Benjamin Netanyahu: sanctions on Iran are not working

For months, US officials have sought to dissuade Israel from launching
unilateral military action against Iran’s
nuclear facilities, urging Mr Netanyahu to give beefed-up sanctions against
Tehran the chance to work.

Although Israel fell reluctantly into line, there are signs that the uneasy
consensus may be weakening.

Analysts suggest, however, that Israel’s increasingly bellicose rhetoric may
partly be driven by Barack Obama’s perceived vulnerability over being seen
as weak on Iran three months before the US presidential election.

Mitt Romney, Mr Obama’s Republican challenger, visited Jerusalem this week and
signalled that he would not stand in the way of Israeli military strikes
against Iran.

Mr Panetta adopted a tough tone against Iran as he attempted to reassure his
Israeli hosts, implicitly threatening an American military attack if Iran
failed to curb its nuclear ambitions.

“If they make the decision to proceed with a nuclear weapon, we have
options that we are prepared to implement to ensure that does not happen,”
he said.

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