Apple’s Mountain Lion OS to be released next month

At today’s WWDC, Apple announced that its latest and greatest operating system will be available in July

If you’ve been anxiously awaiting Apple’s Mountain Lion (10.8) OS, there’s good news: Your wait is just about over. According to Apple at today’s World Wide Developers Conference (WWDC), Mountain Lion will be available for sale and download in July.

The new operating system has long been in the works, with the company suggesting months ago that Mountain Lion would be available this summer. It will include a number of new features, including the ability to mirror content on your Mac onto your TV using Apple TVGame Center, and a faster version of Safari. It will also feature built-in tools to easily share content on social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. A large number of these new features will be very familiar to iPad owners.

While Apple’s newest MacBook Pro hardware may be incredibly expensive, its new operating system won’t be. Mountain Lion will be available for download via the Mac App Store for just $19.99. Anyone who buys a new Apple computer between now and the July release will be able to upgrade to Mountain Lion for free.

This article was written by Fox Van Allen and originally appeared on Tecca

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