As thousands of servicemen are made redundant, and yet more are roped in to the Olympics, the Government must honour its side of the military covenant

Annabelle Fuller

15:59 EST, 18 July 2012


18:42 EST, 18 July 2012

The constant demands on the Armed Forces to plug the gap in civilian arrangements is filling the newspapers, with calls for the heads of those responsible to roll. 

The irony of the Government relying on 3500 additional troops to take over roles in the security at the Olympic games after another round of redundancies was announced has not been lost on most of us even if we are not directly affected.

Now the rumours are that another 2000 personnel may be required to ensure that there is enough security at London 2012: which means more soldiers having to cancel holidays, leave their families and live away from home in temporary accommodation whilst the bosses of G4S demand the full amount agreed in their contract.

Desperate measures: Soldiers patrol the Olympic Park in Stratford, east London. Ministry of Defence officials are making emergency plans to deploy a further 2,000 troops

Desperate measures: Soldiers patrol the Olympic Park in Stratford, east London. Ministry of Defence officials are making emergency plans to deploy a further 2,000 troops

We know that no one who has been sent to London will be out of pocket since allowances and compensation will be paid. Who is paying what, exactly, has yet to be worked out and the Home Office have merely stated that:

‘We have agreed to offer help to G4S by revising the level of military support.

‘The Government are committing £553 million for venue security and we remain confident that we will deliver within budget.’

What we haven’t had confirmed yet and the answer I am still awaiting from the Ministry of Defence, is who exactly will be paying the additional costs. It certainly should not be the taxpayer: this failure has not been our fault.

Lt Gen Nick Parker may have informed the world that the Armed Forces were delighted to be covering up for a multi-million pound security company whose boss is on a six figure annual salary, but unless a few words have changed their meaning, there are many who have had to change their plans who aren’t so delighted. As one soldier put it: ‘It’s not you being f***ed around…it’s not your leave being cancelled. When were you last on 12 hours notice to move?’

The military covenant is something that political parties love to talk about. They love visiting troops to have their photos taken, cutting about in kevlar with CS95s in the background, but the recent round of cuts to the numbers of servicemen has meant that many personnel are now in the situation of having their pensions dealt a blow.

Looking forward: Mr Cameron meets British soldiers at Shawqat forward operating base in Helmand Province, Afghanistan

Your side of the bargain: Mr Cameron meets British soldiers in Afghanistan, where he defended the latest round of redundancies

I was made aware of a new petition on the government website, which states that:

‘On 12 June 2012, the MoD announced the redundancies of over three thousand service personnel. Of this figure a number were within twelve months of their immediate pension point.

‘These redundancies do not honour the original employment contract or covenant between soldier and the MoD. These men and women have all faithfully served in Her Majesty’s Armed Forces and repeatedly risked their lives on different tours of duty, with the expectation that, when they completed their period of service, they would be eligible for a pension on which to build a new life for themselves and their families. Given future planned redundancies in the forces this issue is likely to affect many more service personnel.

‘We call on the Government to urgently review these cases to ensure natural justice and provide the opportunity for all affected personnel to serve the extra year, or less, to reach their immediate pension point as set out in their original contracts of employment.’

Instead of always relying on the Armed Forces to fill the gaps left by private contractors, perhaps the Government should consider ensuring that the troops are looked after properly.

I fear that many of the personnel who are losing their jobs will find it hard to tell future employers of their many transferable skills. My time working with Armed Forces charities highlighted that many companies see soldiers as people who are only trained for war instead of looking at the skills they have, their commitment, attention to detail and immense work ethic. During a recession and high unemployment, military charities will feel the force of veterans struggling to make their way on civvy street during these bad economic times.

What the Government could start with doing is ensuring that anyone who is facing forced redundancy does not miss out on their pension.

After all, bus drivers have today heralded a ‘victory’ in their fight for more money to work during the games. The Armed Forces do not have the option of striking: they rely on the Government to honour its side of the bargain and they rely on the people to hold the Government to account. That’s you and me.

So particularly those of you attending the games, sign up to this petition to ensure that our Armed Forces get what they deserve. And don’t forget to thank the soldier, sailor, airman or marine who you see working at the Olympics.

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