Baroness Warsi to be investigated by Lords sleaze watchdog over expenses claim

Daily Mail Reporter

18:45 EST, 6 June 2012


07:40 EST, 7 June 2012

Baroness Warsi will be formally investigated by a sleaze watchdog over allegations she claimed up to £2,000 in expenses while staying rent-free with a friend.

The House of Lords Commissioner for Standards Paul Kernaghan announced he will hold an inquiry into claims that the Conservative co-chairman claimed £165 a night while staying with a friend during a brief period in early 2008.

Lady Warsi, who referred herself to the watchdog, has denied any wrongdoing and insists she made an ‘appropriate payment’ to Conservative party official Naweed Khan.

The House of Lords Standards Commissioner has launched a formal investigation into Cabinet minister Baroness Warsi's expenses claims

The House of Lords Standards Commissioner has launched a formal investigation into Cabinet minister Baroness Warsi’s expenses claims

Former Tory donor Wafik Moustafa claims she stayed rent-free in his West London home.

Labour called for a criminal inquiry but Scotland Yard said yesterday it would not investigate the claims.

The news comes after David Cameron ordered an inquiry on Monday into whether the Tory peer breached the ministerial code when she was accompanied by a business partner on an official visit to Pakistan.

The Prime Minister asked Sir Alex Allan,
his independent adviser on ministerial interests, to investigate after
she admitted failing to disclose her relationship to Abid Hussain.

Former Tory donor Dr Wasik Moustafa claims Baroness Warsi stayed at his home in Acton, West London as a guest for free but then later claimed parliamentary expenses for overnight accommodation at £165.50 a night

Former Tory donor Dr Wasik Moustafa claims Baroness Warsi stayed at his home in Acton, West London as a guest for free but then later claimed parliamentary expenses for overnight accommodation at £165.50 a night

Lady Warsi has issued a grovelling apology for any ¿embarrassment¿ caused to the government over her relationship with relative Mr Hussain after staying in his house (pictured)

Lady Warsi has issued a grovelling apology for any ¿embarrassment¿ caused to the government over her relationship with relative Mr Hussain after staying in his house (pictured)

Lady Warsi has issued a grovelling apology for any ‘embarrassment’ caused to the government over her relationship with relative Mr Hussain.

Mr Cameron has been accused of double standards over the decision to refer Lady Warsi, but not Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt, to Sir Alex.

He insisted yesterday the two cases were ‘very different’ but Tories have accused him of throwing Lady Warsi ‘to the wolves’.

Justice Secretary Ken Clarke claimed Lady Warsi had been subjected to a media ‘lynch mob’ and dismissed some of the complaints against her as ‘downright silly’.

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Well…..we reward failure in this country so with this in mind. She will be investigated and the result will be ………she has done nothing wrong……UNBELIEVABLE!!!

They still dont get it do they !! In this particular case Ms Warsi says she made an ‘appropriate payment’ for staying with her friend. I expect that amounted to a bottle of half decent Chablis, but whatever she paid is NOT the point. It’s the morality of claiming £165 when the actual amount spent is far less than that. Even now, our politicians see nothing wrong with that.

Until such times as politicians are made to justify their expenses with genuine receipts then this full time fraud will continue. Lords excluded but similarly affected, there are only 650 MPs to supervise and yet they make a greater fuss than international companies where there are thousands of employees.
It seems in the MPs interests only to find excuses for not checking claims. If they cannot be trusted with the expenses what price our futures in their hands.

how come this person is a BARONESS!!!!!!!!

In the private sector you would be told to clear your desk,in the fantasy world of the public sector and especially where politicians are concerned it is always an ‘oversight’.

”””Baroness Warsi to be formally investigated by Lords watchdog””””….. If she found to have been fraudulent who will have the b@11$ to challenge her.

Stop all MPs expences NOW!….they should live on just their wages, as the rest of the working population do….

They huffed and they puffed… Cameron going through the motions with this referral which is just a bunch of nothing. Warsi will emerge with an advisory on what to declare in the future and carry on claiming will be the order of the day.

It is about time the laws of this country were changed. Where else can crooks swindlers and greedy investigate themselves for crimes. Do you really think they will find their pals guilty of anything and if they do they carry on regardless.

Another waste of taxpayers money… Question is, why throw her to the lions and not throw Mr Hunt???!!!

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