Baby offered for sale

A Dallas mother is suspected of trying to sell her newborn in a classified ad, reported.

A would-be-buyer of the baby got cold feet and contacted Dallas police about the classified ad selling a 4-month-old baby boy for $4,000.

Managers at the Shadow Ridge apartments went into the mother’s apartment Friday afternoon to try and collect back rent. Police said the managers found the baby alone in his crib with no one else in the apartment.

The mother was arrested on a charge of child abandonment when she returned home. An empty car seat was in the backseat of her Honda.

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Her name was not released as of late Friday night.

Dallas police said the 4-month-old boy was in the care of Child Protective Services.

Mom seemed ‘very depressed’
Neighbors at the apartment complex where the woman was cuffed and taken into custody said they were horrified.

“I can’t take this,” Omara Muhammad said. “It’s hard to see anybody’s child go through something like this. It’s not fair.”

“I just think it’s a very sad situation, and I’m glad that the baby is safe and away from those people,” Latonia Smith said.

“I saw her when she was pregnant, and she just seemed to be very depressed, always alone sitting on the stairway,” Smith said.

Neighbors said they wished the mother would have made a cry for help.

“I’d have been there for her if I had known all of this,” Muhammad said. “I’m not working; I’m a senior citizen. I’m home 24-7.”

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