Bassist for 3 Doors Down arrested for DUI in Miss.

D’IBERVILLE, Miss. (AP) — 3 Doors Down bassist Todd Harrell has been released on $1,000 bond after being arrested on a DUI-related charge following an accident in southern Mississippi.

Police Chief Wayne Payne says in a news release that 40-year-old Todd Harrell was pulled over after 7 a.m. Thursday in D’Iberville after failing to stop at an intersection and colliding with a pickup truck.

Payne says Harrell was charged with DUI and for not wearing a seatbelt. Harrell was released on bond after an appearance before a judge.

Payne says Harrell consented to a blood test and a toxicology report is pending.

Harrell, former guitarist Matt Roberts and lead singer Brad Arnold formed the band 3 Doors Down in Escatawpa, Miss., in 1996. Roberts left the band in May with health problems.

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