Barack Obama says US and Israel ‘in lockstep’ on Iran

Gen Hossein Salami, deputy commander of the elite Revolutionary Guard, Iran’s
most powerful military force appeared to be warning Iran’s neighbours not to
let their territory or airspace be used as a base for an attack.

“Any place where enemy offensive operations against the Islamic Republic of
Iran originate will be the target of a reciprocal attack by the Guard’s
fighting units,” Gen Salami said, according to the semi-official Fars news

The Revolutionary Guard started manoeuvres in the country’s south on Saturday,
following naval exercises near the Strait of Hormuz, a vital oil export
route. Iran has threatened to close off the strait if Western sanctions
limit Iranian oil exports. Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, said
yesterday that economic and military might are the country’s only guarantee
for peace and security following developments in Iran and Syria.

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