Army Admits Re-Education Camp Manual “Not Intended For Public Release”

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Public Affairs Director falsely claims document does not apply within U.S.

Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Fort Leonard Wood Public Affairs director Tiffany Wood has provided the first official response to the shocking U.S. Army document that outlines the implementation of re-education camps, admitting that the manual was “not intended for public release” and claiming that its provisions only apply outside the United States, a contention completely disproved by the language contained in the document itself.

Army Admits Re Education Camp Manual Not Intended For Public Release yd aciIq1p6eUPeyhFIwADl72eJkfbmt4t8yenImKBVaiQDB Rd1H6kmuBWtceBJ

After a reader sent Wood a link to where the manual, entitled FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations (PDF), can be downloaded on the website (but only by military employees with special credentials), Wood responded by stating that the document should not be in the public domain.

“The document was not intended for public release,” said Wood, adding, “Any other questions regarding the
document, you will need to file a FOIA request.”

This means that either hackers have obtained access to a secure military website and downloaded the manual or it was leaked by a military employee concerned about the content of the document.

As we have exhaustively illustrated, the document is a training manual for U.S. Army personnel that details how to treat detainees incarcerated in prison camps both abroad and inside the United States.

The manual outlines how officers will develop programs to “indoctrinate” “political activists” incarcerated in detention camps into developing an “understanding and appreciation of U.S. policies and actions.” The document also explains how “reeducating the I/R facility population or setting the stage for acceptance of future operations,” is the responsibility of ‘PSYOP’ personnel within the camp.

The document also makes clear that the internment facility is not only a re-education camp but also a forced labor camp. Page 277 of the manual states, “Detainees constitute a significant labor force of skilled and unskilled individuals. These individuals should be employed to the fullest extent possible in work that is needed to construct, manage, perform administrative functions for, and maintain the internment facility.”

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The manual also directs that political activists be confined to isolation and that prisoners be silenced using by “muffling them with a soft, clean cloth tied around their mouths and fastened at the backs of their heads.”

In her email response, Wood falsely claims that, “The document is intended for operations outside of the continental United States. Depending on the nature and magnitude of an event will determine the level of U.S. military involvement.”

As we have proven using only direct quotations and screenshots from the manual, it is clearly designed to be applied both abroad and “within U.S. territory,” including against “civilian detainees” incarcerated for “security reasons, for protection, or because he or she committed an offense against the detaining power,” as part of “domestic civil support operations” involving FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security.

The manual also details how prisoners will be identified by their “social security number,” another glaring confirmation that the rules apply to U.S. citizens.

The document makes it clear on page 193 that the rules apply to processing American detainees on U.S. soil so long as the President passes an executive order to nullify Posse Comitatus, the law that forbids the U.S. military from engaging in domestic law enforcement.

It is clear from Wood’s response that she has either not read the documents properly or has been directed to downplay their significance by asserting they do not apply within the United States, a claim clearly disproved by the numerous references within the manual to how its instructions can be applied as part of “domestic civil support operations.”


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.

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30 Responses to “Army Admits Re-Education Camp Manual “Not Intended For Public Release””

  1. You really think they going to openly admit it?

  2. “The document was not intended for public release,” said Wood, adding, “Any other questions regarding the document, you will need to file a FOIA request.”

    oh yeah we’ll just do that when we HAVE the doc already.. dipsh!t.

    he blatantly lied about it, so why isnt he in JAIL for it?

    captain obvious Reply:
    May 9th, 2012 at 7:07 am

    the authors of this “manual” oughtta be charged with treason,
    along with those who authorized and built the concentration camps.
    they’ve done it to protect themselves from their victims,
    after deliberately and treasonously sabotaging our economy,
    MAKING people unemployed and homeless, IS UNAMERICAN ACTIVITY!!

    for saying such its ME who is a “potential terrorist” ?!!
    oh nevermind the treasonous economic saboteuring financial terrorists,
    who have been committing these crimes for decades.. right?

    Peace Frog Reply:
    May 9th, 2012 at 9:28 am

    I saw a flatbed semi with a load of those black FEMA coffins and lids headed to Oregon today.

    Any FEMA camps in Oregon…FEMA region 10 ?

  3. Not intended for public disclosure . If this isn’t a c.ya. line of bullshiit , I don’t know what is .

    God forbid if the “people”should ever find out what’s in store for them .

  4. Perhaps the stimulus response threshold of the average human amoeba has sunk to a level we can publicly release WikiTyranny.

    Communitize disempowerment!

    Crowdsource the Eye!

    An ethnically representative sampling makes the best Soylent Green!

    Semantic obfuscation of 20% should be more than enough to avoid exposure. See? It’s “WikiTyranni.” It doesn’t have a “y”, so it actually means 10 other things.

    Who better to build the slave chains of freedom then net trolls?

    The fires of Mordor represent positive economic growth. TSA has risen the orc standard of living.

  5. More Bravo Sierra from the people who are sworn to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic….sounds like they just became the “domestic threat” themselves.

  6. “Not Intended For Public Release”, neither will the the 5 million bullets from 5 million guns be, “Not Intended For Public Release”!!!

  7. In a free and open society the very word secrecy is repugnant. JFK When we remake society after throwing the NWO into the pit of hell there will be NO secrets, NO double dealing.

  8. Odds are this woman Tiffany Wood was ordered to make the statement she did and was told by a commissioned officer at the public relations office bold face lies about the contents of Re-Education Camp Manual. She is most likely a complicit pawn who dares not investigate the facts herself.

    I can speak from experience when I say that a lot of current and former Government employees believe what they are told by those above them or by politicians. My father who worked for the DOD and ran quality assurance in the North East is one such person. This is a man who thinks both Bush Presidents were two of the best this country has ever had while believing every lie they told the American people, like with 9/11.

    I have tried to open his eyes over and over and have had no luck. He won’t believe his own flesh and blood but believes two of the biggest liars this country has ever seen in political office. Go figure.

    captain obvious Reply:
    May 9th, 2012 at 8:14 am

    ask him what threat financial fraud investigations to some sand ghost.
    WTC-7 and pending audit of the pentagon were gonna jail bin laden? really?

    jchance Reply:
    May 9th, 2012 at 9:49 am

    @captain obvious

    I have tried to bring up the fraud investigation and how Halliburton and those other companies the Bush family, Rumsfeld, and Cheney have stakes in or are buddy buddy with the executives of were at the center of it. He doesn’t want to hear it. Mind you this is the same guy with the facts there in front of his face that Romney is getting financed by the same bankers, globalists, and elitists won’t believe it and thinks the scumbag will fix this country when he was the major contributing factor to nearly all industry moving out of Massachusetts and it’s being turned into one huge parking lot during his tenure as governor.

    Rebelfromtheburg Reply:
    May 9th, 2012 at 8:31 am

    Same here jchance, my father works with BAE. Not for them but with them (selling computer chips) I do the same thing but with other customers. They get extremely pissed at me when I attempt to explain WTC-7 was destroyed by our own government…They always say “who?” “who would have motive to do such a thing..” I explain how it was the justification for 12 years at war but nooooo that doesnt open their eyes either. They just CANT believe there is an evil occult cabal running the world!!!

    ALSO, my girlfriend is a finance-operations person for BAE Systems right now. She tells me that because of the lack of need for tanks and bombs, etc BAE is ramping up production and involvement in the DRONE/UAV market. The US goobermint is buying thousands upon thousands of armed and equipped drones. Only reason for them to buy so many and equip them with infrared, night vision is because they are planning on using them domestically for sure 110%. They already have enough for current military ops so why do they need so many more?!?!?! TO SPY ON US! Imagine if they could zoom in on your license plate from 15,000 feet. No more getting away with speeding ever, or anything else THEY dont want you doing.

    People, I want to hear what you think about all this, any timeline predictions?? Come on people give me some feedback.

    NoTyranny Reply:
    May 9th, 2012 at 9:05 am

    I believe we’ll see a major chance after B. Hussein Obama is re-elected. I sincerely hope the populace would really look at the candidates and realize the only true, constitutional following candidate is Ron Paul. However, generalizing, most Americans are more concerned with who’s going to be the next american Idol or who is screwing who to be bothered to educate themselves about what is happening to our country.

    I believe it’s time for the patriots to form alliances to combat this overwhelming tyranny currently and growing. Unfortunately, we patriots are considered ‘domestic terrorists’ and subject to arrest and imprisonment. Why does the DHS need 450 million rounds of .40 Cal. ammo? Just as Rebel said, why the need for all the drones but to police the citizens of the U.S.

    Three years we’ll be a completely different country.

    jchance Reply:
    May 9th, 2012 at 9:54 am


    That doesn’t surprise me with BAE. To be honest Lockheed Martin/Sander, Raytheon, and GE have all switched production to UAV’s or components for them.

    The US military stockpiles arms/weapons, ammunition, supplies, vehicles, etc for extended operations and only orders to maintain that stockpile. When it places orders like these going well beyond re-supplying the stockpile for current operations, it is obvious it is planning something new.

  9. I think it was released on purpose like many things to do two things. One to throw it out there so that people go around saying they are getting ready to lock everyone up but then nothing happens and everyone gets past the shock value so later they implement and not as shocking just as AJ and Albrecht was speaking of days ago. The other reason I think they might create a manual like this and leak it is so when the SHTF people are already not shocked when it does but more importantly they trust they will be treated humanely as described in the manual but it will be much, much worse but it will get the people to go more passively not realizing what is really getting ready to happen to them.

    captain obvious Reply:
    May 9th, 2012 at 8:18 am

    yup! “oh hey these arent fluffy handcuffs!”
    people dont get it when they see a baton come down on a protestors head,
    or all the reports of brutality they DONT ever hear about on the fake news.

  10. Someone made an interesting comment a few days ago here:

    They wrote that this all maybe a psy-op. They posed the question of why would they want everyone in camps.

    Maybe this leak was not an accident (like so many).

    Maybe there is something to that. No doubt they are preparing camps for somebody. But maybe we are missing the point of exactly who may be put in the camps.

    If they are going to have a major reduction in the population, is it necessary to move everyone into the camps first?

    Why would they want to re-educate those who don’t agree with the government? Why not just eliminate them and not waste time and money on it? Certainly there are enough sheeple around to fill the slave positions that will be available.

    Huxley’s Brave New World comes to mind. Just a thought, but, maybe the camps are only for children.

    Certainly it would be easier to create the near perfect dumbed down slave if you could start with a fresh crop of kids and train them from the beginning.

    Maybe it is just as most of us have suspected but some of it doesn’t exactly add up. In any case it is serious and shouldn’t be taken lightly.

    captain obvious Reply:
    May 9th, 2012 at 8:22 am

    the manual IS inclusive to slave labor,
    and FEMA does have a million plastic coffins.
    they just ordered 450 million .40 caliber hollowpoints.

    your point about kidnapping the kiddies, makes sense too.
    easier to handle, train, exploit, rape, etc.

    Rebelfromtheburg Reply:
    May 9th, 2012 at 8:38 am

    Yes! I like the deductive reasoning going on here. Jesus I love this site haha. I wish I could hang out with some of you guys and have a real, intellectual conversation for once in my life without someone being like “wow this dude has lost it”. I think it is genious how the NWO has put such a powerful stigma on people like us to get the masses to perceive us as crazy when in reality it is CRAZIER not to question every move the goobermint makes.

    my2cents Reply:
    May 9th, 2012 at 9:56 am

    No one wants to consider that these camps would be the way the elites keep themselves safe.They control the news flow to easily have you believe the camps are for the general population. I agree with with your thought on why bring us to camps to kill us? Despot communist leaders relied mostly on starvation to eliminate people. How else will the elites preserve themselves?

  11. “Public Affairs Director falsely claims document does not apply within U.S.”

    I love that government and apparently the average U.S. citizen seems to think human rights are only for Americans. It’s very Nazi of us.

  12. it’s not valid for within the USA? Tell me someone: “Why are the camps then built in the USA?”

    Well, well. At least it is a proof that this document is authentic and not a hoax.

    They’re getting a headache now and it will be increasing.
    This can well lead to the political isolation for the USA.

    American Dystopia Reply:
    May 9th, 2012 at 9:28 am

    Don’t worry they’ll explain it all once you get to the camp 😉

    truthnow Reply:
    May 9th, 2012 at 10:08 am

    nah, I’m waiting for the Chinese, Russian and Iranian Human Rights Record on America …

  13. THey can put there re education where we all think they should…………………….

    military!!!!!!!! yes sir yes sir keep following evil orders .

    This is why we are in this sh… in the first place.

    the high command is evil BUSH both created dept with the wars they ordered.
    OBAMA keeps hiping the dept also

    Keep serving your masters who order you all around with this murdering Empire.

  14. in a well lit room you can bring in no darkness.

  15. tell everyone you know about ths,show people this,make them see..”Not Intended for Public Release??”????? then release it..wake them up..force people to see..give out copies of this document..NOT INTENDED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE?? F*CK YOU!!!!!

  16. not intended for public really I wonder why ? too late it’s leaked we know all about it …

  17. Let’s see….hmmmmmmmm! the reducation camps are meant for outside the USA but the document itself was not meant for public release? Who is that lying bitch tring to fool with that statement? Of course the morons that think their govt would never implement such a thing as consentration or reducation camps inside their nation, would believe that lying bitch’s statement!
    Alot of the American population have a veil of decept over their eyes and ears and would never believe their govt would even plan on implementing such a thing, thus why tranny keeps on pushing it’s way forward in the “once great” America!

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