source: AFP

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