Bahraini forces attack Salmabad protest

Witnesses say regime forces fired tear gas on demonstrators in Salmabad on Monday as they were mourning the death of an activist who was killed in Manama crackdown several days ago.

There were no immediate reports of casualties.

The attack came hours after Bahraini troops raided several homes in the northeastern town of Sitra, arresting dozens of activists, who have been taking part in anti-government rallies.

Sitra has long been the center of protests against the Al Khalifa regime and the opposition calls it the ”Capital of Revolution.”

Bahrainis have been staging demonstrations since mid-February 2011, demanding political reform and a constitutional monarchy, a demand that later changed to an outright call for the ouster of the ruling Al Khalifa family following its brutal crackdown on popular protests.

Scores of people have also been killed and many others have been injured in the Saudi-backed crackdown on peaceful protesters in Bahrain.

Bahraini demonstrators hold King Hamad Al Khalifa responsible for the killings during the popular uprising in the country.


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