Angry Birds Space gameplay demonstrated with the help of NASA

Excited about the new Angry Birds edition that will literally be out of this world? Rovio has enlisted the help of the people who know outer space best, NASA, to help demonstrate the challenges players can expect in the new Angry Birds Space‘s gameplay.

In a YouTube promotional video, NASA astronaut Don Pettit dreamily floats inside an International Space Station (ISS) approximately 242.5 miles above the earth’s surface, holding a toy red bird as he prepares to explain the physics of Angry Birds Space.

“I’ve got my Angry Bird here, but we need a pig,” he says before blowing up a green balloon and drawing a cartoon swine face onto his air-filled rubber bag. “I’m not very good at art.” It’s okay, Mr. Pettit. Who needs to be good at art when you’re an astronaut?

Pettit also lets go of the bird he was holding to show how the object flies around the air without force. He goes on to fling the bird from a makeshift slingshot, making it relatively clear how gravity will throw the birds out of whack. The trajectory paths will not be anything like we’re used to in the earlier versions of the game, and the birds will no longer fly in a somewhat straight curve in space. In the last few seconds of the video, you’ll be able to see how the setup of the levels shifts gravitational pulls in various sections of the stage due to existing planets. Other parts of the game will have zero-gravitation pull without the help of outside forces.

See the video below as Angry Birds posted on its official site and linking to NASA for gamers to learn more about the effects of gravity on a object’s motion through space.

Angry Birds has always been regarded as an addictive but somewhat education game which forces the player to think about the physics involved in successfully completing each stage. The inclusion of this new space integration will further educate the average person how gravity changes motion, even if in an unrealistic setting of a world where birds and pigs don’t seem to get along.

“Games are fun and entertaining, but they also can be inspirational and informative,” David Weaver, a communications representative for NASA, said in a statement. “This ongoing collaboration with Rovio and Angry Birds is an exciting way to get people engaged with NASA’s missions of exploration and discovery, and get students energised about future careers in science and technology.”

Pettit agrees. “[If] you understand the math, if you understand the physics, it will allow you to go out and get a neat job. A job sort of like mine where you are an astronaut and you can fly in space,” he said.

All three versions of Angry Birds recently made the top 25 list of Apple’s most downloaded apps of all time. Angry Birds Space will be available on March 22 in Android, iOS, Mac and PC.

This article was originally posted on Digital Trends

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