Austerity shoppers searching for a bargain fuel £90m bonanza for Oxfam and other charity shops

Becky Barrow

20:03 EST, 23 July 2012


20:03 EST, 23 July 2012

Shoppers looking for value for money in the recession are turning to charity  stores in soaring numbers.

Oxfam reported an all-time sales record of nearly £90million from its shops and website over the last year, £4million more than the previous 12 months.

This is the equivalent of Oxfam selling £250,000 worth of goods every weekday and weekend, largely from donated items.

All-time record: Sales at Oxfam have reached their highest level ever with the charity making £90m from its shops and website in the past year

All-time record: Sales at Oxfam have reached their highest level ever with the charity making £90m from its shops and website in the past year

Overall, £25.5million will be pumped into the charity’s coffers, which is a like-for-like increase of six per cent. Oxfam’s results are in stark contrast to other shops on the ailing high street.

Recently, angry shareholders and workers rounded on Marks Spencer boss Marc Bolland after the beleaguered high-street giant revealed its worst figures since the start of the recession in 2008.

Despite the help of celebrities such as Twiggy and Gary Barlow who have starred in MS adverts, general merchandise sales, including clothing, slumped by 6.8 per cent in the 13 weeks to June 30.

Modest: Oxfam chief Barbara Stocking receive a salary of £105,943, a small figure compared to MS chief Marc Bolland's £1.68m. Mr Bolland has seen sales slump while Oxfam's are booming

Modest: Oxfam chief Barbara Stocking receive a salary of £105,943, a small figure compared to MS chief Marc Bolland’s £1.68m. Mr Bolland has seen sales slump while Oxfam’s are booming

But while Mr  Bolland scoops a pay package worth  £1.68million, Oxfam chief executive, Barbara Stocking, receives a total package of a more modest £105,943.

Oxfam’s 700 stores across Britain offer some of the cheapest clothes, books and other goods on the high street, including second-hand designer clothes at rock-bottom prices.

Research from the Bank of England suggests that families are ‘ever more focused on obtaining value for money’.

The Bank’s monthly reports published throughout the recession reveal how people are switching to cheaper shops or will only shop if there is a sale or a promotion.

Andrew Horton, trading director of  Oxfam, said more and more people are turning to charity shops as a way of cutting  family spending.

Mr Horton said the charity’s bestsellers are clothes, particularly women’s clothing, books and bric-a-brac, such as second-hand dinner sets, glasses and ceramics.

The figures from Oxfam’s annual report, published today, also reveal how people are donating generously to the charity’s shops despite the double dip recession.

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