Anti-govt. demos held in S Arabia

Saudi security forces opened fire on the protesters, who chanted slogans on Thursday against the ruling Al Saud family.

There have been no reports on casualties.

The demonstrators also called for the release of prominent Bahraini human rights activist Abdulhadi al-Khawaja, who has been sentenced to life in prison by the Manama regime.

The activist has been on hunger strike for more than two months.

Saudi Arabia’s east has been the scene of anti-government protests since February 2011, with demonstrators demanding rights reforms, freedom of expression and the release of political prisoners.

Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have also criticized the Al Saud regime for silencing dissent through intimidation and the violation of the basic rights of citizens.

Riyadh has intensified its crackdown on anti-government protesters since the beginning of this year.


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