At least you’re guaranteed a seat! The giant tube carriage-shaped tent that will set you back £1,999

Ailsa Leslie

19:52 EST, 29 July 2012


19:52 EST, 29 July 2012

With the Olympics gracing London, thousands of extra visitors are cramming on to the Capital’s Tube.

And, if you’re feeling left out, why not bring a slice of London to you, in the shape of this Northern line train tent.

Not only will its bold, eye-catching design stop all other campers in  their tracks, the giant 2.5m x 15.5m, five-compartment tent can hold 72 people standing or 16 sleeping  — perfect for a group or large family getaway.

Plenty of room: This Northern line train tent costs £1,999.99 and can hold 72 people standing or 16 sleeping

Plenty of room: This Northern line train tent costs £1,999.99 and can hold 72 people standing or 16 sleeping

Better still, the three sets of doors open sideways just like on a Tube carriage, although you’ll have to remind yourself to mind the gap!

At £1,999.99 from, it costs rather more than a Underground ticket,  but at least you are guaranteed a seat.

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