‘Awakening boosts Iran-Arab world ties’

“Fortunately, following the positive developments during the Islamic Awakening in the regional countries and particularly the effective role of the Islamic Republic of Iran in this awakening, the interactions of the regional countries with Iran increased,” IRNA quoted Ali Akbar Velayati, the secretary general of the International Islamic Awakening Conference, as saying.

Velayati noted that following the tide of Arab uprisings, various delegations from the regional countries have visited Iran, out of which ten were only from Egypt.

The senior Iranian official pointed out that the Egyptian delegations have been astonished by Iran’s remarkable achievements in different spheres particularly in medical fields.

Since early 2011, a tide of revolutions and popular uprising has spread across the Arab countries in the Middle East and North Africa.

The developments have so far led to the downfall of three US-backed authoritarian regimes in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya.

Many observers contend that the Islamic Awakening movement has been inspired by Iran’s Islamic Revolution in 1979.


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