Beakie the blue tit with an over-grown beak

Daily Mail Reporter

Last updated at 1:20 AM on 5th March 2012

A blue tit with a freakishly long beak is attracting bird lovers from across the world.

Affectionately christened Beakie, the bird has become the top attraction at Mottisfont House, near Romsey, in Hampshire.

He was first spotted near the visitors reception at the start of winter and has since taken up residence at the National Trust grounds.

Main attraction: Beakie, right, the Blue tit whose beak has not stopped growing

Main attraction: Beakie, right, the Blue tit whose beak has not stopped growing

Andy Southam, receptionist supervisor told the Daily Express: ‘People come from all over just to see Beakie and he seems to be doing very well.

‘We have over 28 different species visit our feeders – but Beakie is definitely the main attraction.’

Experts believe his beak could grow further and will continue to monitor the tit with fears that the deformity could affect its ability to preen and feed.

There are around 3.3 million blue tits in Britain with deformities in the species rare but no unheard of.

Main attraction: Beakie the Blue tit whose beak has not stopped growing

Main attraction: Beakie the Blue tit whose beak has not stopped growing

Experts will continue to monitor Beakie in order to ensure his beak doesn’t interfere with his ability to feed

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