As Bashar al-Assad votes, Syria’s people continue to die in their homes

Among those trapped in the district are Paul Conroy, the Sunday Times
photographer wounded in the same attack that killed Marie Colvin, the Sunday
Times war correspondent, and Remi Ochlik, the French photographer, last week.

Fresh details of Colvin’s death emerged yesterday, with the Sunday Times
reporting that she was killed as she tried to retrieve her shoes so she
could flee the bombardment of a building housing the reporters.

Following Arab custom, the reporters had left their shoes at the entrance of
the building. When the first of a series of shells hit the buildings upper
floors, Colvin ran to where she had left hers but as she reached them a
rocket landed at the front of the building, just a few yards from her. The
blast killed Ochlik and her instantly.

With people in some parts of Homs cowering from both shells and sniper fire,
there was little enthusiasm for Mr Assad’s referendum.

“What should we be voting for, whether to die by bombardment or by
bullets? This is the only choice we have,” said Waleed Fares, an
activist in the Khalidiyah district of the city.

The new constitution will ostensibly entrench multi-party rule, pave the way
for parliamentary elections within three months and limit a president to two
seven-year terms, a statute that will only come into force when Mr Assad, in
power since 2000, completes his present stint in 2014.

Syria’s main opposition movements boycotted the poll, pointing out that Mr
Assad has shown little willingness to abide by the present constitution,
which supposedly enshrines free speech and bans torture.

Western politicians described the exercise as “laughable” and again
demanded that Mr Assad step down.

“The referendum in Syria is nothing more than a farce,” said Guido
Westerwelle, the German foreign minister. “Sham votes cannot be a
contribution to a resolution of the crisis. Assad must finally end the
violence and clear the way for a political transition.”

But the West’s leverage remains limited. Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of
state, again ruled out the prospect of western military intervention,
conceding for the first time that it could play into the hands of Islamic

“We have a very dangerous set of actors in the region – al Qaeda, Hamas,
and those who are on our terrorist list, claiming to support the opposition,”
she said, adding that Western action was also hampered by the lack of UN
Security Council approval.

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