‘Army-IRGC unity reflects Iran’s might’

There is no doubt that the strategic unity and comprehensive interactions between the Army and the IRGC in ground, naval and aerial missions, as well as their complete readiness to carry out key responsibilities show off Iran’s power in giving a firm and swift response to any kind of threat at all levels, said the highest military body in a Monday statement.

This has barred the bullying and hegemonic powers in the world, particularly the US, from lunching an attack against the Islamic Republic, the statement was quoted as saying in an IRNA report.

It also emphasized that the enemies and ill-wishers of the Islamic Revolution and the Islamic establishment have been irked by the resolve of the Armed Forces and the IRGC to enhance Iran’s defensive and deterrent power, make great efforts to obtain indigenous technologies and update military systems and equipment.

On April 11, Commander of the Army Ground Forces Brigadier General Ahmad Reza Pourdastan said the Army and the IRGC plan to stage their largest joint military drill for the first time in the current Iranian year.

He added that eight military maneuvers will be held by different armed forces in various areas.

Iran maintains that its military exercises are defensive in nature and meant to convey a message of peace and friendship to regional countries.


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