Angie Dowds inquest: Lesbian personal trainer threw herself from Beachy Head cliffs

  • Angie Dowds, 42, sent text saying ‘my heart is broken; my spirit is broken’ before death leap
  • Starred in ITV’s The Biggest Loser with Davina McCall

Claire Ellicott

15:16 EST, 21 June 2012


03:44 EST, 22 June 2012

A celebrity personal trainer jumped off Beachy Head after losing her job and having problems with her girlfriend, an inquest heard yesterday.

Angie Dowds, 42, sent a text in her final moments at the notorious Sussex suicide spot saying: ‘My heart is broken; my spirit is broken’.

At the time of her death last November, presenter Davina McCall, who she appeared on hit ITV show The Biggest Loser with, led tributes to her.

She said: ‘Rest in peace Angie Dowds. So so sad.’

Tragic suicide: Angie Dowds was a health guru on ITV show The Biggest Loser

Tragic suicide: Angie Dowds was a health guru on ITV show The Biggest Loser

The inquest heard that Miss Dowds had drinks and drugs in her system, a combination described as ‘severely toxic’, when she threw herself off the cliff.

Her GP said she had experienced ongoing addictions to alcohol and drugs and had taken overdoses and made a number of suicide threats in the past.

The award-winning fitness guru had contact with mental health services and had refused treatment at one point.

After her death, it was revealed that local health services had neglected to book an outpatient’s appointment for her after she declined treatment.

It was put down to an ‘administrative error’ initially, but a ‘serious untoward incident’ inquiry has since begun into what happened.

Yesterday, her brother Kevin Dowds accused doctors of letting down his younger sister.

Shocking death: Miss Dowds jumped from the cliffs at Sussex beauty spot Beachy Head

Shocking death: Miss Dowds jumped from the cliffs at Sussex beauty spot Beachy Head

Health expert: Ms Dowds with presenter Davina McCall and fellow trainer Richard Callender on The Biggest Loser

Health expert: Ms Dowds with presenter Davina McCall and fellow trainer Richard Callender on The Biggest Loser

He said: ‘I feel she’s been failed.
Letting her decide whether she continues with mental health doesn’t seem
appropriate to me.’

Feared dead: The Biggest Loser fitness trainer Angie Dowds battled personal demons

Heartache: Ms Dowds had gone through another break-up earlier the same year

He also vowed to further investigate the failure to book the appointment.

In the days and weeks prior to her death, Miss Dowds told friends and family she was worried about having lost her job.

She was also concerned about where to
live as she did not intend to continue living with her girlfriend Edwina
Benson, with whom she was having ‘troubles’.

Miss Dowds had a meeting with a housing officer to discuss where to live and had also discussed claiming benefits.

Her girlfriend Miss Benson, an
administrator at a primary school, said that she exchanged texts with
her shortly before she jumped.

Miss Dowds sent a series of heartbreaking texts to her partner, including one saying: ‘My heart’s broken; my spirit’s broken’.

She added: ‘On your head be it’ and ‘I’ll be at peace very soon.’

Miss Benson then called the police
after her partner revealed she was at Beachy Head.

Miss Dowds’ body was
discovered hours later.

Catherine Palmer, assistant deputy coroner for East Sussex, returned a verdict of suicide.

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Mental health services in this country are a joke…im sorry but it is true…armpit of the NHS and that really is saying something
– apathy and ignorance, yesterday, 22/06/2012 08:50
Why blame the Mental Health Service !!!, they certainly have their hands Full in this day and age, what with all the Drug Fuelled Madness that has Exploded onto the Scene over the last 10 – 15 years.
Don’t blame them for this womans misfortune, they do the best they can with the little resources they have got.

So sad … But also sad that she as burdened her ex with that text (on your head so be it) she will be blaming herself for a long time.

I have suffered with depression for many years and my last visit to my GP had me sit through him smirking at me when I was talking about thoughts and where my mind was. I feel I have let so many people down and it showed me that my GP did not want to know or listen properly. I understand exactly how Angie may have felt so god bless her.

the same thing happened to a good friend of mine 6m ago. we did all we could to help her,she also refused treatment, didnt turn up for hospital appointments etc. she shouldnt have been able to decide if she needed treatment or not but the authorities just held up their hands as if to say “not our problem,cant force her to attend”. she was not thinking rationally so was not able to decide what was best for her and was badly let down by the system.

It breaks my heart when i read about people taking their own life. Particularly young people with their whole lives ahead of them.
I have lost a few friends to suicide.
I’ve made sure I’ve told the people close to me that no matter how low they feel there is always light at the end of the tunnel and to just talk to someone, always talk to someone. Sometimes just saying your problems out loud can make them seem less serious.
No one can truly understand how desperate and tormented a suicidal person feels until they have experienced it themselves.

her poor ex girlfriend 🙁 No doubt she would’ve had guilt anyways, but to have received that text from Angie, so heartbreaking! Poor woman 🙁

Suicide is very selfish as it affects so many other people and that will be with the for a life time.

What’s Davina McCall got to do with it?

Someone’s relationship has broken up; someone’s heart has been broken; someone thought it better to take their life because of it. What is the fact that she was a lesbian got to do with it?

This dear lady was ill and she was given an awful lot of help. She decided she wanted to end her life. Isn’t that what Dignitas and many organisations are campaigning for ? Why is her brother pursuing the mental health services? Why is it always someone’s fault ? RIP Angie.

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