BBC strike could embitter Queen Jubilee

The National Union of journalists (NUJ) as well as Unite and broadcasting union BECTU said the BBC has offered a “derisory” one percent increase in pays and conditions for its staff.

They said if their members at BBC vote for a strike, the jubilee event in June could be targeted.

The BBC staff are outraged by the broadcaster’s financial policy and say their pay has fallen by seven percent since 2007 because of soaring inflation while the BBC has been reluctant to even discuss its staff’s concerns with unions.

“Union members had already voiced frustration at the BBC’s refusal to negotiate on their 2012 pay claim. Only one meeting has been held in which management tabled a ‘final’ offer of 1 per cent, subject to a minimum increase of £400, to officials from BECTU, the NUJ and Unite,” a joint statement by the three unions said.

“The BBC has now written directly to staff stating its intention to implement the pay award from June rather than August,” the statement added.

The BBC staff will be balloted at the end of April and the result will be out on May 21.

That would make the first days of June, which will mark the 60th anniversary of the Queen’s accession to British throne, the earliest time unions could go on strike.


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