Anti-Gun Crowd Scared of Armed Woman
April 26, 2012

While our Infowars Reporter Contest has attracted great talent from prospective reporters armed with knowledge, one entry in particular has now sparked controversy. It seems the gun grabbing lobby doesn’t like making the 2nd Amendment look good.

See more: Bikini Girl With Machine Gun Defends Liberty – Reporter Contest

See other new entries: Infowars Reporter Contest – Even More Entries

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65 Responses to “Anti-Gun Crowd Scared of Armed Woman”

  1. Nice. They have their Obama girl. Now we have our Liberty girl, but with machine guns!

  2. bikini girls with machine guns contest. i vote yes.

    • tho i liked “Truther Girl” as an actual winner for the female spot. but do the contest in addition. good idea.

      • Truther Girl with machine guns. I mean, who doesn’t like machine guns? I like machine guns.

  3. Why are so many of you complaining? 1st and 2nd amendment. She can dress how she wants saying what she wants while shooting what she wants so long as it doesn’t harm anyone else. Maybe she was shooting a dirt mound. FPS russia does it all the time. She might not win the contest but at least she tried. Some people have dumb fetishes like a girl with a gun or a girl on a car or tattoos or what have you. I don’t have those but her message is against tyranny.. the basics of which all of us strive for.

    • Soooo you’re saying because 500 people have weird fetishes, this site needs to isolate the other 300 viewers? Spoken like a true Libertarian, regurgitate and legalize everything

  4. I’m still laughing from the first time I watched it LOL. All I can remember is her saying something about liberty and shooting a gun ha. This kind of reminds me of those weird shirtless models that stand in front of AFitch stores that really don’t do anything but make you feel uncomfortable, because all you really want to do is buy a shirt, and then you really don’t go to the store because of the weird shirtless dudes standing in front of the store. So does anyone want to tell me if this was a gun commercial, how not to fire a firearm, a banner for the ATF’s next search, or a contest? I think this is way in left field. If you want a model, by all means get one, but don’t act like their is any substance here.

    • It’s laughable that he is claiming people who are unimpressed his choice for ‘news’ are CIA or other agents. That’s just desperate, and this whole video is making a mockery of his dwindling listeners and/or forum posters. I don’t see how he can save face at this point.

  5. I couldn’t believe my eyes……three times now featuring this ‘prime time’ reporter huh? I just noticed that one of the absolute BEST entries you had thus far, Bradley from Ohio, has pulled his video from the ‘contest is getting fierce’ thread. My money says he has way too much integrity and self respect to even offer his services to a site like this, clearing going downhill in a ball of hypocrisy, idiocy sexual exploitation. This is so insulting to all of the fantastic, intelligent citizen journalist that sent in their videos. AJ and Co. should be ashamed of themselves, but somehow I doubt it, in fact I bet they are laughing at you all you dumb jock sheople.

  6. What these moronic fools should be worried about is fat-cat Pentagon Communist generalissimos with their own personal nukes to toy with.

  7. I think a more modest attire would help others see the sincerity, conviction, and patriotism of Amanda Liberty. Let’s not forget modesty would not be an issue if not for the lusts within mans heart. As we judge we shall be judged. A twenty year old born into this wicked world, and we feel this need to condemn based on a bikini top? A woman who’s entry into this contest demonstrates the utmost sincerity? We must first learn to love one another if we are to achieve liberty again. Love is understanding, kindness, gentleness, and forgiveness.

    1 John 4:16 “God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.”

    • Do not forget the person who teaches lust will be the death of them.

  8. I just read that Obama flips on the farm chores for children. He got too much flack and caved!

    • I love seeing the enemy lose. It gives me tingling sensations all over.

  9. She needs to lean into the fire a bit more. She’s wondering how she’ll look on camera rather than imagining she is killing traitors the way I like to when I practice.

    • I want Obama impeached.

  10. Ok Ok… this is becoming quite the scandal.. Ive got a fix for ya Infowars. Make this girl a part time correspondant and send her to gun shows. Even do a Infowar Girl Contest like someone above mentioned for a Calender type girl. Also I dont want this liberty filled young lady to think we are all coming down on Her.. We are not. We celebrate her skill, bravery, and commitment to Liberty. You did a great Job
    I think alot of people are upset that it appears Infowars is making a mockery out of their Reporter Contest after so many ladies from around the country sent in great submissions.
    I would be willing to bet that Alex will probably end up with a top notch female reporter when this is done. So dont be so hard on Alex, in the next couple of days and weeks he will be promoting some of the other talent. Lets all take a deep breath before we make this young patriotic Girl feel bad for doing a great vid, and spreading some truth to a young hormone filled audience. One thing is for sure, Alex you need to keep doing these contests, they get people involved.

    • sorry error on my part didnt mean to post over and over.

      • I tell you one thing State Warfare is hard. I love liberty not illegal warfare.

    • I just don’t get it! Would someone please fill me in on what I missed? I don’t see anything that would have caused this kind of response from Alex!!!!! Who and what is he referring to?

      • I think the commenter’s pissed him off, cause they didnt approve of him pimping this vid. I understand both sides, alot of ladies put alot of work into research of vids and have not even gotten mentioned… this girl gets half nakid and Infowars posts here everywhere.

        This girl is a patriot, and its a great vid, but probably not even close to a reporter submission.

        • I agree the commenters pissed him off. It would me too after what I saw.

        • Pissed off or embarrassed, and now just being stubborn.

  11. If I were a anti-freedom jack-booted armor-clad NWO oppressor, and Amanda Liberty showed up slinging her guns, I would go completely weak in the knees and come out with my hands up, begging for her to take me into custody, waterboard me as much as she wanted to and subject me to re-education.

    No problem.

    But, you ever notice how these liberal gun grabbing “women” are all disgusting hags and crusty old squaks, and how pro-gun conservative freedom-loving women are usually hotter than hell?

    Its a funny thing.

  12. Ok Ok… this is becoming quite the scandal.. Ive got a fix for ya Infowars. Make this girl a part time correspondant and send her to gun shows. Even do a Infowar Girl Contest like someone above mentioned for a Calender type girl.

    Also I dont want this liberty filled young lady to think we are all coming down on Her.. We are not. We celebrate her skill, bravery, and commitment to Liberty. You did a great Job

    I think alot of people are upset that it appears Infowars is making a mockery out of their Reporter Contest after so many ladies from around the country sent in great submissions.

    I would be willing to bet that Alex will probably end up with a top notch female reporter when this is done. So dont be so hard on Alex, in the next couple of days and weeks he will be promoting some of the other talent. Lets all take a deep breath before we make this young patriotic Girl feel bad for doing a great vid, and spreading some truth to a young hormone filled audience.

    One thing is for sure, Alex you need to keep doing these contests, they get people involved.

    • Why no just start a infowars porn video!!!! She might care a little about real issues but putting on barly any clothes to sell her self shows that she knows that she SUCKS as a reporter!!!! and would only get the job if she got a bunch of pathetic men to give her attention. Their are plenty of others out there who were clothes and do a better job. Alex are you serious putting this crap up acting like it is worth the time of day!!!! Thought you was looking for real reporters no half dressed females with guns…….this is sad!!!

  13. From some of the comments I’d guess several people here never liked the
    TV show “Dukes Of Hazzard”.

    Obviously they never liked their wives, sisters and adult daughters dressed
    in cutoffs and a top cheering at Demolition Derby or Mud Buggy on a hot
    summer day.

    They probably never cared for their women swinging out over a cool river on
    a rope, then dropping in the water for fun, or going coon hunting in the
    moonlight with the men, or getting greasy from head to toe helping their
    men finish their dirt-track racers for the weekend.

    I don’t know what women do up north but sweet Southern girls have charm
    and A LOT OF TOMBOY COURAGE. The Southern way of life; the FREE life,
    is well worth FIGHTING FOR, at least from OUR point of view!

    That little Missy is having a blast enjoying her shooting fun on the video, and
    SHE SHOULD. When the SHTF all she gotta do is GET BEHIND SOMETHING
    to protect her little nips. Otherwise she’s sending enough ordnance down-
    range to cause a Chinese fire drill in ANY attack squad on earth.

    • Freedom is worth fighting for. Unfortunately are comments are sounding like we are wusses or threatening others instead of our enemies.

    • The state psychology warfare unit sure knows its job.

  14. Tight young women firing full-auto–now that’s liberty.

    Alex, PLEASE start the bikini gun contest! Just to cover all the bases, include good looking shirtless guys firing guns as well. We don’t want to ignore any group. Hell, why not have a contest with FAMILIES shooting guns. That would be funny to see grandma firing full-auto.

    • I’d go with Grandmas firing automatic weapons, but shirtless men?

      Let’s not allow this thing to get clear out of hand, Alex!

      You wouldn’t want Obama and his funny boys gettin’ too excited.

    • Um, yeah. We know you just want to see the Village People all greased up and shirtless and firing guns while the song YMCA is blasting in the background. Lol! Just kidding man.

  15. Why are my posts getting posted near the bottom instead of the correct time? What is wrong with this wordpress?

    • I don’t get this Youtube Alex made commenting here about people being anti-gun. Did I miss something that was carried by the MSM about this contestant? Can someone fill me in please?

      I thought she was NOT the best of the bunch and she is wearing inappropriate attire for a news broadcast IMO. I would like to see a more professional appearance with a good informative story told in a professional voice. That doesn’t make me anti-gun, It just means I didn’t like her reporting style.

    • Its editing mine too.

  16. I recognize some of the protests here… But I think some of the humor here can be embraced. How many times has a “bikini girl” been used to smear gun rights… Can I count that high in my free time? How many times has a “sex symbol” been used to diminish basic human rights and marginalize attractive women? If you are a physically fit female are you just gonna roll over when the pedo goon squad rolls up to forcibly vaccinate your children? Or are you gonna pull out a fuckin suppressed UZI? Sexy women like to be sexy. This girl clearly wasn’t chained down and forced to do this. And instead of making some pittance in cash promoting rims and sport bikes she decided that the infowars message was the way to go. Oh the dialog wasn’t passionate and convicted enough for you? Give me a break you people are looking for something to cry about.

  17. they are not scared of her, they just hate humanity~

    • I agree my comments are quelled right now too. I like humanity.

  18. It is simple, actually.
    Those that think they can talk your way out of this situation, are fools,
    it is obvious, that the NWO is gearing up for a blood conflict in America.

    And as the woman said, be armed or throw rocks.
    Because, it IS coming……

  19. wow alex this just keeps getting worse. ur not at all paying attention to the comments are you? nobody is throwing any hissy fits that ive seen. and ur small minority seems to me to be like 60% of commenters (more if u exclude the ones that say stuff like “yay boobs” as their comment). i believe the average concensus is that the reporter contest is a contest for a reporter, not for who looks best in less clothing. this girl would be fine in a “girls of infowars” calendar. now lets all imagine her on the steps of the capitol in her bikini top interviewing the governor. hmmm yeah not getting that one. i love the second amendment and i love women, but i do not come here for this, im here for news. hard hitting investigative type stuff is good thanks. im all for some other side idea of a calendar or something sure, that sounds awesome, id probably buy it, but im not at infowars for chicks. i trust u will select ur contest winner from the more reporter-esqe entries. if not u lose alot of respect points from me and im sure many of your other listeners also.

    • I agree my comments are quelled right now too.

  20. This was kind of stupid.
    Watching her read her lines was annoying. I didn’t even finish it to see if they showed her target (yes, I suppose that it could have been faked too)

    If this was undeniably good, we would hear the crickets pause

  21. sex sells is what alex means i just think that he might do better setting himself apart from such things.

    • Better than listening to how great tangy tangerine is!! I’ve practically stopped
      listening to his show because of the lies about that crap.

  22. First they took away our guns, then they came for the rocks!

    Images for Incurable Kinds of Thoughts.
    Click hotlink.

  23. That’s my kind of woman!!

  24. Some of us get made examples of by the Establishment. Good or Bad.

    • They better not come for my rocks. I have an amethyst collection.

  25. I get using this to spread the second amendment, but this is all over infowars in every way today. CISPA PASSED THE HOUSE, and alex is pimping this video hard. Feel bad for all the ladies that submitted videos who classed it up, next time do it nakid and Alex will give you some credit

    On a side note, A Ladies in bathing suit contest wouldnt be a bad idea, just think its a bit inappropriate how hard this paticular video is being pushed when it is suppose to be a reporter contest.

    Keep the contests going alex they are quite fun.

  26. Someone’s complaining?

    Women with guns are hot. Was sighting in a new 308 and scope last weekend and I enjoyed watching the women on the range. One was also shooting Tannerite with her boy friend, no full auto but she was going though the AK mags pretty quick.

    There is only one thing I like more then seeing women with guns on the range. And that’s kids learning to shoot and watching them have fun.

  27. AJ you’ve been punked! I go to the range at least twice month and have never ever seen anything like you show here. This is not an accurate representation of anyone I know or love (my daughter would never portray herself this way!) who enjoy second amendment rights.

    Gotta argue against this one: you’re handing the anti-gun crowd more ammunition to paint us irresponsible, extreme and reckless. Miss Sassy Pants is not an accurate representation of either dedicated marksmen/women or hunters. Not.

    Whose side are you really on Alex?

    • He is reporting the information as it comes in to the infowars word press.

      • My young neighbor is exactly like this. She has 2 daughters
        and goes to the rifle range every weekend.
        Once in awhile on hot days she “dresses down” to keep cool.
        She has a responsible job and is a great mother.
        She is also very particular who she dates.

        My 94 year old mother is still a crack shot with a 30.30.
        My wife is a pistol expert and proficient with 30.06 and .50 cal.
        My daughter is good with all firearms same as her 3 brothers.

        Any of you FOREIGN or DOMESTIC SH*T HOGS who think you
        can roll in here and dispatch Americans with your middle-east
        3rd world tactics better think again. Its not BURKAS you’ll see.

        Last thing many of you mercs will see is a well-dressed fashion
        lady open her purse, then a MUZZLE FLASH from a .44 magnum
        will send you straight to HELL.

        while the men are destroying your vehicles communications.

        You’ve got NO CONCEPTION of what kind of HOT BLOODY MESS
        you’ll end up in, IF you are foolish enough to take on Americans!


        • I understand fully well.

        • WHAT are you talking about? It is a young lady reporting about guns. No comments I have read says anything about anti-gun. They don’t like her reporting style compared to some of the others in the contest who appear more professional! What the HELL does that have to do with being anti-gun?????

    • Blame who controls the media.

    • Is it CISPA? My speech is, nevermind….

    • Stop crying Tag. Go back to your he-man woman haters club.

  28. I don’t get this Youtube Alex made commenting here about people being anti-gun. Did I miss something that was carried by the MSM about this contestant? Can someone fill me in please?

    I thought she was NOT the best of the bunch and she is wearing inappropriate attire for a news broadcast IMO. I would like to see a more professional appearance with a good informative story told in a professional voice. That doesn’t make me anti-gun, It just means I didn’t like her reporting style.

  29. I have watched countless reports from women in this contest who appeared professional and had PHENOMENAL information YET they were not featured on the main page. Have a girl walk out in a bikini, shooting a gun, obviously reading every word she is saying and THAT will get her featured twice on the Infowars main page?

    You see, people aren’t complaining because of a strong women shooting a gun……they are complaining because this is an “Infowars Reporter” Contest. It’s a tremendous slap in the face to all the women who took the time to research their information and present it in a decent fashion. People don’t complain when they see cheerleaders at football games because cheerleaders are supposed to be at football games wearing what they are wearing and doing what they do. Those cheerleaders aren’t out there trying to be a reporter.

    • I agree.

  30. I’m sorry but this person doesn’t seem to be the brightest bulb in the batch. I really hate when people think it is hot to have cute girls with guns. I like smart girls. Ones that look, sound and act smart. This girl looks like a dumb bimbo reading a script card.
    I am not at all turned on by girls with guns and I think it is silly and immature to put girls with guns and girls with cars.
    Women have so much to offer than to be a piece of meat. Well…at least some do.

    • I find her performance far more impressive than your judgment.

      • I doubt she came within a foot of her target. Unless it was 5 feet in front of her.

    • You’re probably not turned on by women any way …

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