Angry Americans protest jury decision

Angry protesters took to the streets across the United States after a jury decided not to indict a police officer who shot dead unarmed black teenager Michael Brown.

St. Louis County prosecutor Robert McCulloch said on Monday night that Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson would not face charges for killing 18-year-old Brown on August 9.

Following the decision, outraged demonstrators held massive protests, throwing bottles, shattering windows, and vandalizing cars with at least one police car set on fire.

“Murderers, you’re nothing but murderers,” the crowd shouted. One woman said, “Stinking murderers.”

Another protester was shouting, “They need to feel the pain these mothers feel at the (expletive) cemetery.”

Gunshots were also heard outside the Ferguson Police Department in suburban St. Louis, with local police attempting to disperse people with volley after volley of tear gas, pepper spray and bean bags.

Protesters in other US cities, including New York City, Oakland, Philadelphia and Detroit and many other towns held similar demonstrations in response to the jury decision.

In New York, hundreds walked through Union Square, carrying signs that read “Jail Killing Cops” and “Resistance Is Justified.”

In Oakland, Calif., protesters laid in the middle of an intersection in silent protest, which was followed by a march. Demonstrators shouted, “Hands up, don’t shoot,” and “Black lives matter — all lives matter”

Hundreds of people marched through downtown in Philadelphia and they chanted “No justice, no peace, no racist police!”

Also in Pittsburgh, over 50 people held protests and some activists said that they plan to hold demonstration on Tuesday at the federal courthouse.

Brown’s family, who are staying at a hotel in the St. Louis area, said the ruling was “profoundly disappointing” and called for calm and peaceful protests.

The grand jury’s long awaited decision was announced after darkness had fallen. Wilson can still face civil rights charges brought by the US Justice Department or a civil lawsuit filed by Brown’s parents.


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